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The Beach

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Eddie Mair | 07:09 UK time, Friday, 4 May 2007

What is the Beach?

It’s a place to go when the stresses of your real life need relieving. Sometimes it is fairly quiet and you might feel like you’re the only one around, but you can leave your ‘footprints’ for others to find later on. Othertimes it is the home for a real party, with constant gossip, leg-pulling, rumour, innuendo, chit-chat and weirdness. If this were a forum (and it sort of is because we post responses to each other, not just to Eddie, hence our term for ourselves 'Froggers', a combination of forum and blogger) then the beach would be the off-topic area.
It's a tropical location, no matter the time of year it's always warm and pleasant there.

Sunrises and sunsets are spectacular, the evenings balmy. It has a number of different locations; the Nick Clarke waterfront bar; the smokers corner; Fido's Run for the dog-walkers; the Naughty Step and many others.
How do you find your way around? There is no direct answer to the question. The beach is a moveable feast, literally. It will be renewed by our Lord and master Mr. Edward de Mair each Friday morning. This is because we have found in the past that when the number of posts exceeds about 600 the entire thing becomes unwieldy and unstable. A case of the beach turning to quicksand.

Froggers often leave bottles / glasses / trays of their favourite tipple on the bar for others to sample, not to mention big / small eats.
There is a herd of camels who frequent the sands, which froggers are very fond of. There are sun-loungers, so you can take it easy and catch some rays. Quite often the late-night attendees will have a barbie.
It's a fun place, with only one real rule; Be nice to each other; we are ALL chums here. New Froggers are ALWAYS welcome.

The real debate happens on the other threads. The beach is a place for banter, whimsy, relaxation and friendship, where jarring comments are not particularly welcome. There are certain very mild protocols, which you tend to pick up as you go along. So slip your shoes off, feel the sand between your toes, relax and enjoy yourself.


  1. At 08:35 AM on 04 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Mmmmm, lovely soft clean sand, the smell of coffee and croissants from the NC bar, and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in my hand. Heaven!

  2. At 09:11 AM on 04 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Ah, big stretch -

    Before I get carried away with all this lovely fresh sand and go for a jog along the shoreline big hugs to Belinda. As said on prev beach we will all be thinking of you next week and sending lots of Froggerness your way x

    Oh look, Sean Bean has just wandered around the edge of the bay; that'll give me a little more impetus....

    Save some of the coffee for me, smells great.

  3. At 09:32 AM on 04 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    if anyone finds a pair of flip flops can they leave them at the NC bar. i lost them last night when i went for a bare foot stroll in the moonlight but they weren't on the groyne when i got back

  4. At 09:33 AM on 04 May 2007, wrote:

    Hello, Sis,

    I'm not much for lying about in the sun, myself. I don't go fishing. And if you set up an easel, people just gather and comment, and expect conversation. I prefer the hills and meadows, or the studio.
    I left another rant @the furry brow for you, but I don't know if it will pass the propaganda ministry.
    Nick Robinson was awfully mellow last night, eh?

  5. At 09:34 AM on 04 May 2007, Perky wrote:

    I might actually get first go in the hammock!!


    Plenty of room if anyone wants to join me (and doesn't mind the croissant crumbs.....)

  6. At 09:39 AM on 04 May 2007, Fearless Fred wrote:

    Ooh look! Martha's joined us!

  7. At 09:54 AM on 04 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Perky, you can keep the hammock - I'm with WW on this one!

  8. At 09:58 AM on 04 May 2007, Fiona wrote:

    And the Sony gold award for the most PM Blog straplines in any given period goes to...............
    FIFI (sound of thunderous applause and cheers)
    "Speech, Speech"....

    Morning all....... move over Perky there's a love, I want to get in as well. There's a pot of coffee brewing for those who need a bit of a kick start.

  9. At 10:15 AM on 04 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    no need to panic, flip flops found, morg & mindy had borrowed one each to hop down to hire a video

  10. At 10:24 AM on 04 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Morning chaps (and chapesses of course)!

    Mmmmm... coffee...

    This Wonko is brought to you by the stimulant caffine, the decongestant sudafed, and the painkillers paracetamol and codine. Alas, hot toddies can only do so much - they may not cure you, but you don't mind nearly so much. ;o) I have a sinus infection/cold, so don't get too close guys. I was awake until 3:00am back in May, watching the local election results.

