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I of the Beholder - A fully-playable Buffy Role Play game adventure.

  Background and teaser for I of the Beholder

Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer...

This Episode takes place immediately following Season Four. Adam is dead, the Initiative is disbanding, and Riley has just returned from his debriefing. Spike is still wary of the Scooby Gang after his recent betrayal of them to Adam. This scenario has been designed for six playable characters — Buffy, Willow, Xander, Anya, Riley and Spike. You can find all the details you need to play them in the Statistics pages.

If there are less than six players, use Spike as a Supporting Cast Member (i.e. a character controlled by the director), or have Xander’s player double up with him (they balance well between combat and non-combat). Giles should remain Supporting Cast, to blur the line when Ethan takes his place as needed. No stats for Ethan Rayne have been included here, as none are needed. Most of his actions occur off screen, and once he’s discovered, he’ll either give up (probably after the first punch) or run away.


The following cut-scene can be read out loud to the players:

It’s night, on the outskirts of the Sunnydale business district (Main Street). Jasper, a young college guy, is walking down the street, alone.

Passing by an alley, he stops when he spots the young blond girl walking down it towards the shadows. A wry smile plays across his lips as he heads in after her, careful not to make a sound.

"Sydney!" he calls out when he’s right behind her, causing her to jump, startled. "What’re you doing here, girl? It’s too late to be out here alone."

She shrugs. Then she gestures him closer, leaving her hand outstretched in anticipation.

Jasper’s smile widens. "You want someone to walk you back to campus, then? My pleasure." He takes her hand and she leads him into the dark at the back of the alley.

Jasper’s screams start almost immediately.

Act One: Introduction
  Perchance to Scream


Starting in middle of the action, to keep the players from immediately realizing it’s a dream, we have Buffy being attacked by several generic vampires on the site of the burnt out high school.


Get the character sheets handed out, and then go right into the battle. Buffy is armed with just a stake, the vampires with just their fists and fangs.

To get everyone in the swing of the rules without consequences, we have the other players controlling the vampire characters attacking Buffy, making it 5 to 1 against her (using the Dream Vampire template, rolling each attack). If there are fewer players, you can either increase the vampire Attribute scores or add an additional vampire or two to help balance out against the Slayer.

Use this opportunity to go through the basic die mechanics and options in combat, as well as the rules for Drama Points. Each vampire has two Drama Points, so they should be able to give Buffy a run for her money.

The twist is that as each vampire is staked, they explode into dust revealing the actual character that person is playing, dead (except for Spike’s player, who will have Giles revealed instead). After this happens the first time, explain Drama Point-based Righteous Fury — that should help Buffy clean up the rest of them. If this is played with a new Cast, such a sight might be worth a Fear Test, but Buffy has seen just about everything by now.

If things start to go against Buffy, have Spike (under your control) step out of the shadows to help slay the vampires, stating that she isn’t, "the only one who gets to kill her friends." Otherwise he steps out as the last vampire dusts out, clapping as he steps over the bodies of her friends.

"Finally come round to my way of thinking," he says, lighting a cigarette. "Never could stand a one of them, not that you weren’t the worst of the lot. But that’s all changed. It’s just you an’ me now, Slayer. Who’d a thought we’d end up with so much in common." He points towards a freestanding mirror covered with a dark cloth. A demon with glittering scales reaches from behind the mirror to remove the cloth, revealing that Buffy no longer has a reflection. Raising a hand to her face, she can feel the bumpy ridges of a vampiric visage. Then she wakes up.

Oh, remember to reset Buffy’s Life and Drama Points before the next Act. It was just dream, after all.

Act Two: Conflict
  Miss-Taken Identities


This Act assumes that the players initially go about their daily business as per usual, but since Buffy is aware of the dream at the start, her player might decide to skip classes and call the others together to discuss it.

If so, you may need to be creative in getting across the info contained in the incidents. Be careful not to let Spike languish in his crypt for too long. If the players pass up on opportunities to involve him early on, be ready to spring him via other means.


Psych Class: Professor Tomlinson is giving a lecture to Buffy and Willow’s class on how people use their senses to build a coherent picture of the world around them, and how victims of strokes, as well as other types of injuries and aphasia, have to relearn all of the cues their confused brains are now sending them. Tomlinson writes the following on the blackboard: "Keywords: operant conditioning!"

Riley starts the scene sitting at the side desk, grading Tomlinson’s latest pop quiz. This doesn’t prevent him from having a good view of the proceedings, though, including whether Buffy and Willow are paying any attention at all to class, or are using the opportunity to discuss Buffy’s latest nightmare.

Buffy and Willow, however, are most likely being distracted by what they overhear the two girls sitting in front of them (Heather and Melanie) gossiping about—Riley! Heather says she saw him last night outside of the Student Union — making out with, "get this — a freshman!"

