Question Time, Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ One ,14 March 2024


Three viewers complained about the decision to include Melanie Phillips on the panel in particular because of her views on the current conflict in the Middle East.Β  They also complained of bias and inaccuracy in what she said about the current situation in Gaza. The ECU considered the complaints in the light of the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ’s editorial standards of accuracy and impartiality, noting that decisions on which guests to invite onto Question Time rest with the editors of that programme and ultimately, senior Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ management and that it is fundamental to the independence of the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ that this is so.


The purpose of Question Time is to facilitate open and honest debate. In this case a variety of opinions on the war in Gaza, which was discussed at length, were reflected on the programme.  Other panellists, members of the audience and the presenter all challenged Melanie Phillips on her views on the Middle East including whether enough international aid was reaching Gazan civilians. This was sufficient, in the ECU’s view, to ensure due accuracy and impartiality was maintained despite the sometimes heated nature of the debate.

Not Upheld