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I of the Beholder - A fully-playable Buffy Role Play game adventure.

Statistics pages
  What the character statistics mean

Included in this online adventure are a set of pre-generated characters based on the cast of Buffy as of the start of the fifth season. They can be used to learn the basics of the game, and they’ll also come in handy for the fully-playable adventure provided.

A typical cast for the game consists of a mixture of Heroes, White Hats and possibly Experienced Heroes. Heroes are the action types, with higher attributes and skills than the norm. White Hats are the normal folks caught up in bad times, with only average abilities but determined to make a difference. They do start the game with double the amount of Drama Points that Heroes do though. Most of the Original Cast listed here are very experienced, blurring the line between types, but that’s to be expected, as they’ve been at this a while.

All characters have Attributes — basic physical and mental abilities. In the Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG these are Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Perception, and Willpower. Human Attributes range from one to six, with two being average.

Life Points (LPs) represent the amount of damage a character can absorb, and are calculated from her Attributes. When a character’s Life Points are exhausted she is at or near death.

Drama Points are the extra edge that allows a character to succeed when it is vital, against overwhelming opposition. They allow for huge bonuses to actions, and quick recovery from devastating wounds. Starting Drama Points are based on the character type, but will go up and down throughout an adventure as they are spent and earned by the character’s actions.

Qualities and Drawbacks are positive and negative traits that help round out a character. They can modify Attributes, Life Points, and provide special abilities or penalties. The game effects of the character’s Qualities and Drawbacks are explained under each entry, and bonuses to other Attributes are already applied.

Skills are the abilities of the Cast Member. Skill level one represents an amateur. A two or three represents general competency. Extreme competence comes with levels four or five. Higher levels are possible, indicating mastery of the skill. There are 18 broadly defined skills in the BtVS RPG, allowing a character to be just as proficient in a number of areas as their typical TV counterpart. Where skills may overlap (such as the ability to sneak in the case of Acrobatics and Crime), it is up to you to decide which applies in any given situation. The Wild Card skill is a catchall that allows the player to define a narrow-focus skill for character reasons, or to create a new skill not otherwise covered (at your discretion).

Manoeuvres are a list of a character’s signature combat moves (punches and kicks, that sort of thing — not screaming like a girl and running). They include the Attribute and skill Bonus and Base Damages already, so you don’t have to make like a calculator during play. Unless the Notes, which may contain modifiers, say otherwise.

The Original Cast Members supplied should get the group playing as quickly as possible. You should hand them around to the players or have each one select which Cast Member they wish to play. There are notes for each, describing the starting situations and personalities of each for the included adventure.

Statistics pages


Buffy Anne Summers

Character Type: (Very experienced) Hero
Strength 8, Dexterity 9, Constitution 8, Intelligence 3, Perception 4, Willpower 6
Life Points: 101
Drama Points: 4

+3 (+3 on all Social Tasks)
Fast Reaction Time: (+1 on Fear Checks; +5 to Initiative)
Hard to Kill: 9 (+27 Life Points; +9 on Survival Tests)
Nerves of Steel: (+4 on Fright Checks; only necessary under very unusual circumstances)
Psychic Visions: (sees future in visions or dreams, when the Director wants)
Slayer: (adds numerous bonuses, able to heal 8 Life Points per hour)

(Lots) 8 (occupational hazard; Slayers attract enemies)
Honorable: 2 (always keeps word and will not betray trust of others, once accepted)
Love: (Tragic) (develops romantic relationships that end badly; -3 Willpower check to follow head over heart)
Obligation: (duties of the Slayer, to the death)

Acrobatics 9, Art 0, Computers 0, Crime 3, Doctor 2, Driving 0, Getting Medieval 8, Gun Fu 0, Influence 3, Knowledge 3, Kung Fu 9, Languages 0, Mr. Fix-It 1, Notice 5, Occultism 4, Science 1, Sports 1, Wild Card 0

