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Cwis bach

Vaughan Roderick | 17:30, Dydd Mawrth, 23 Medi 2008

Does dim gwobrau, gyda llaw!

Meddyliwch amdani. Mi ydych chi'n Brif Weinidog. Mae'r arolygon barn yn drychinebus. Mae 'na etholiad ar y gorwel. Mae rhai o aelodau eich plaid yn ceisio tanseilio eich arweinyddiaeth. Mae angen araith arbennig iawn yn eich cynhadledd- rhywbeth i dawelu'r beirniaid ac argyhoeddi'r etholwyr. Beth i ddweud?

Wel beth am son am eich profiadau eich hun? Rhywbeth sy'n dangos eich bod chi'n foi cyffredin sy'n deall problemau dydd i ddydd yr etholwyr. Rhywbeth fel hyn efallai;

Thanks to the NHS, my sight was saved by care my parents could never have afforded. And so it's precisely because I know and have heard from others about the miraculous difference a great surgeon and great nurses and great care can make that I'm so passionate about the values of the NHS and so committed to reforming it to serve these values even better.

Neu efallai bod hwn yn well...

When I was a boy, my father was elderly and sick, and my mother was frail. Their life wasn't comfortable; they needed treatment regularly. They got it from the National Health Service. They had no money to pay, but they weren't asked for any. I saw then, not only how well they were treated by the National Health Service, but the security of mind it gave them to know that it would always be available. I have never forgotten it.

Ie wir, fe ddylai un o rheiny weithio! Nawr beth am dipyn o gig coch i'r cynrychiolwyr... ymosodiad ar ddiffyg profiad eich gwrthwynebwyr. Fe wnaiff hwn y tro, efallai.

It's one thing for them to say what market research has told them that people would like to hear. But it's quite another to deliver it.

Ond o bosib fe fyddai'n bosib dweud rhywbeth hyn yn lle...

Their strategy is to change their appearance, to give the appearance of change, and to conceal what they really think.And when salesmen won't tell you what they are selling, it's because they are selling something no-one should buy.

Beth am dipyn o wladgarwch? Fe ddylai hynny weithio.

With Britain's great assets - our stability, our openness, our scientific genius, our creative industries, and yes our English language - I know that this can be a British century and I'm determined it will be.

Neu mewn geiriau eraill...

That is Britain today, stripped of the masking-tape so often placed above it. So let's recognise what we are, look with confidence at the new world, and go out and put our own distinctive British mark on it.

Iawn, dyma'r cwis. Mae tri o'r dyfyniadau uchod o araith Gordon Brown ym Manceinion heddiw a thri o araith John Major yng Nghynhadledd y Torïaid ar drothwy etholiad 1997. Ydych ch'n gwybod p'un yw p'un?

SylwadauAnfon sylw

  • 1. Am 09:45 ar 24 Medi 2008, ysgrifennodd Rhys:

    Clyfar iawn Berwyn Vaughan....

    We ddim syniad da fi, fellu ddim eisiau hala unrhyw wobr.


Mwy o’r blog hwn…


Dyma rhai o’r pynciau poblogaidd sydd dan sylw ar y blog hwn.

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