    I'll just take that sun lounger over there, out of the way, so I don't infect anyone. I make sniff and cough a bit, apologies in advance if that disturbes anyone.

    But I have brought a very nice G&M bottling of 1982 Teaninch...

    ;o) []

  11. At 10:29 AM on 04 May 2007, Perky wrote:

    Fiona - you're more than welcome. Let me just see if I can shift up without falling out . . . . yep - there you go.

    WW/Big Sis - I'm thinking ahead, girls. You just know that Sean's going to want somewhere to rest his weary head when he gets back from that run.....and besides, from here you get a great view of Jonny sunbathing.

  12. At 10:32 AM on 04 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    JPAllen: Your rant hasn't appeared yet, but I've checked out your website and am already a fan!

  13. At 10:45 AM on 04 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Apparantly my illness has reached my fingers and is affecting my spelling and grammar. Curious symptoms...

    Wheeze... hack... sniff

    ;o) []

  14. At 10:50 AM on 04 May 2007, The Stainless Steel Cat wrote:

    OK, a question for the froggers:

    What kind of dog is large, dark grey, has a llama-shaped head and body, and runs with a kind of loping, bouncing llama-like lope?

    Because if it turns out I was semi-circled by an actual llama being chased by a dog this morning in the middle of some Glasgow playing fields, I may just go mad.

  15. At 10:50 AM on 04 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Big Sis - that was rather invigorating wasn't it!

    Fifi - I like; kind of sums me up (this is my 6 month anniversary of a PM listener if not Frogger!)

  16. At 10:52 AM on 04 May 2007, Val P wrote:

    I do hope the Mods don't think this is too long - a lot of these "surveys" can be mawkish, but I was so moved by some of what's below, that I've rushed to bring them to the Beach to share.

    What does Love mean?
    This question was posed to a group of 4 to 8
    "What does love mean?"
    The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined.
    See what you think:
    "When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her
    toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands
    got arthritis too. That's love."
    Rebecca- age 8
    "When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth."
    Billy - age 4
    (Man this one is deep!)
    "Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other." Karl - age 5
    "Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs."
    Chrissy - age 6
    "Love is what makes you smile when you're tired."
    Terri - age 4
    "Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK."
    Danny - age 7
    "Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss."
    Emily - age 8
    "Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen."
    Bobby - age 7 (Wow and DOUBLE Wow!)
    "If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate,"
    Nikka - age 6 (we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)
    "Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday."
    Noelle - age 7
    "Love is like a little old woman and little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well."
    Tommy - age 6
    "During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling.
    He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore." Cindy - age 8
    "My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night."
    Clare - age 6
    "Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken."
    Elaine-age 5
    "Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford." Chris - age 7
    "Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day."
    Mary Ann - age 4
    "I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones."
    Lauren - age 4 (We all need to think more like this!!!)
    "When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you." (What an image)
    Karen - age 7
    "Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross."
    Mark - age 6
    "You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget."
    Jessica - age 8
    And the final one -
    Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge. The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child.
    The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man
    cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.
    When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said,
    "Nothing, I just helped him cry."

  17. At 11:10 AM on 04 May 2007, Val P wrote:

    Wow - they let it through, and FAST!

    I've jsut ahd a chance to catch up with last week's beach so can I say, Belinda, I'll be thinking good thoughts for you next week.

    DeepJohn - hey welcome to you old pal! Sorry to hear about the diodes. You need to spend more time on the beach obviously - and make sure you "know where your towel is"!

    Wonko - indeed, I should have guessed by that bowl of petunias that appeared over on the NC Bar just a few seconds before you arrived.....:o)
    SO and I have cassettes we made from the original radio version, and No1 Son used to insist on them to listen to as he drifted off to sleep after his bedtime stories (they were often Terry Pratchett!), wonder if this is what's led him down the road to Anthropology??

    Thanks to all for your good Silvery wishes. I'll let you know what we get up to (just as well RJD's away, that might slip through unnoticed - but you know what I mean) on Monday. Until then I'll be around and about and will bring some fizz down here at strategic intervals. Now I'm going to go for a wander and see if I can find an interesting piece of driftwood or such for SO, more our style in the way of presents instead of silver photo frames etc!

  18. At 11:15 AM on 04 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    SSC: Could have been an Irish Wolfhound with particularly small head, long neck, and larger than usual eyes.