Name Bonus Base Damage Notes
Axe 17 40 Slash/stab
Crossbow 17 16 Slash/stab
Crossbow (through the heart) 14 16 Times 5 versus Vampires
Dodge 18 - Defense action
Grapple 20 - Resisted by Dodge
Jump Kick 15 27 Bash; Acrobatics + Dexterity roll first
Kick 17 18 Bash
Kick (groin) 14 18 Ouch!
Punch 18 16 Bash
Quaterstaff 17 27 Bash
Spin Kick 16 20 Bash
Stake 14 16 Slash/stab
Stake 14 16 Slash/stab
Stake (through the heart) 17 16 Times 5 versus Vampires
Sweep Kick 17 8 Bash; Target prone
Sword 17 32 Slash/stab
Sword (decapitation) 12 32 Times 5 damage versus Vampires
Thrown stake 16 16 Slash/stab
Thrown stake (through the heart) 13 16 Times 5 versus Vampires
Toss 12 8 Bash; must Grapple first

Notes: You are still rooming with Willow in Stephenson Hall, though since Riley left, you’ve been out most nights, alone, hunting. You are very much looking forward to Riley’s return, though you have been really enjoying the nights out, alone. Too much, maybe?

Statistics pages


Willow Rosenberg

Character Type: (Very Experienced) White Hat
Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Constitution 3, Intelligence 5, Perception 2, Willpower 5
Life Points: 26
Drama Points: 8

Attractiveness: +2 (+2 on all Social Tasks)
Occult Library: 2 (modest collection, containing D10 + 30 spells)
Nerd: (adds certain bonuses; -1 on all Social Tasks)
Sorcery: 7 (+5 to spellcasting; add to Willpower for telekinesis; quick casting)

(Assorted) 4 (hazard by association; a Slayer’s allies attract enemies)
Love: (develops romantic relationships; -3 Willpower check to follow head over heart)
Minority: (Gay Jewish Wicca)

Acrobatics 4, Art 0, Computers 7, Crime 1, Doctor 2, Driving 0, Getting Medieval 2, Gun Fu 0, Influence 2, Knowledge 6, Kung Fu 3, Languages 3, Mr. Fix-It 4, Notice 4, Occultism 5, Science 5, Sports 0, Wild Card 0

Name Bonus Base Damage Notes
Dodge 6 - Defense action
Magic 15 Varies By spell
Punch 5 2 Bash
Stake 4 2 Slash/stab
Stake (through the heart) 1 2 Times 5 versus Vampires
Telekinesis 12 2 x success levels Bash or slash/stab

Notes: You are still rooming with Buffy in Stephenson Hall, though you are spending more nights at Tara’s. You tend to catch up with Buffy on the previous night’s patrol after class (or sometimes during — she’s been extra-wired lately).

Statistics pages


Alexander "Xander" LaVelle Harris

Character Type: (Very Experienced) White Hat
Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Constitution 4, Intelligence 2, Perception 2, Willpower 4
Life Points: 53
Drama Points: 8

+2 (+2 on all Social Tasks)
Hard to Kill: 5 (+15 Life Points; +5 on Survival Tests)
Good Luck: 5 (once per game session, add +5 to any roll or a total of +5 spread among more than one roll)

(Assorted) 4 (hazard by association; a Slayer’s allies attract enemies)
Clown: (jokes at times, even inappropriate ones)
Love: (develops romantic relationships; -3 Willpower check to follow head over heart)

Acrobatics 5, Art 0, Computers 0, Crime 2, Doctor 1, Driving 3, Getting Medieval 5, Gun Fu 1, Influence 1, Knowledge 2, Kung Fu 5, Languages 0, Mr. Fix-It 4, Notice 4, Occultism 3, Science 1, Sports 0, Wild Card (Military Knowledge) 1
Name Bonus Base Damage Notes
Axe 8 15 Slash/stab
Dodge 8 - Defense action
Kick 7 8 Bash
Punch 8 6 Bash
Stake 8 6 Slash/stab
Stake (through the heart) 5 6 Times 5 versus Vampires

Notes: Still living in your parents’ basement, you’ve been able to spend more time with Anya recently since Buffy hasn’t needed you since Adam was killed. Getting regular work is still a problem, so you are currently working for the local Sunny Pizza Kitchen franchise.

