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Michelle Trachtenberg - Live Chat, September 2001

Not the jealous type
  Envious fans, America and special powers

Â鶹ԼÅÄ Host: Hello, and welcome to tonight’s live chat with Michelle Trachtenberg. Before we start, could you tell us how you feel about last week's tragic events in New York?

Michelle: Thank you all for signing in and chatting with me. I think in the light of what happened on Tuesday, I love the fact that some of us are able to go on, really come together and still talk to each other.

Of course, it's terrible what happened on Tuesday and my thoughts and prayers are with all of the families and friends of those who have not been found yet. Coming from New York myself, I feel honoured that each and every New Yorker is volunteering and coming together.

Dominique Dutch: Do you know that many girls are jealous at you because you work on Buffy?

Michelle: Well, I hope they're not jealous (laughs) but I can't tell you how much I like being on Buffy. It was my favourite show even before I was on it. I love giving Dawn back to the audience, and I love the fact that the audience really gives back to me through their comments.

Andrew Williams: If Dawn could super powers what would they be?

Michelle: It would probably be cleaning her room really quickly or finishing her homework really quickly so she can go and have fun with her friends.

Little Demon
  Monster ambitions, Harry Potter and not being annoying

Pete Hewitt: If you could play any other character on Buffy, which one would it be?

Michelle: I've always wanted to play a demon or a vampire because I think they always look so awesome! I love how their make-up is and they always have such exciting storylines.

Drusilla: Do you have a favourite character from the Harry Potter books?

Michelle: Ooh. Let's see. That's a difficult question, because each character is so special to me because I love the series so much. I think I would have to say either Harry (of course), or Dumbledore, because he's always described as such a kind-hearted wizard. And he always helps Harry in any situation.

Claire Thompson: A lot of kids on TV shows end up being a little annoying. Thankfully Dawn is one of the exceptions. What is it about her character that makes the difference?

Michelle: I think that especially on a show like Buffy, when each female character is portrayed as being very confident and outgoing, Dawn is viewed very much like the people around her. Dawn is also a very opinionated, up-beat, and confident girl. Maybe that's why she's not annoying. And thank you for that statement.

So not the Net girl
  On the Web, Glory and method acting

Nicolas Turner: Is Clare Kramer as terrifying as Glory in real life?

Michelle: No, actually (laughs). She's not as terrifying as she is as Glory.

Tim: Do you ever look at pages about yourself on the Internet?

Michelle: You know, I really don't. I know that there are a lot of pages that are created by true Buffy fans, and I appreciate the effort. But through work, school, and hanging out with my friends and family, the only internet time is either research or checking my mail and chatting with my friends. That's the most important to me. I chat on instant messaging with my friends.

Lianne MacInnes: Tony Head said he used chilli peppers to put himself in an agonising frame of mind for one difficult scene. Do you have any methods for emotional or painful scenes?

Michelle: Sometimes, when it's an especially dramatic scene, I like to separate myself from the rest of the cast. I like to get into a world where I'm the only one there. That way I can really get into my character, and understand what she is feeling.

Sister Act
  Working with SMG, being the baby and action figures

Rachel: Is Sarah Michelle Gellar like a real sister to you?

Michelle: Yes, I've known Sarah for seven or eight years, since All My Children, and in the years I've known her she's really grown as a person and a professional. We have a lot of fun together, and I think we have a lot of chemistry when we're in scenes together. I hope you guys see that too. When on set, if I ever have a cold, she brings me tea and throat lozenges - stuff to make me feel better. She's a great person.

Loopy Lucy: Is it hard being the youngest member of the cast?

Michelle: Actually, most of the actors are big kids. So, sometimes, I feel like the adult! We have a lot of fun on the set. What you guys don't get to see is each of us always making good fun of each other. If there was ever an hour of TV just of Buffy out-takes, you guys would never stop laughing.

Mark Harvey: I collect the Buffy action figures - do you want a Dawn figure to be made and what accessories should it have?

Michelle: Oooh, I think that's kind of awesome, action figures. When I was younger, if my favourite TV show had merchandise, I totally bought it. Even now, with all of the Harry Potter merchandise, you'll find me purchasing a couple of things here and there. As to what accessories Dawn should have, I'd want to really help pick out her outfit, because it has to be really cool. But maybe I'll let you guys come up with all the accessories!

Breakfast Blunder
  Funniest moments, boyfriends and fashion sense

Kev S: What is your funniest moment on set?

Michelle: Actually, my funniest moment is also kind of embarrassing. During one of the earlier episodes of Season Five - I believe it was the second episode "Real Me - there is a scene when Dawn has to eat cereal in the kitchen. All I had to do was pour my cereal, take a bite, and say a line. I poured my cereal just fine, I took a bite, but actually took too much of a bite, and started choking before I could speak. I smashed my hand down on the counter, and almost knocked over the cereal bowl! Everyone laughed and it was a huge ice-breaker!