"No way!"
"Totally way, as in all the . . ."
"Isn’t that illegal?"
"What’ya mean?"
"Don’t be a simp. Against school rules . . . y’know, codes of . . . conduct."
"Yeah, I think so. "

While that sinks in we get the added spectacle of Jesse, the girl sitting next to Parker (the guy who dissed our pal Buffy early in season four), slapping him. A hush falls over the class as Jesse exclaims, "I can’t believe you’ve got the nerve to use that line on me... today... after coming on to my roommate last night. I saw you two." She storms off, and an embarrassed Parker grabs his books and slinks out as well.

But not before Professor Tomlinson adds (unless the others beat him to the punch), "Nerve perhaps, but not a lot of smarts. Next time try paying attention to the material during class. You may not impress the ladies, but you might just surprise your professors." After Parker leaves the room, he finishes with, "Well, spring is definitely in the air today."

If Parker is approached later, he sheepishly denies Jesse’s accusations. And he has an alibi for last night—he was over at the Espresso Pump with a girl from his philosophy class. A girl not Jesse’s roommate.

Riley of course did not have a tryst with another freshman — he just got in late last night.

Something strange is afoot.

After class, if Riley succeeds at a Notice roll, he’ll spot Graham and another of the Initiative soldiers (both of which he knows had been transferred out of Sunnydale) in civilian dress and concealing their equipment. If he confronts them, Graham will acknowledge that they were recalled to town to take care of a "code red," but that it’s "need to know." Graham will ask Riley to report any strange occurrences by phone to the man at the desk, and to be careful, but will reveal no further information.

Pizza Coupons: Xander has to spend the afternoon passing out pizza coupons on Main Street, picking up old flyers from bulletin boards at the various businesses, and stapling up new ones. Anya is tagging along because... well, she’s Anya.

While swapping out the flyers inside the liquor store, a successful Notice roll will have one or both of the duo catch sight of Spike on the close circuit monitor in the store. He’s walking out of the Magic Shop and down the street past the Espresso Pump—in broad daylight! If they rush out to confront him, he’s nowhere to be seen.

Checking at the Magic Shop, Mr. Bogarty confirms that a man of Spike’s description was just in, purchasing items for a ritual. He bought some very specific supplies for what he described was a cleansing ritual, though it didn’t sound like any type Bogarty had heard of before. Hearing the list of ingredients, Anya can, on a successful Occultism check, determine that they are better suited for an unlocking or unbinding spell of some kind. So Spike is walking around during the day, probably looking for a way to disable his chip!

If they do not go immediately, this info may be found later, if someone goes to gather spell components. For example, if Anya wants to use her demon contacts, and this info is still unknown, have her go to the Shop to gather supplies to contact them. A mirror behind the counter will fail to display her image, and Mr. Bogarty will comment that someone earlier in the day also failed to reflect, and . . .

Since Spike is still staying in his crypt, they may choose to go there immediately to check up on him while he is still "docile." If Giles is consulted, he’ll suggest this. Spike has no knowledge of the Magic Shop trip, and still smokes in the presence of sunlight, thank you very much.

He’s been watching "Passions" (and if being played as a Supporting Cast Member resents the implications of someone running around, looking like him, and dragging his good name through the sunlight and all. Someone must be impersonating him! Somebody thinks he’s the new big bad—well, he’ll just have to trounce the sod).

Alternately they may decide to take the info to Buffy, Willow and Giles to compare notes. On the surface it may look like Spike is trying to develop his own private cure for chip headaches, but this notion has problems. First, Spike has been known to rely on others to do his spellcasting (as in season three). Secondly, it doesn’t explain his non-combustionality in the sunlight.

Still, as Giles points out, magical messing with the mind is a dangerous endeavor, even if used on an undead. The odds are good that even if the chip isn’t removed, enough damage might be done to turn Spike into a raving, murderous lunatic. Well, a raving, murderous lunatic with no sense of pain for the chip to restrain him with. If early on, this line of thinking could possibly lead to battle plans, culminating in confronting Spike as above. Alternatively, this could stretch into Act Three territory, when Spike is liable to walk right in on their discussion.

If the players don’t draw Spike into the mess, he needs to be pulled in by other means. A slimy Jawralen demon, Nestor, enters the crypt, tape measure in hand, and starts measuring various aspects of the décor, dripping as he goes. He doesn’t notice Spike at first, but when he does, he gets very apologetic.

He explains he heard about Spike’s jaunt out into the daylight, and figured the crypt would be available. He can relate the story as it’s already made its way into the demon grapevine. Spike needs to bundle up under a blanket and dodge from shadow to shadow if he wants to leave the safety of the crypt right away.

