ZAPCHAT: Midnight Feast

School dinners at Cackle’s are gross!

Close up on girl looking ill. Green emoji on image.
3 plates with unappetising food on each. Disgusted words and emojis on image.
Kitchen door with sign indicating no students allowed. Padlock symbols are placed on the image.
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Hoping to find some yummy food somewhere in the kitchen for the midnight feast I’m hosting tonight. My first one! Hope I can get in. There must be a spell for this...

Four plates of disgusting food combos.
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NEW GAME! All my friends had to invent a bizarre dish - prize for the weirdest combination. We all dared each other to eat them. YUK!!

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Maybe school dinners aren’t so bad after all?

Question in text 'What's the weirdest dinner you've had to eat?'.

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