    Otherwise it was the famous dark grey dog chasing llama of Glasgow.

  19. At 11:19 AM on 04 May 2007, Perky wrote:

    Val P - thanks - I'm sitting here with the tears pricking my eyes (or is it a thousand tiny stars?). Lovely simplicity to bring to the new beach.



  20. At 11:28 AM on 04 May 2007, Fiona wrote:

    Forgot to say yesterday "happy anniversary Val P"

    And happy 6 month-iversary witchi x

    And SSC - yep, it was a llama! they are indigenous to Glasgow, didn't you know that?

  21. At 11:34 AM on 04 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Val P: A bowl of petunias? "Oh no, not again!"

    I have to admit that I have just about every version of the story of the book, in just about every medium it has been broadcast/published in.

    Hmmm, time for some more medicine I think, the caffine seems to be wearing off.

    I'm not getting you down am I?

    ;o) []

  22. At 11:46 AM on 04 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Val P - there are some lovely bits just at the edge of the dunes; and congrats! (I have a feeling they got lost amonst the may pole ribbons etc)

  23. At 12:00 PM on 04 May 2007, mittfh wrote:

    SSC: Perhaps there's another variant of the Great Japanese Poodle Scam on the loose...

    For those who've been living in a media black hole, there's an urban myth on the loose about a scam whereby Japanese citizens were sold what they believed to be poodles. It was only when a photo of a "poodle" was shown on a talk show that the shocking truth was revealed - the "poodles" were in fact sheep.
    How reported it.
    debunks the myth.

  24. At 01:06 PM on 04 May 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    Just been to the CÂ鶹ԼÅÄ News website.

    This is the news we want

    Aeroplane stuck in middle of road!

  25. At 01:08 PM on 04 May 2007, wrote:

    Fiona (20):

    Ah, that explains it. It also explains why the fox I met on High Street this morning was looking so thin and hungry - obviously the llamas had been eating its food!

  26. At 01:21 PM on 04 May 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    Val P 25 years!. I'm only on 12. So hope you had a good celebration.
    My backs improved after all those bumps ;-) May's been getting in the way of the beach, Not helped by my three year old, who knows no fear, getting a green stick fracture. She has a pink Pot up to her elbow and as three years old do just carries on as normal. We only took her to Dr's after two days of her not wanting to be swung by her hand after falling off the slide. Good caring parents we are! But I'm not one for panicking. No blood, patient conscious so problem small.

  27. At 01:33 PM on 04 May 2007, wrote:

    Wonko and Val P in particular,

    Anyone seen my friend Marvin recently? I could do with being cheered up.

    Regretably the diode metaphor is true, hence why my absence and predicting future absences.

  28. At 01:39 PM on 04 May 2007, Perky wrote:

    Stewart M - sounds like an episode we had with our son when he was about 2. We were swinging him down some steps between us and he was fine - but then fussed about getting into his car seat and wouldn't let anyone touch his arm the next morning. When I eventually took him to A&E I discovered that we'd dislocated his elbow - and we were told not to swing him again until he was over 5. Luckily, he's 7 now, and too heavy to swing!!!

  29. At 01:44 PM on 04 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Stewart - if I were a parent that sounds like the kind of parent I'd be!

    BTW the babysitting of 8 month old went swimmingly, even if I did turn up to yoga class the next night with remenents (?) of his dinner on my top (amazing as had been wearing something over the top of it at the time....its the 'white' syndrome all over again).

  30. At 02:00 PM on 04 May 2007, Fiona wrote:

    Just a quick visit to say have a good bank holiday weekend one and all. Am taking the children up to Scotland for the weekend. So leaving behind relationship in crisis to go visit depressed sister, not quite sure which option is preferable. Anyway thank goodness for the children - a welcome distraction :0)

    Anyhoo - have fun, may get a chance to pop back during the weekend, but if not I shall return fresh and invegorated (ha ha) on Tuesday

    M'wah, m'wah dahlings x x

  31. At 02:23 PM on 04 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Fiona - I hope you, and your sister, have a lovely time. Much sisterly bonding, vino slurping and world-put-righting. Big hugs ((((( ))))) x

  32. At 02:44 PM on 04 May 2007, wrote:


    Bring the kids to the treehouse if you're nearby.
    xx ed
    (My name above is a link)

  33. At 02:49 PM on 04 May 2007, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    SSC, probably the greater Glasgwegian Llamedos, bred in the Gorbals for centuries for their ability to sniff out dog ends. (erhem)
    ValP - just done ours, and no remission for good conduct! We're off to Vancouver, once I can find a way of getting there that doesn't involve aeroplanes.
    And, Stewart, if thats the worst you do to them they'll be very lucky

  34. At 03:05 PM on 04 May 2007, wrote:

    Stewart (24),
    Love the traffic calming measure!

