Enillon ni - We won!
Another Wenglish entry as dwi'n dysgu Cymraeg [I'm learning Welsh]
Bore da fy ffrindiau. Dwi wedi teimlo yn dda dros y penwythnos achos nos Wener enillodd fy nosbarth Cymraeg ein cystadleuaeth eisteddfod cyntaf.
Good morning friends - I have been feeling good over the weekend because, on Friday night, my Welsh class won our first eisteddfod this year.
Weles I fy nhiwtor cyntaf. Dechreuais efo fo pedair blwyddyn yn Γ΄l. Ron i'n medru siarad wrtha fo yng Nghymraeg trwy'r nos. Anhygoel!
I saw my first Welsh tutor. I started with him four years ago. I was able to speak with him in Welsh through the night. Incredible!
Anyway, it was a great night at Mold Ex Serviceman's Club - diolch yn fawr [thanks very much] to all concerned.