Fin's brilliant bread recipe

If you are stuck at home and are looking for something fun to bake then Junior Bake Off winner Fin is here to show you how to bake a delicious loaf of bread in this easy-to-follow tutorial!

You will need
  • 500g strong flour (or plain if you can’t strong flour)
  • 14g dried fast action yeast
  • 40g Oil
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 320ml warm water

Step one

Add the flour to a large bowl with the salt and whisk it together, add the yeast and sugar to warm water, mix and cover with clingfilm and leave for 5 minutes until it froths up.

Step two

Add the oil and water gradually to the flour whilst mixing until it all comes together, it should be sticky but not sloppy. Tip out the dough onto a floured work surface and knead. Knead by pushing the dough over itself with the palm of your hand using your body weight, turn it and repeat. You should knead for about 10 minutes until the dough is smooth. Test if it’s ready by cutting a bit off and stretching it out like a little pizza. You should be able to see through it without it breaking when it’s ready. If it breaks keep on kneading for a few more minutes.

Step three

Pour a tablespoon of oil into a mixing bowl and rub it around the sides of the bowl. Put the dough in and flip it over to make sure it’s got a good coating of the oil. Cover the bowl with clingfilm and leave in a warm dry place for an hour whilst it proves, it should end up being twice the size of the unproved dough. 

Step four

Once the dough is proved, you need to knock the dough back by punching the dough, then tip it out onto a floured surface to shape. Smooth out the top of the dough by rocking it between your hands and tuck the sides under to create a round loaf, or stretch it out to make an oval loaf. Transfer your loaf to a floured tray and leave for a second prove in warm dry place for 30 minutes.

Step five

Preheat your oven to 200C and place a tray with 1 cm of water in the bottom of the oven to create steam for a crispy crust on your bread. Dust flour over the top of the loaf using a sieve and get an adult to help you cut two horizontal and vertical slashes in the top of your loaf using a sharp knife. Ask an adult to put the loaf into the middle of the preheated oven for 30-35 minutes.

Step six

Test whether the bread is ready by turning your bread over and tapping the bottom of the loaf. If it sounds hollow, then it’s ready. Leave to cool on a cooling rack until it’s room temperature. Enjoy your bread and remember to take a picture and send it in for everyone at Blue Peter to see.

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