Act Three: Complication
  B is for Book


By now the group should have plenty of info indicating something deeply bizarre is going on. This Act may overlap with the first somewhat, especially if the gang decides to regroup before confronting Spike about the Magic Shop happenings. They may split up; some researching and some patrolling. In that case, consider advancing the townsfolk attack to the patrol (see Act Four).

It’s nightfall now, so Spike is able to wander freely.

The crew has no reflections from this point out. It’s also about this time that some of the victims start exhibiting loss of will from the mind control aspects of the reflections of their "souls" being taken. Vampires are immune, of course, not having a soul to be reflected and caught (just the usual visual reflection of light, which allows all of us to see and be seen).


Research: Hitting the books proves useful, as a successful Occultism check uncovers references to a Nelvock demon. Anya can substitute her Wild Card skill. Info varies depending on the Success Levels. Use the following descriptions if Giles’ (or a similar) collection of books is used, otherwise paraphrase as necessary.

Success level of 1-2: On page 232 of the Demonicus Grimoirum:

Nevlock woodcut The Nelvock demon

The power of the Nelvock demon is such that it steals the reflections of those around it. It uses the stolen reflections to cloak its true appearance and lull its victims into allowing it to come close enough for the kill. A side effect of the power is that most of those whose images have been taken are susceptible to suggestion or a limited form of mind control from the demon.

Success level of 3-4: On page 721 of a black tome with the title rubbed off:

Several disjointed passages describing a Nelvock demon as described in the Demonicus Grimoirum. A passage can be found in the book detailing that:

Wizard "Wizards have been known to summon these creatures to foment confusion among their enemies, and to gain some control over their vassals via the mind controlling aspects of the demon. The spell caster needs to stay near the demon, however, or it begins to act randomly."

Success level of 5-6: On page 34 of a thin red diary bound by a silk cord:

A passage by a wizard that actually used a Nelvock demon for some dark purpose:

"To cause the demon of Nelvock’s chaos to descend permanently, one must infuse the demon with the pure energy from Hell itself."

It is also found in another section of the diary that:

"The demon must remain in light, no matter how small, at all times. It's powers and stolen reflections will vanish if darkness surrounds it."

This last bit may cause Willow to look for a darkness spell, which she can find with another successful check, though it will take some time and a run to the Magic Shop.

Act Three: Complication - continued
  B is for Book

Darkness spell - Twilight's Embrace
Quick Cast Yes
Power Level 3
Requirements Simple ingredients to be found at the Magic Shop: a small amount of nightshade and mandrake root, a dark cloth, silver thread, and a candle flame from a candle anointed with the essential oil of moonflowers.
Effect Light is gradually excluded (like a haze forming, or deepening twilight after the sun sets) from a circle no more than ten feet in diameter for each Success Level, centred at a chosen point within the caster’s view. The effect lasts for one day per Success Level.

To summon the twilight’s embrace, the following words must be intoned while wrapping the nightshade and mandrake in the cloth:

"Oh Lady of Moon and Shadow, Mother of Night.
Keep us from the coming light.
Spread your cloak where I decree, by my words,
So mote it be."

Then the candle must be extinguished with a brass candlesnuffer. The spell will appear where you choose. However, you must be in or within sighting distance of the area to be affected. The power of your words and your conviction can have strong effect on the spell. Be wary, yet strong in your convictions and you shall succeed.

Act Three: Complication - continued
  B is for Book

Setup - continued

The Initiative: Though officially disbanded, the government is still in the process of dismantling the facility under Lowell Hall. In addition, Graham and a few grunts have been dispatched to Sunnydale to look for the escaped Ethan Rayne, though they are under orders not to discuss this, even with Riley.

They are having a progressively harder time getting in or out of the Initiative facility, which leads to an involuntary lockdown situation as the day progresses due to the retinal scans not being registered correctly. The bulk of the troops are trapped below, and Graham and a few agents are ordered by phone and radio to get out and help maintain the peace — straighten out misunderstanding and the like.

They are to stay in civvies, split up, and limit themselves to hand stunners, but only if necessary. They can be used as mind control fodder later in the story.

The scientists trapped below run a number of tests, and provide additional exposition if need be. Via radio, they can give the gang a summary of the reflection effects, the mind control and suggestibility aspects, etc. In a pinch, they could even "triangulate" the reflection issue to map coordinates corresponding to the old school.

If Riley has not yet contacted the Initiative, the agent at the desk contacts him by phone with a heads-up regarding what they’ve discovered just before the gang decides to head to the Hellmouth. The agent is acting under orders left by Graham, as Graham and the other topside Initiative agents are now unreachable (actually mind-controlled and not responding).

If the players do not uncover enough information in research, or don’t correctly interpret the information, there are still other avenues to pursue. A trip to Willy’s Place might elicit remaining needed info as well.