    What a great way to recycle!

  35. At 03:15 PM on 04 May 2007, wrote:

    Stewart (24),
    Love the traffic calming measure!

    What a great way to recycle!

  36. At 03:36 PM on 04 May 2007, wrote:

    RE; Stewart (24)

    That's the funniest - or strangest thing I've heard or seen for Months !

    How can you just leave a plane in the street!

  37. At 04:00 PM on 04 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:


    it's quite easy..when we used excercise with the RAF Harriers in Germany we used their roads all the time....

    ah those were the days, men were men and lamas were nervous....

  38. At 04:02 PM on 04 May 2007, Carl wrote:

    Oh it's very pleasant here, but did anyone notice the Sony Tsunami? It hit last week and keeps coming back in. You can't say there wasn't any warning, as soon as I heard there was a nomination I knew the gang would win. I notice the photos are the same on the beach as on the main PM blog, but Carolyn, Carrie and now Martha on the photo panel, I didn't know it would be so hot here! Is that Charlotte coming out of the sea? Hang on what's that tune shes singing? 'Underneath the mango tree me honey'
    Charlotte..the names Carl, 'award winning listener' Carl. Oh she doesn't look impressed! Does anyone know how to get sand out of your trunks?

  39. At 04:06 PM on 04 May 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Val P. Happy 25th, and thanks for the definitions of love - it never does to underestimate the wisdom of small children. Great.

  40. At 04:33 PM on 04 May 2007, wrote:

    DI Wyman: when not in Germany with your jets, you weren't in a UK place beginning with W were you? If so, I can probably see your old house from here!

    Fiona: got your email, and we'll sort out the workings when you get back. Someone else's troubles might be just what you need to let your unconscious mind have some time to deal with your own. And the kids will enjoy the change of scene. xx

    Belinda: all my best for next week. xx

    Now back for a bit more May.....


  41. At 04:35 PM on 04 May 2007, wrote:

    Oh no, she's got another strapline.



    * hides behind bar *

  42. At 04:43 PM on 04 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Hi all -

    Will be out of touch over the weekend; hope you all have a lovely time....may the sun shine on you, but not frazzle any sensitive parts, and the ice cubes in your cocktail stay frozen xx

  43. At 04:57 PM on 04 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    just got here from 'The Moor on our Lovely Award', crickey it's been a busy day....Oh my God, Fifi....your here as well, i thought i had left you back at the 'Moor on our....'. I have been to a lot of places begining with W.

    Wolverhampton, Wattisham, Wroughton etc....which county are you thinking of dearheart?

    btw, if anyone sees my sheep, it's not a poodle, she just looks like that to draw attention to herself. Doesn't 'arf give the Japs a fright though.

    Anyway, must get on and get these shelves up b4 the tide comes in.

  44. At 05:03 PM on 04 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    ..just had to nip out (and that is not a bad Jap pun) to the Glassbox, now i'm back and find my sky hooks have gone...never going to get these shelves up at this rate.

  45. At 05:15 PM on 04 May 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    DI Wyman. So the RAF would rather put a plane on the back of a low loader then fly it?

    Saves a few pounds in Av Gas I suppose.

  46. At 05:28 PM on 04 May 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Sorry I went all silent on you lovely people this afternoon. I got sent home from May as a result of my aforementioned aliment.

    Wonko signing off after one last paddle in the sea, have a great Bank Holiday Weekend. See you on the other side of it.

    ;o) []

  47. At 05:33 PM on 04 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    ...sorry got dash off, vet has called, needs me to hold Dolly while he worms her...will discuss RAF bits with Stewart M when i get back....ttfn

  48. At 05:38 PM on 04 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    Luv, I haven't been able to spend much time on the beach these last few days; have read through as much thread as poss; not sure exactly what trials you are facing, sorry if I missed some detail that you wrote, couldn't find it. Otherwise I am just inferring, and really feeling for you. However, just wanted to say that I've been thinking of you a lot, and hope you're OK at some level.

