Activities for mixed age groups

Here are some fun ideas for keeping the whole family entertained!


1. Arts and crafts

You’re never too young or too old to have fun getting arty. While the older ones are busy making masterpieces, younger children will love the sensory experience and the chance to get messy. It's a great way to let children of all ages express themselves, and giving them the opportunity to get creative is also beneficial for brain development and mental wellbeing.

Read more about the benefits of art and craft for children.


2. Passing on knowledge

Give your older child the very important job of teaching the little ones a new skill, such as doing up a button, doing a forward roll or counting to ten. Giving them this responsibility will make them feel very grown-up, while the younger ones will love learning from the big kids!

Mastering something new gives children a big self-esteem boost. Read more about independent skills for toddlers to learn at home.


3. Prepare a meal together

Choose a simple recipe for you to make together. Older children can weigh and measure, while little ones can try pouring, mixing or sieving. Avoid arguments by dividing up the tasks before you start, and allow double the time you think you'll need for the recipe. Everything might not go exactly to plan, but getting children involved in food preparation is a brilliant learning experience, and will make them more likely to try new food.

If you're not sure where to start check out these fun easy recipes to try at home, and make sure to follow our top safety tips for cooking with children.


4. Put on a play

Ask your children to put on a show together and take turns being the director. They could do singing, dancing, playing music or even reenacting their favourite television show. Older children can sometimes develop inhibitions, so seeing their younger siblings performing and being silly could encourage them to do something they wouldn't normally do.

Sing along together with these songs from your CBeebies friends.


5. Tell stories together

Reading to each other is a great way to develop children's literacy skills and boost their confidence. For younger children who can't read yet, ask them to make up stories together. Let them inspire each other with their imaginations while also building their communication skills.

Read fives ways stories build better children, and download the CBeebies Storytime app for a whole library full of stories from all your favourite CBeebies friends.


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