Willy feigns ignorance, as usual, and may provide more than just useful information. Having heard of the Nelvock’s powers, Willy wraps his head in tin foil (and offer the same for his patrons — free of charge!) under the mistaken impression that this will protect him from "the mind rays that thing shoots out of its eyes." He also keeps checking the mirror behind the bar, paranoid when he sees anyone without a reflection (even Spike). His reflection is intact.

When it Raynes, It Pours: Ethan takes Giles’ place—using the demon’s power and an auditory glamour on his voice. If the others don’t suggest it, have Giles/Ethan indicate that whomever summoned the demon may be trying to distract them from the true purpose — opening the Hellmouth to insure the effects are set.

Ethan doesn’t want to open it so much as access a crack in the closed gateway to complete his enchantment. This isn’t just revenge — he’s hoping the resulting confusion will ensure his escape. He enlists the others in an attempt to "reinforce" the barrier over the Hellmouth.

In reality, he needs the group there to be sacrificed as the final part of the ritual. To that end, he has already paid a gang of vampires to act like controlled townspeople, cloaked in stolen reflections, and attack the group once they reach the school.

Act Four: Climax
  Objects Are Closer Than They Appear


After retrieving any needed spell components from the Magic Shop (and possibly running into a group of controlled townspeople), the group rushes to confront the Big Bad and prevent the opening of the Hellmouth. But first they have to deal with the ol' switcheroo, vampires (of course) and one too many Englishmen.


The Ambush: Once the group decides to head for the Hellmouth, whether under Giles/Ethan’s direction, or by interpreting the dream and other clues indicating the importance of that site, the demon follows and sends a handful of real controlled townspeople against them. This is to slow them down, and give them a false sense of achievement, before the trap is sprung.

Suggestions for those to include are Graham (along with any Initiative Commandos still available on the surface), and minor recurring characters such as Jonathan Levinson, Devon (the Dingoes lead singer), and Percy. Drop the number to two or three if the whole group is not there (say if Buffy and Spike decide to patrol while research is being done), or if time is dragging on. This is meant to get the group jittery, and to lay groundwork for the scene at the end.

School Daze: Once past this initial threat, which should be dispatched fairly easily, the group has no problems reaching the burnt-out school. Once there, they find the way barred by an even larger group of townsfolk, nearer and dearer to their hearts. Of course, though it appears they face Joyce Summers, Tara Maclay, Shelia Rosenberg, Harmony Kendall (a different vampire disguised as Harmony, unless the gang is doing poorly, in which case it might be the real Harmony, and Spike convinces her to help), Xander’s folks and others (including ones used earlier — Parker, Jonathan, etc.) — these are all really vampires disguised by the demon’s magics. There should be two each for Buffy, Spike and Riley, and one each for the others.

Giles/Ethan directs the others to engage the folks and keep them out of his way while he prepares and starts the ritual to keep the Hellmouth closed — "and be sure not to harm them!" The Nevlock demon is close by, powering the illusions, cloaked mostly in shadows (or possibly as another one of the townsfolk, if the group is doing badly—have one of the cloaked vampires be the demon, and when it is taken out, so are the illusions).

In the close confines of the school, the demon can be spotted with an extended Notice task (that is, several Notice rolls over several Turns) garnering ten Success Levels over several Turns. Those engaged in combat can also keep an eye out as a "free" extra action (in addition to any combat actions) for an additional - 2 to all actions that Turn. Success indicates something "wrong" with the shadows in one corner.

If grabbed, the demon feels slippery and only semi-solid to the touch, but this doesn’t help it avoid attacks — that’s just part of its nature. If the Twilight’s Embrace spell is used, and it works too well (and the players are having too easy a time of it), the encounter may be enhanced. As the illusions start dropping, have the sphere of darkness extends out over them, requiring Notice rolls to "listen" for the enemy before attacking (at a -2 penalty, to both sides, of course!). If killed, the Nelvock rapidly oozes away into nothingness.

After a bit, Anya or Willow can determine (with an Occultism roll) that the ritual Giles/Ethan is intoning is the one of unlocking, not closure. If the group turns against him, Giles/Ethan attempts to take refuge behind the mass of vampires (if any) remaining. If the demon is defeated, or has his power blocked by darkness (or is otherwise revealed), Ethan uses his Ace in the hole — Giles.

He has Giles trussed up over the Hellmouth itself, out of sight of the scene of the battle, held upside down with a rope by a vampire with orders to drop him in at the climax of the ritual, or if things go badly. Ethan bargains for his freedom with this knowledge (he can also use this to entice the group to go to the Hellmouth if they discover him too early, escaping when the vamps attack).

Given the chance, of course, he’ll just slink out in the last stages of battle if it’s going against him, using whatever Drama Points are necessary to ensure his escape. If the group captures him, Graham and the other Initiative boys show up to take custody.