Get bird spotting with your little one


The robin is famous for its red breast and often features on Christmas cards. The robin will sing almost all year round, unlike most other garden birds.


The woodpigeon is mostly grey with a white patch on its neck. You're most likely to spot this bird on the ground underneath bird feeders, picking up dropped seeds!


A large black and white bird. If you look closely you will see blues and purples when its feathers catch the light.

Blue tit

The blue tit has yellow on its front, green on its back and white on its head. Look out for blue tits on your bird feeder!


At first glance the starling can appear black but, if you look carefully, you'll see lots of colours and white spots in its feathers!


The males are black and females brown, but both have a yellow beak. Blackbirds are often seen on the ground feeding on worms or insects.

Make a bird feeder

Find out how to make a bird feeder for your garden or outside area. 

Spot the birds with JoJo & Gran Gran

Play this game and help JoJo find all the different birds in her nature tick book.

You can find more information about the , as well as lots more tips for identifying birds, on the .

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