The Coroners' Court Support Service

Radio 4 Appeal 31 Jan 2021

The money raised will help us expand our Service and our aim is to be present in every Coroner’s Court in England and Wales to support those attending Inquests. A huge thank you to everyone who donated for your generosity and kindness.

The Radio 4 Charity Appeal has had such a positive impact on our Service. Not just in terms of monetary benefits which raised an amazing £24,791 but it has also helped raise much needed awareness of the emotional support and practical advice our volunteers are able to offer to those attending Inquests. Our national Helpline is also available both before and after Inquests to answer any questions family, friends and witnesses may have and there has been an increase in the number of calls since the Appeal was aired.

Other unexpected benefits have been a great interest in becoming volunteers with the CCSS from all over the country, together with an increase in visitors to our website, Facebook page and Twitter and accessing our Livechat.

Karen, our presenter, gave such an honest account of her own experience at the Inquest into the death of her baby son, William, that it touched many people who may have had a similar experience of grief and helped them to realise they are not alone. We are so grateful to Karen all that she has done for the CCSS.

Some who donated even took the time to send us messages and these are just a few them: “I wish you had been there when I attended the Coroner’s Court”
"A much-needed service"
"I wish you well for the work you are doing, so vital for so many."

We, like many other charities, have faced challenges to provide support over the past 12 months. We adapted our support service to meet these challenges and embraced digital technology. However, there is nothing better than human connection when supporting someone who is grieving and going through an Inquest.

Support at Court – Here for You

To find out more about our Service, please visit our website :




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