Statistics pages


Anyanka "Anya" Christina Emmanuella Jenkins

Character Type: Ex-Demon
Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Constitution 3, Intelligence 3, Perception 2, Willpower 4
Life Points: 45
Drama Points: 8

3 (+9 Skill Points)
Attractiveness: +3 (+3 on all Social Tasks)
Contacts: (Demonic) (allies help in any way they can)
Hard to Kill: 5 (+15 Life Points; +5 on Survival Tests)

(Greedy) 1
Emotional Problems: (Fear of Rabbits) 1
Love: (develops romantic relationships; -3 Willpower check to follow head over heart)
Mental Problems: (Cruelty) 1 (likes to inflict pain and suffering on those who have angered or attacked her)
Misfit: (-2 to Influence Tasks)
Secret: (Ex-demon) 3 (life threatening if revealed)

Acrobatics 3, Art 0, Computers 1, Crime 1, Doctor 1, Driving 2, Getting Medieval 3, Gun Fu 0, Influence 2, Knowledge 3, Kung Fu 2, Languages 3, Mr. Fix-It 0, Notice 4, Occultism 4, Science 0, Sports 0, Wild Card (Demon Facts) 9

Name Bonus Base Damage Notes
Dodge 6 - Defense action
Punch 5 4 Bash
Stake 6 4 Slash/stab
Stake (through the heart) 3 4 Times 5 versus Vampires

Notes: You like that Xander has been spending more time with you, but he still lives in his parent’s basement and is constantly short of money. His jobs are dull, but you sometimes tag along to encourage him to stick with it, since when he gets fired he has even less money to spend on you. Also on the plus side, with the Initiative gone, you don’t have to worry so much about being discovered as an ex-demon.

Statistics pages

Riley Finn

Riley Finn

Character Type: (Experienced) Hero
Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Constitution 4, Intelligence 3, Perception 3,Willpower 4
Life Points: 61
Drama Points: 4

+2 (+3 on all Social Tasks)
Fast Reaction Time: (+1 on Fear Checks; +5 to Initiative)
Hard to Kill: 5 (+15 Life Points; +5 on Survival Tests)
Initiative Commando: (adds certain bonuses)
Natural Toughness: (4 Armor vs. blunt attacks)
Nerves of Steel: (+4 on Fright Checks; only necessary under very unusual circumstances)

(Various) 4 (occupational hazard; demon hunters attract enemies)
Love: (Tragic) (develops romantic relationships that end badly; -3 Willpower check to follow head over heart)
Obligation: (Initiative) (duty to the death)

Acrobatics 7, Art 0, Computers 2, Crime 6, Doctor 3, Driving 4, Getting Medieval 5, Gun Fu 9, Influence 3, Knowledge 3, Kung Fu 7, Languages 0, Mr. Fix-It 3, Notice 5, Occultism 3, Science 2, Sports 2, Wild Card (Initiative Tech) 4

Name Bonus Base Damage Notes
Dodge 12 - Defense action
Kick 11 12 Bash
Knife 10 10 Slash/stab
Punch 12 10 Bash
Stake 10 10 Slash/stab
Stake (through the heart) 7 10 Times 5 versus Vampires
Taser Rifle 14 5 Bash; knockout

Notes: You have just returned from debriefing with an honorable discharge. You were flown back in with a group of Initiative folks who are tasked with shutting down the base for good, but have now been left on your own. You have your TA job for the rest of the semester (you still TA for Buffy’s psych class, actually handling some of the lectures now that Prof. Tomlinson has stepped in for the late Prof. Walsh), and your dorm room in Lowell, but soon you’ll have to figure out what you’re going to do for the rest of your life. Having always assumed a military career, you are sometimes at a loss when you aren’t fighting alongside Buffy. You haven’t seen her since getting back, but are looking forward to getting reacquainted.

Statistics pages


Spike, aka William the Bloody

Character Type: Reformed (?) Big Bad
Strength 8, Dexterity 8, Constitution 7, Intelligence 3, Perception 3, Willpower 3
Life Points: 94
Drama Points: 4

Age: 2 (+6 Skill Points)
Attractiveness: +3 (+3 on all Social Tasks)
Fast Reaction Time: (+1 on Fear Checks; +5 to Initiative)
Hard to Kill: 8 (+24 Life Points; +8 on Survival Tests)
Nerves of Steel: (+4 on Fright Checks; only necessary under very unusual circumstances)
Situational Awareness: (+2 on Perception Tests to sense trouble)
Vampire: (adds certain bonuses and vulnerabilities; 1/5 damage from bullets; able to heal 7 Life Points per day from fire damage, 7 per hour otherwise)

