Help me out - school pressure

Find out more about feeling under pressure at school.

Is school stressing you out?

From homework to exams, the pressure to work hard and do well at school can be very stressful and sometimes you can feel worried that you won’t get the results you want. If you’re feeling stressed about school, here are some helpful tips.

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Chavala's tips for dealing with pressures at school

Get lots of exercise, eat well, keep hydrated and get enough sleep

Being in good physical shape is your best defence against stress. So make sure you’re eating well, drinking enough water, and getting exercise when you can. Also to keep your sleeping routine as regular as possible, shut down all computers, tablets and phones an hour before bedtime.

Learn to recognise when you are stressed

If you notice you’re starting to feel worried or stressed, stop and think about what triggered you to feel this way. Taking a step back can help you figure out what stresses you out and keep your worries in perspective. Offload your worries by writing them down or chatting to someone you trust. Take a break from what you’re doing. It’s better to study in bite sized chunks with rests in the middle, than cramming and stressing yourself out.

Try to be organised

Organise yourself and your workload so work doesn’t pile up. Make a timetable that includes what you’re studying, for how long and when your breaks are.

Take regular breaks

It’s really important to give yourself plenty of breaks as you revise. This can help you stay fresher for longer so you can learn more. Ideally, try not to study for longer than fifty minutes without at least a ten minute break. On your break, it’s best to get moving, so go outside for a walk if you can. Maybe buddy up with a friend.

Be positive

Try not to be too hard on yourself, instead encourage yourself. Make a quick list of five things you've done that you are proud of. This will put you in a good mood and you will learn more.

Chill out and make time for fun

If you feel that the studying is getting on top of you - take a bit of time to breathe deeply, tell yourself how well you are doing. Schedule in a treat after a hard day’s work. You will need to put your books down and do something you enjoy for a while if you want to stay in a good mood.

Talk it out

Sometimes stress can still get on top of us. If you feel overwhelmed, don’t be shy about talking to someone about how you're feeling – maybe a teacher or a member of your family.

Signs that you may be feeling stressed

  • Sore muscles in your shoulders, clenching your jaw, or generally feeling tense

  • Feeling tired or your mind racing all the time

  • Feeling very sensitive to things that wouldn’t normally upset you

  • Worrying a lot or having panic attacks

  • Having trouble falling or staying asleep

  • Suffering from stomach aches

  • Having itchy skin rashes

  • Feeling run-down and getting colds and flu more easily

If someone is putting too much pressure on you it can be really tough to deal with. Talk to them – they might not realise how you feel, or talk to a trusted adult.

And remember - you can only try your best and no more.

For information about organisations which can offer more advice on a range of issues, check out the advice helplines page.

You can also get more tips and hear about the team's experiences in the Lifebabble guide to school.

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