    Fancy watching the sun slowly set with me, with a bottle of something chilled? Pull up a lounger.

    Anna xx

  49. At 05:51 PM on 04 May 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Belinda, you frogcasting queen, Eric's just read out another of your postings! As well as many others.

    C'mere and have a congratulatory ((((()))))

  50. At 06:33 PM on 04 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    ......well that was a bit tougher than normal, she knows she has to be wormed every spring. Put up quite a fight this time, still thats it for another year. She says she is off to see her mother for the Bank holiday weekend and wants those shelves put by the time she comes back!

    Stuart M, no they used to VTOL onto the roads and then taxy into the woods, amazing site it was.

    if you my sheep, ask her to bring my sky hooks back will you, she may be looking for the camels. Apparently they are distant relations.

  51. At 06:49 PM on 04 May 2007, Cammelia, Lady Dromedary wrote:

    Moi! Related to a sheep? A sheep of the desert, possibly, but never a sheep of the mint sauce sort. A Llama, or wolfhound maybe. Even an alfresco alpaca (the exotic foreign branch of the family), but a common or garden sheep. nonono
    Runs off, knees clattering with fright and hump rigid with disdain.
    (HUMP Appy) o she's not here to misconstrue. Nor is RJD. Is the naughty corner vacant then? I may set up a poker school over there for the weekend.

  52. At 06:53 PM on 04 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    DI Wyman

    Can I have a bottle of whatever you're on, please? Do steer clear of talking cats with shelf fixations though.

  53. At 07:04 PM on 04 May 2007, wrote:

    Fearless Fred has just e-mailed me this beautiful photo of Dougal as a puppy.

    He's in Fido's gallery on the refuge site:-

    FFred says :- This was Dougal as a pup, doing his darndest to try and look cute....

  54. At 07:04 PM on 04 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    Hi Anna Rex its absythne, i'll leave a bottle at Nicks, help yourself.

    just heard my sheep may be in the glass box, back in a mo

  55. At 07:05 PM on 04 May 2007, wrote:

    Ooh 'eck! Can I ask my fellow froggers advice on something? As some of you may know, I'm single. Well, I joined a d&ting agency a few months back, and they've sent me two introductions in less than a week. Eeep! Any advice on how to make sure that:

    a) I remember the names correctly
    b) I make a good impression
    c) Don't scare off the ladies in question

    Seriously, I'm rather nervous about this, so any advice gratefully appreciated! I'll be over in the red hammock tonight, so anyone wanting to give me sage words can find me there....

  56. At 07:08 PM on 04 May 2007, wrote:

    DI W - hmmm, I think Anna has you sussed there!

    Isn't it extraordinarily exciting to be read out on air?

  57. At 07:35 PM on 04 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    DI Wyman (53) - thanks - I think I'm way too sober. Been spending far too much time in May.

    Gooseberry crumble fresh out of the oven.

    Cammelia: strip or ordinary?

  58. At 07:35 PM on 04 May 2007, Belinda wrote:

    Anna (48): Thank you for your kind words. I haven't specified what exactly is going on but I am sure that I will blurt it out at some point, as this place seems to be utterly soul-cleansing in many ways, and I feel the need to express every thought I have (unlike in real life), as I'm sure you are all aware.
    Thank you to everyone else who has offered support as well - it is highly appreciated and I'll think of you all as I'm away with the fairies.

    Frances - I can't believe my comment was read out for the second week running. They also chose one which made me sound rather severe and militaristic. The tone in my head as I said it was rather more polite ;-)

  59. At 07:38 PM on 04 May 2007, wrote:

    Fearless, that's a tricky one! I'll join you a little later in the red hammock and meanwhile discuss your dilemma with some friends.

    Chris the Jarvis has bounced back fresh from his holiday in the Canaries so we will have a bite at the local -- and come up with some suggestions if poss!

  60. At 07:40 PM on 04 May 2007, wrote:

    And Izzy - Perky et al -- great to hear the little 'drama' on air' - It's something I'd have loved to have archived for the extra site - but I don't think I'm allowed to.

