
Attract butterflies with your own butterfly feeder!

Butterflies don’t just look pretty, they’re great pollinators too and well worth attracting to your gardens and green spaces!

You will need
  • Paper cup
  • Ribbon or string
  • Toothpick
  • Pencil
  • Old sponge
  • Materials for decoration (Be creative!)
  • Juice

Spring is when you first start to see some butterflies appearing, but because there aren’t many flowers for them to feed from, giving them food is a great idea! Not only that, but giving them food should attract them to your outdoor spaces too.

How to make your butterfly feeder

Step 1

Take your paper cup and carefully make a small hole in each side using a toothpick at the rim of the cup, where you drink from. Thread your string carefully through these holes. You can use the toothpick to help thread the string through the hole. This will let you hang your butterfly feeder up.

Make a small hole in the bottom of the cup using a pencil or similar object. Push a small piece of sponge through the hole and pull it through just enough that the butterflies can still reach it.

Step 2

Decorate your cup with something beautiful for the butterflies to enjoy their meals in style!

Fill your cup with a little bit of something sweet for the butterflies to eat! We used orange juice.

Hang up your lovely butterfly feeder and enjoy seeing all of the colourful creatures who will come to visit your garden and green spaces!

Will you be giving this a go?

We can't wait to see how you decorated your butterfly feeders, maybe you'll even spot a few butterflies soon! 🦋

Send us your pictures by clicking the 'Send your stuff' button below. Where will you hang your butterfly feeder, can you identify any of the visiting butterflies? Make sure to let us know when you send your photos or video!

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Find out more ways you can Let It Grow with Blue Peter

This spring, Blue Peter are teaming up with Radio 2, asking you to “Let It Grow”!

Here you’ll find lots of amazing things to do, like our brand new Let It Grow game, super green quizzes, eco-friendly makes and loads of top tips to inspire you to look after the environment and protect the incredible nature around you!

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