Steve: Would you mind if the writers gave Dawn a boyfriend in the future?

Michelle: laughs: I think it's a great idea, and when you guys will tune in to Season Six, you will have to keep that idea in mind. But I'm not saying anything.

Lianne MacInnes: Is Dawn's style and fashion sense much different from yours?

Michelle: Actually, my fashion sense is different from Dawn's. I, myself, am a little bit more trendy. Dawn is a little sportier. Whenever I go into wardrobe fittings, I always have a say in what I wear, because I am the one who is going to be wearing it. I have to feel comfortable in the clothes, and I truly have to feel that it is something that Dawn would wear. So clothes are very very important to the final outlook of the character.

Lights, camera, action
  Production ambitions, pets and season five

Bry C: If you could write an episode of Buffy, what would you write about?

Michelle: Ooh! Well, I'd have to see what the storylines are around the episode I would write. But it's definitely something I'm interested because I'm really interested in writing. I'd have to take some pointers from Joss. I trust him completely. Actually, I would like to, as I get older, try my hand at directing, writing and producing, maybe all at once. Or separately. But it is definitely something that interests me a great deal. And having a person like Joss constantly on set with you, you learn a lot about the process.

Pierced Punk: Most of the Buffy cast have pets. Do you?

Michelle: Yes, I have a cat named Casey.

Harmony: How did you feel about the emotional Season Five finale?

Michelle: Well, it's definitely, in Buffy tradition, to really shock you guys, and as to how things are going to turn out, you'll have to tune in and see. All I can say, is that from the point of the season finale, to the season premiere, there was a time difference. Some time has passed. And that's all I can say.

A new Dawn for Buffy?
  Spin-offs, cartoons and Spike

SK 58: Would you like your own show Dawn the Vampire Slayer?

Michelle: Well I don't know what our writers and producers are planning, but if ever that would become a topic of discussion, it would definitely be something I'm very interested in. Dawn is a great character. And the people I work with every day would be wonderful to work with for a while longer.

Mickey: Would you like to be in the Buffy cartoon?

Michelle: I loved all animated shows, and one that comes from Buffy… I think it's very exciting to do voices, and you don't need to worry about how you look, or what you're wearing, but that's still just at the beginning stages of discussion. But that's one for the head honchos!

Dutch Spike: Is Spike going to go out with Buffy ... or should he go out with Dawn?

Michelle: You guys, I think there's bit of a huge age difference! But I really can't say, you'll have to tune in and see what happens on Buffy.

  Being famous, friends and privacy

Rachel Monaghan: Is it cool to be famous?

Michelle: It's very cool to know that something I love to do gives back to the audience. I love entertaining people, and giving them a reason to tune in to their televisions. I love doing what I do so much, that when someone gives me a compliment, I truly appreciate it.

Amy: What do your friends think about you being in Buffy?

Michelle: Well, if they were jealous of me, then they wouldn't be my friends. They never ask me for any hints as to what's coming up, because they know I'll never tell them. If ever I thought that a friend of mine was only my friend because I was an actress, then she wouldn't be a friend of mine for much longer. I have a nice balance of friends who are actors and actresses, and friends who are not.

Hannah Watson: Have you found privacy a problem since you are famous?

Michelle: Yeah. When you just wanna go out with your friends to the mall, or you're having a bad hair day, you're not looking forward to someone stopping you and recognising you. But the truth of the matter is, it's always flattering when it happens.

Double Trouble
  Stunt doubles, visiting the UK and rumours

Emily GLR: Do you plan to visit the UK at all?

Michelle: I really, really want to actually. I spent about two weeks in London a few years back, and I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it. I've been dreaming of Harrods ever since. It's the culture - the museums, and everything about it is very exciting to me.

Dave: Do you have a stunt double and is she older than you?

Michelle: Yes, I do have a stunt double, but I really don't know how old she is. She is quite a bit older than I am. She is an experienced stuntwoman.

Laura McCulloch: What has been the funniest rumour you've heard about yourself?

Michelle: Oh gosh, there's so many. I think it's just… whenever I read a magazine that says something I've never said before, it's kind of hurtful to me. Because, obviously, I may not agree with that statement. But that really is a price to pay when you're in the public eye, doing what you love to do. So, whenever anybody says something that I never said, I correct them and move on with my day. It's all that you can do.

Good advice
  Tips for young hopefuls and good and bad TV

Hannah Watson: Do you have any advice for young hopefuls?

