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Must Spitzer go?

  • Justin Webb
  • 10 Mar 08, 07:59 PM GMT

spitzerwife_afp203b.jpgEliot Spitzer is out of the VP running then - though I guess he was never really in. If he stays on though, hangs around embarrassing his friends and delighting his enemies like the Democrats' own version of Republican Senator Larry Craig, he could provide a difficult choice for the woman he backs in the presidential contest.

Mrs Clinton will surely be asked before long whether he should go: and she or her people are surely on the phone to the governor now, informing him that this is a question she does not want to answer. He has to go: for the sake of her campaign, if for no other reason.

Meanwhile, on the subject of less than wonderful news for Mrs Clinton, in the British press. The question: as Northern Ireland's peace deal was being thrashed out, was she watching basket-weaving displays (or whatever the Ulster equivalent is), or was she locking horns with the players as she suggests? David Trimble ought to know and has no reason to diminish her role.

Unstoppable ticket?

  • Justin Webb
  • 10 Mar 08, 09:05 AM GMT

To continue the discussion about the Scotsman and Sam Power, here is

I see, meanwhile, that Bill Clinton is talking about a Hillary/Barack ticket as an "unstoppable force" -

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