    If Marc or Eddie gives me permission - rest assured - it'll be up there :-)

  61. At 07:48 PM on 04 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    FFred - good man! 2 ladies obviously have good taste :-)

    Addressing your specific questions...
    (a) use word association to connect the name to something meaningful so you can remember it. If one of them's called Cammelia that'll be easy!!
    (b) don't mention the camels
    (c) be you - you're lovely!

    Would you like a relaxing massage to prepare you physically (RJD... oh, he's not here...) & mentally? Or just a blurdy big beer? Budge up, I'm coming in to the hammock, bringing heaps of good vibes, and crisps & dips, with me.


    ps we'll be wanting full reports....

  62. At 07:55 PM on 04 May 2007, Cammelia, Lady Dromedary wrote:

    Just call them Marm, or your ladysheep, sorry, Ladyship and ply them with strong drink.

    it works for me....

    Good luck

  63. At 08:14 PM on 04 May 2007, Perky wrote:

    Just popping down to leave some sticky toffee pudding on the bar - with toffee sauce and cream on the side for those who are feeling indulgent.

    Jonnie - I can't believe that I got read out on the one night I didn't hear the programme. I feel like a proper frogger now ;-)

    Don't know if I'll be able to catch any beach activity this weekend, so I'll take this chance to wish you all a wonderful extended weekend, with much jollity, eating and drinking.

    Oh, and FFred - be yourself! You're charming on here, erudite and witty, so as long as you keep your nerves under control, I have high hopes for you xx

    Belinda - much crossing of fingers and sending of best wishes and frugs for next week ((()))

  64. At 08:54 PM on 04 May 2007, wrote:

    Belinda (58),

    You have my best wishes. From someone who also has something mysterious (still) that will cause them to be away (again) from time to time, so have an idea of what you're going through at the moment.

    Oh oh, just heard JD on Any Questions announce that EM will host the prog for the next two weeks. So, will it be Sequin on PM for the next two Fridays, or Carrie, or even Martha; will they be on double time for a double shift?

  65. At 09:06 PM on 04 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    'allo 'allo whats going on 'ere then.

    i bimble off for a few minutes to:-

    a, get sheep back
    b, make sure Doris has actually gone to MIL
    c, grab a bit of crumble ( wot no custard, how absurd)
    d, finish putting shelves up..

    and i find you all being cuddly!

    btw, who is this Eddie Mare bloke and what is a fixation?
    is it like that no nails stuff that comes in a tube?

    could have done wi sum o that to put the shelves up.

    any way, i'm off to troll the shore line, apparently Flotsam & Jetsum is performing tonight, should be a good gig....init

  66. At 09:30 PM on 04 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    back again...forgot mit deckchair..won't catch me sitting on damp sand. my old mum she said 'you'll get them nobby stiles one o these days if you sit on that wet naughty step any longer my lad'...my old mum, cor now she was a gem. had an answer for anything, never right though. funny that.

    ...see you later got to get back to the F&J gig....

  67. At 11:23 PM on 04 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    .......fantastic, Flotsam & Jets'm at their best, their covers of Tony Bennett, Sinatra, Reg Dwight and the Queen are mindblowing....mind you i think the sound of breaking wind during their rendition of the 1974 Christmas speech had just a touch too much bass and reverb for my liking...

    anyhoo, off to Nicks for night cap and then heads down..we are all off down to..

    Lat: 52:47:24N (52.7901) Lon: 1:36:11E (1.6031).....for lunch tomorrow

  68. At 12:20 AM on 05 May 2007, wrote:

    Di Wyman --

    You must be exhausted!

    Now take off those flip flops of yours and have a Nytol - here lets wash it down with one of the many offerings left at the NC bar - and perhaps some of Anna's Gooseberry crumble ?

    All sounds a bit too cosy actually - better log out of the beach till the morning sun bathes us once again.

    Fearless :- I got nowhere with the promised advice :-(

    I'd follow what Lady Drom or Anna said!

    Congrats Izzy - yes it is exciting isn't it! You have a lovely voice by the way ;-)

  69. At 01:29 AM on 05 May 2007, Val P wrote:

    Wow, what a busy day it's been on the beach, can I remember all that's been said?

    Deepthought - thinking deep thoughts for you, keep us posted, via off-lilypad if necessary, missed you.

    Fearless - awww, you know you can get on great with both of them, but why do you keep getting involved 2 at a time? Just look them in the eye, listen to what they're saying, and think of their name - it's a cinch. If you can't remember their names after that, well .....

