Help me out - eating healthily

Eating well can be one of life’s great pleasures. Everyone can benefit from a healthy, well-balanced diet – but how do you get into the habit of eating the right things?

Why do we need food?

We all need food to live and grow, and to give us energy for our everyday needs.

The food we eat has an impact on our bodies and minds, as it affects how much energy we have and the way we think and feel.

Eating the right things, and the right amount, is really important for keeping us well – both physically and mentally.

What is a balanced diet?

Having a balanced diet means eating the types of food which give our bodies all the things they need – that means variety!

There is no one type of food which can give us all the nutrition we need, so it’s important to eat a mix of different things – and yes, that includes lots of fruit and vegetables!

Some foods are healthier for our bodies than others – you’ve probably heard that processed foods, like junk food, sugary drinks, crisps and sweets are not very good for us!

Generally, we should all try to eat fresh, healthy foods most of the time – but that doesn’t mean that we can’t have a treat every now and again!

Every body is different

Because every person is different – we are all different shapes and sizes, and like different things – there’s no one-size-fits-all rule for what you should eat, and how much.

Some people have allergies or medical conditions which mean they have to eat or avoid certain things to stay healthy.

The important thing is to get to know your own body and what is right for you.

How does it feel when you are hungry, and when you are full?

How do different types of food make you feel?

Listening to your body is a really good way to find the right balance for you. Pay attention to what you eat, and how you feel while you’re eating and after.

It’s not always easy!

Even when we know we should eat healthily, it can sometimes be difficult to make the right choices.

Often we are surrounded by ads for junk food, or see lots of sweets and snacks for sale in the shops.

One way to make it easier to choose healthy foods is to try a wide variety to find out which ones you really enjoy, and also to avoid buying unhealthy things in the first place.

What is a healthy relationship with food?

A healthy relationship with food is being able to enjoy and appreciate food.

Eating should be a pleasure, especially when we share the experience with friends and family.

It also means eating the right amount (not too much or too little) and having the right balance between healthy, nutritious foods and the occasional not-so-healthy ones – and not worrying too much! If you can develop the skills to listen to what your body really wants (and doesn’t want) your body will tell you when you’ve had enough, too much, too little, or the right or wrong stuff.

What can happen when the relationship isn’t balanced?

Sometimes people can use food as a way to deal with uncomfortable feelings (like eating to feel safe or happy when feeling anxious, or eating less when feeling out of control).

While it’s fine to feel happy when you eat something delicious, we should try not to use food to get away from difficult feelings – it’s much better to talk about your feelings, and enjoy a good nutritious meal.

Some people might not eat enough, or feel worried, guilty or stressed about eating – and again, this can have a negative effect on their physical and mental health.

Food can be a great pleasure, so if you find yourself worrying about the food you eat instead of enjoying it, or find it difficult to get the balance right, you should talk to a trusted adult about how you feel.

For more information about organisations which offer advice and support, check out the Advice Helplines page.

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