Make a Gragger

You will need

  • Empty plastic bottle from the recycling box
  • Dried beans and seeds
  • Paper
  • Decorations
  • Colouring pens
  • Glue stick

Making a noise

The Purim story features a villain called Haman, and everyone in the synagogue boos, hisses, stamps their feet and uses noisemakers (called graggers) and cymbals whenever the name of Haman is mentioned during the service.

Follow the steps below and learn how to make your own noisy gragger for Purim.

1. Put the beans and seeds into the plastic bottle and screw the bottle top on tightly.

2. Cover the bottle with paper.

3. Decorate the bottle however you like. 

4. Shake your gragger and make some noise!

Find out more about the Jewish Festival Purim.

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