    Stewart M - they are resilient, TD has broken 3 wrists (ok, you know what I mean). The first time she trampolined into a wall when her brother was in charge and I was having a coffee (eek), the second, playing with a friend something got stuck up a tree so they fetched a ladder and leaned it against the branch and she climbed up and ooops, guess the rest. The third time she was at Brownies and span round cross armed with same previous friend till they got dizzy, fell over, and there you go, worst break yet!

    I've managed to miss PM every day this week, so naturally missed the froggers' moments of fame today - really must Listen Again.

    Aunt D - SO has just suggested that he thought we might take a trip to the Isle of Man. Yes, well, let me think about that. Vancouver, New Zealand, Isle of Man, hmmmm

    Fiona - have a good weekend in Scotland, we're not all too stupid to vote correctly!

    I've been ranting away on the Scottish Elections thread, and daresay it'll look like a load of old codswallop in the cold light of day, but I'm cross that I didn't find it earlier (life gets in the way of frogging - shocker), or I might have been a bit less rambling and more coherent. Oh Blow it. let's open a bottle of this pink fizz I've brought with me. There are plenty more where that came from and I'm thinking of camping out here for the entire weekend. Cheers, m'dears!

  70. At 08:39 AM on 05 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    Ahhhh, it's a beautiful morn, the sun is shining, the gulls are calling and the lamas are lamaing....anyway can't stop, i only popped back 'cos i forgot sheep. she is needed at the 'other place'...see you all later..ttfn

  71. At 10:00 AM on 05 May 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Good morning. Great news...Humph has a strapline!! Well done, Humph, let's but Baileys in the coffee to celebrate, and I'll make kedgeree as a special treat.
    Belinda, Perky and Izzy are also guests of honour; Deepthought and Belinda will be served theirs in their hammocks.
    Val p, Stewart M and Aunt Dahlia have all had something to celebrate recently, so let's put these sparklers in their coffee mugs.
    Ffred, relax and enjoy the moment - don't go thinking about the future, just go out for a pleasant evening. You're a lovely man, of course the lucky ladies will enjoy your company.
    Right....I'll put my pinny on....

  72. At 10:31 AM on 05 May 2007, mittfh wrote:

    Just to add to Eric's gloating, I've added a mention of the awards to the program's page on a well-known online encyclopedia...

  73. At 11:25 AM on 05 May 2007, wrote:

    Gillian - oh yum *sound of smacking of lips*. Thank you very much.

    Jonnie - Thank you, too! ;o) Funnily enough, I said to SO that it was read in exactly the tone of voice I'd written it in!

  74. At 12:06 PM on 05 May 2007, wrote:

    Morning All! As usual I've missed almost all PM's all week and am way behind with the Frog!

    Well done Humph! Are you around to see your moment of glory?

    I see we have 'Sony Award Winning' at the top of the page - is that new? We are giving Sony an awful lot of free advertising aren't we??!

    Deepthought & Belinda - good to see you, all best wishes & hugsx

    Congratulations to Val & Aunt D, the !! ♥

    FFred - don't even think about a, b or c and just have a good time. Be interested in her, be yourself, you'll be fine! (And come back and tell us all about it of course!)

  75. At 12:18 PM on 05 May 2007, Valery P wrote:

    Oh GM, thank you so much for that!! Perhaps it started off life as one of Miss Pooh Bear's tadpoles :o))

  76. At 01:07 PM on 05 May 2007, wrote:

    What a lovely thought Val - will you be buying one for Mr Val P? Or a golden tadpole ready to hatch in 25years time? :-)

  77. At 01:11 PM on 05 May 2007, wrote:

    Big news - asparagus shortage imminent after worker ploughs wrong field!

    Do you think it's a slow news day?

  78. At 02:12 PM on 05 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    ...hi y.all.....were having a great lunchtime at the other place, just popped over as i loads of bacon sarnies left over. will leave them at NC's bar, sorry no brown sauce...must dash, sheep has asked that she be 'poodle' shorn again. she is also considering slight pink dye...that would really freak our oriental friends out....ttfn

  79. At 04:11 PM on 05 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    Gillian - Baileys & kedgeree? Very kind of you, but do you mind if I don't? ;-)

    Izzy (77) - it's OK, I bought about a hundredweight yesterday. Perfectly steamed, drizzled in melted butter & lemon. Help yourselves.

