Get to know The Game Catchers

Mr. Moustache - the wise knowledgeable retiree!

Throughout his life, Mr. Moustache studied children's games from all over the universe and passed them on to new generations. He created the Game Catchers team and is teaching them the importance of games. Together inside the Headquarters they seek out new and fascinating planets to find new games. Mr. Moustache is the Game Catchers’ wise mentor, though he can be a bit sleepy or distracted. He loves telling the Game Catchers all about when he was young and went searching for games.

Nina - the maternal space unicorn from planet Zordel!

Nina is very sympathetic towards others and always makes sure that no one is sad or worried. She loves colourful things, especially those with rainbow colours. When Nina is happy (or frightened) she emits a high- pitched scream, so high and loud that it startles everyone (and glass often shatters!). Nina is a good girl but when she spots a ball, she can’t resist poking a hole in it with her horn – even though she knows she shouldn’t do it.

Boxy - the curious alien in the shape of a cardboard box!

Boxy is very curious and stubborn, and this sometimes leads him into trouble. When he walks, you can hear the sound of moving objects inside of him, but nobody really knows what is in there. Boxy always tries to save the day: when the Game Catchers need something impossible to find, Boxy reaches inside himself and often finds it, to everyone’s delight!

Pigi - the clever pigeon who communicates via cooing noises!

Pigi only communicates with his friends with a funny little peep. Despite this, his friends understand him and often ask him for advice in the most difficult situations. They always do as he suggests. Pigi prefers to observe the situation and think of a logical solution rather than take action. He’s a bit of a know-it-all kid, but in a funny way.

Dino - the energetic and clumsy dragon!

Awkward and energetic, Dino throws himself into any situation without thinking of the (disastrous) consequences. He cannot resist touching things like plants, animals, or even alien objects. Dino is very strong, being a dragon, but he is unaware of it. His dream is to learn how to roar like a real dragon, but he is still too small and can only emit weird sounds, which often make him cough. Dino is always hungry and prone to drama.

Kate - the cheerful action-orientated lively girl with extendable arms!

Kate is interested in everything that happens around her. She doesn’t hesitate to take action and tries to solve problems in situations, like a good scout. Kate has the ability to stretch her arms.


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By getting to know The Game Catchers team, you have earned a game-sphere of your own! , then add it to your very own Galactic Game Database.

Print out your own Galactic Game Database wall chart

Do you want to collect more game-spheres like The Game Catchers team? You can collect spheres and put them in your own Galactic Game Database with this collectables chart.

All The Game Catchers
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