Look East, ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ One (East), 24 April 2024


An item in the breakfast and lunchtime editions of the programme looked at a plan by the National Grid to build a new power line from Norwich to Tilbury.Β Β  A viewer questioned both the accuracy and the impartiality of the item, on the grounds that it had illustrated the story with pictures of pylons much smaller than those to be used in the project, giving a misleading impression of the scale of the project, and made no mention of the disruption which the construction of the power line would cause.Β  The ECU considered the complaint in the light of the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ’s editorial standards of accuracy and impartiality.


This was a short item in the β€œnews in brief” section of the programme, prompted by the fact that a series of drop-in consultations about the project was to begin that day.Β Β  Viewers in general would not have expected it to go into detail about the project or the concerns of local people, and would not have taken the pictures of pylons, which were labelled as library footage, as literal representations of the project.Β  Consequently the ECU found neither material inaccuracy nor the departure from impartiality said by the complainant to result from it.

Not upheld