Advantage Africa

Radio 4 Appeal 23 April 2017

I'm giving because I'm grateful that I had the NHS to treat my skin cancer

Anonymous donor

Radio 4 listeners' generous response to Advantage Africa's appeal has raised £24,159 to help people with albinism in Uganda keep safe from skin cancer. 

Advantage Africa supports poor and marginalised people in East Africa to improve their education, health and incomes. This includes children and adults who have albinism, a genetic condition which causes lack of melanin and high vulnerability to skin cancer. Without protection from the sun, most people with albinism die before they're forty.

Listeners' donations have been put to immediate good use to provide wide-brimmed hats and long sleeved clothing for 700 people with albinism in the Busoga region of Uganda. Furthermore, a shipment of 3,500 bottles of medical grade high SPF sunscreen is being sent to Advantage Africa's albinism project partner.

Plans are also underway for new quarterly dermatology clinics across ten districts of Uganda so people with albinism can have skin checks and receive the treatment or surgery they need. Advantage Africa is so grateful to Radio 4 Listeners whose support to prevent skin cancer will save many lives.   

You can find out more about the charity 

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