Michelle: There's actually a lot of advice that I like to give to young hopefuls, or hopefuls of any age. I always like to say that even though you may be attracted by the more glamorous aspects of Hollywood, it doesn't happen overnight. There's a lot of hard work that goes into being a good actress. People do not just wake up and think, "I want to be on TV today."

You have to truly believe in your goals, and really fight for what you love. There's also many sacrifices that one has to make. Sometimes, it is a choice of meeting with a director, or hanging out with your friends. For me, that choice has always been meeting with the director. This line of work takes a lot of determination, especially because there is a lot of rejection in this business. But if you truly want to do this, with every fibre of your being, then just remember, it's all about hard work.

Doug: Name one TV program you would never star in?

Michelle: I never liked to say if there is a particular programme, or a particular magazine I don't like to read because either one of my friends likes that programme or magazine, or one of you do. We each have our reasons for not liking or liking something. I'm always open minded to new shows, books, and magazines, but it is important to remember, that we each have our own opinions, and they differ at times. And that is absolutely okay.

Becky Forryan: What TV program or film would you like to star in the near future?

Michelle: Well, Buffy is definitely very demanding. When the season is over, I'm looking forward to doing a movie because I love working. It's not a job to me. It's more like a hobby. Something I love to do, and have fun doing. But if I have to say, I'd like to guest star on shows like The West Wing and Will and Grace. Maybe even host a talk show one day. You never know what the future holds. I like to leave things up to chance. And if fate leads me to one area, then I will go to that area gladly.

Key moments (spoilers)
  Favourite scenes, preparation and crushes

Arminder Dahul: What has been your best scene as Dawn on Buffy?

Michelle: It's really difficult to pick a best scene, because I'm very lucky when I say that most of the scenes I play in as Dawn are quite wonderful. We have a great group of writers that always give us wonderful things to say, but if I absolutely have to pick a favourite, it would either have to be when Dawn finds out that she is The Key. Or when Dawn and Buffy's mom dies. When Dawn just finds out.

David: Did you do a lot of preparation before you began playing Dawn?

Michelle: When I signed on to play Dawn, my first creative meeting with Joss Whedon was pretty much "Hi, welcome to the show, you're a teenager, you're a key, and we really don't know what that is yet. Have fun." So, I started the show just playing a regular teenager. But with every episode I really grew as a character, and I felt more comfortable with Dawn. I hope you guys can see that as you watch the show, the progression of the character.

Lisa: Dawn has a crush on Xander, and then on Spike. Who do you like best?

Michelle: I really don't have a crush on either of the actors. Nicky and James are both great guys, but it's kind of like having a crush on your brother. It's just weird. But we do have a lot of fun on the set.

Bad Girls (spoilers)
  Rebellion, singing and The Body

Mel Caals: Would you like to see Dawn turn bad for an episode?

Michelle: Definitely. There was one episode in Season Five where she experimented with evil Dawn and good Dawn, and you'll see in the sixth season, that Dawn gets a little more rebellious. I think that kind of attitude is exciting for any actor to play. Especially when that is not normal for their character. So you never know.

Kat: Is it true that in Season Six we see dawn's wild-side. Does she get drunk?

Michelle: Well, you guys know more than I do, I guess . All I can say is that this season will be a little bit more rebellious for Dawn. But as to what that includes, I really don't know myself yet.

Dawn: What can you tell us about the all musical episode? Do you get to sing?

Michelle: We have all started dance rehearsals and singing lessons already. We each are doing a little bit of singing, and it should be very exciting. It's written and directed by Joss, so you guys must know how wonderful it's going to be!

SteveB: After seeing The Body for the first time I was crying, how hard was it to film?

Michelle: It was very difficult to get into the mind set of Dawn because losing a loved one is a very serious topic. I myself have a great relationship with my mom, and whereas I usually try to relate things that happen to Dawn to my life, I really had to view Dawn as a separate person for this one, and really feel how she would react. I'll leave it up to you guys to see how I did, and if you believed me.

Max Smith: Dawn's shown a lot of interest in witchcraft, are we likely to see her interacting with Willow/Tara a lot more in Season Six?

Michelle: Well, the interest Dawn showed was through desperate times, and if there ever is a desire for Dawn to experiment again, I'll leave that up to the writers to create it.

Signing off
  Final words from Michelle

Â鶹ԼÅÄ Host: Is there a final message you would like to give to all your fans who have joined in tonight?

Michelle: Thank you everybody for signing on and chatting with me. I've had a lot of fun, and I hope you guys have too. In the wake of last week's tragedy, I hope you guys will follow suit with us here in America, and come together as a people. Because together, things can be accomplished. Thanks again, and keep watching. We love to fill you up with surprises.