(Several) 3 (vampires who hurt demons attract enemies)
Covetous: (Lecherous) (-1 to -3 to resist with a Willpower (doubled) check)
Love: (Tragic) (develops romantic relationships that end badly; -3 Willpower check to follow head over heart)
Mental Problems: (Cruelty) 2 (likes to inflict pain and suffering on others)

Acrobatics 9, Art 2, Computers 0, Crime 5, Doctor 2, Driving 4, Getting Medieval 7, Gun Fu 2, Influence 4, Knowledge 4, Kung Fu 8, Languages 0, Mr. Fix-It 2, Notice 5, Occultism 4, Science 0, Sports 0, Wild Card 0

Name Bonus Base Damage Notes
Bite 18 24 Must Grapple first; no defense action
Dodge 17 - Defense action
Grapple 18 - Resisted by Dodge
Kick 15 18 Bash
Punch 16 16 Bash
Spin Kick 14 20 Bash
Stake 16 16 Slash/stab
Stake (through the heart) 13 16 Times 5 versus Vampires
Sweep Kick 15 8 Bash; target prone
Sword 15 32 Slash/stab

Notes: You’ve been lying low in your crypt, catching up on "Passions" since your betrayal of the gang to Adam was revealed. They haven’t come gunning for you yet—probably think they can take their time, since you’re no threat with that chip in your head. That really burns you! Still, that means there’s time to "make it up to them." And that means pounding demons alongside them—which is the only way you can get in your daily quotient of violence these days anyway. Win—Win.

Statistics pages

Pic of some vamp

Dream Vampire

Predator, kill Buffy
Critter Type: Vampire
Strength 6, Dexterity 6, Constitution 6, Intelligence 3, Perception 3, Willpower 3
Life Points: 73
Drama Points: 4
Special Abilities:
Hard to Kill 5, Vampire

Name Score Damage Notes
Bite 15 18 Must Grapple first; no defense action
Dodge 13 - Defense action
Grapple 15 - Resisted by dodge
Kick 12 14 Bash
Punch 13 12 Bash

Statistics pages

Nevlock demon

Nevlock Demon

Chaos, obedience to summoner, feed
Critter Type: Demon
Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Constitution 4, Intelligence 3, Perception 4, Willpower 2
Ability Scores:
Muscle 14, Combat 14, Brains 12
Life Points: 42
Drama Points: 2
Special Abilities:
Claws, Increased Life Points, Reflection Illusion

Name Score Damage Notes
Claw 14 11 Slash/stab
Dodge 14 - Defense action
Punch 14 11 Bash

Statistics pages
  "Townsfolk" Vampires

Predator, protect Ethan
Critter Type: Vampire
Strength 6, Dexterity 6, Constitution 6, Intelligence 3, Perception 3, Willpower 3
Ability Scores:
Muscle 18, Combat 19, Brains 13
Life Points: 73
Drama Points: 1
Special Abilities:
Hard to Kill 5, Vampire

Name Score Damage Notes
Bite 19 23 Must Grapple first; no defense action
Dodge 19 - Defense action
Grapple 21 - Resisted by dodge
Kick 18 19 Bash
Punch 19 17 Bash

Statistics pages
  Graham and Initiative types

Fight the HST threat
Critter Type: Human
Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Constitution 3, Intelligence 2, Perception 3, Willpower 3
Ability Scores:
Muscle 14, Combat 15, Brains 10
Life Points: 44
Drama Points: 2
Special Abilities:
Hard to Kill 2

Name Score Damage Notes
Dodge 15 - Defense action
Kick 14 13 Bash
Punch 15 12 Bash
Hand Taser 15 9 Bash; knockout

Statistics pages

Jonathan - a Sunnydale residentJoe Townsperson (Devon, Percy, etc)

Survive, sex, money
Critter Type: Human
Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Constitution 2, Intelligence 2, Perception 2, Willpower 2
Ability Scores:
Muscle 10, Combat 8, Brains 10
Life Points: 26
Drama Points: 1
Special Abilities: None

Name Score Damage Notes
Dodge 8 - Defense action
Punch 8 4 Bash