  80. At 04:40 PM on 05 May 2007, wrote:


    YUM! Is it local produce?

    We had some from a nearby farm which had found its way into the supermarkets my spouse prefers. It was delicious. Next week we had some more. It was delicious too, but came from Peru by air.

    I don't know which was cheaper in cash, but I do know which cost the Earth more.

  81. At 05:13 PM on 05 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    British through and through :-)

    I can't claim to belong to paramilitary wing of food-ethics, but asparagus is one of those foods that I only ever buy in season & locally. I think it makes it more special, that it's only available for a couple of months.

    Can't do anything about the after-effects though, I'm afraid... ;-)

  82. At 06:11 PM on 05 May 2007, Gillian wrote:

    GM (74) Where do I find the new banner? The top of my page is just the same as it ever was

  83. At 08:22 PM on 05 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    ...what an ab fab sunset, i've had a cracking day although not quite as planned. sheep opted for a blue rinse, looks quite glam actually, told her it won't fool anybody though.

    went off in huff at that so has opted to go and stay with her nephew, billy goat gruff.

    i have left a rather delicous sherry trifle on the bar, my ol' nan made two. one for me and one for the freezer, but i thought you may like a nice pud after all that 'spargras.

    i see all the absynthe has gone!

    just going to have a stroll on the prom and catch the last rays and then catch up on my reading

  84. At 08:30 PM on 05 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    DI W (93) oops, the avsynthe was me. Soz.

    Can I just say [and cover your ears]:


    Nuff said.

    Sherry trifle... don't mind if I do.

  85. At 12:03 AM on 06 May 2007, wrote:

    Gillian - the top, to me has Eric's head on the righthandside, with 'PM' and the programme times on the left in blue. Just above this, in gold, it reads:

    'Sony Gold Award Winner
    Best Interactive Programme 2007'

    I'm sure it wasn't there before. Maybe it's all the asparagus making me hallucinate......

  86. At 04:50 AM on 06 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    mmmmmm....this is best time of day, a bright pink glow in the east heralds a new dawn. the tide has been in and out washing the sand leaving it like a blank sheet of paper all ready for a day of scribbling. the aroma of hot coffee fills the nostrils and crossaunts warm in the embers of the bbq.

    ....finished the book, wore & peas, not really my cup of infused beverage, not many sheep bits, still diff't strokes for diff't blokes 'spose....

    .....anyhoo the bright pink glow in the east has bimbled over, told him to keep out of the sun yesterday....and the cross aunts are moaning there aren't enough of us here to have a game of polo.....so are going to return to the devasted fields of assperygrass to see if they can salvage anything....

    ...as for me i'm just going to enjoy some towel time, admire the view and chill out...init

  87. At 10:01 AM on 06 May 2007, wrote:

    Di, What beautiful writing - you certainly saw the best part of the day :-)

  88. At 10:16 AM on 06 May 2007, The New Blog Prince aka Marc wrote:

    Hello all. Just popped in for a quick scout around, and all seems to be ticking along nicely.
    If you do have any issues you'd like to raise with me re the blog, then you can always drop me an email to pmblogprince at hotmail dot com and i'll try to address your issues as best I can


  89. At 10:19 AM on 06 May 2007, Gillian wrote:

    GM (85) Thanks for that, but I'm afraid I still don't see it, even when I select full screen. The top of Eddie's head is always chopped off on my screen. Is this normal? ;o)

    Big Sis - love the stapline! I do hope Humph saw his yesterday.

  90. At 10:47 AM on 06 May 2007, wrote:

    Gillian (89) I'm afraid Eddie' head has always had that "chopped-off" look ever since the blog came to be all the way back on Day One...

  91. At 01:02 PM on 06 May 2007, Chris the Pickle wrote:

    Good morning Favourite Frog People!! (Er, actually I don't know any others...)

    And just realised it's afternoon, so not a good start.

    Anyway, hope everyone's tickety-boo today? What does that actually mean?

    FFred - hope you've stopped panicking about your impending meetings? You seem such a luvverly sort, that Just Be Yourself seems to me the best bit of frogadvice you've been offered. Being anything other than natural isn't a good idea, and if you forget their names it isn't likely the world would come to an immediate end. or the roof of the pub would fall in or anything.

    Just wondered which of us female froggy types are doing/have done the Race for Life this year? I'm in for the Bristol one on 19th May, though I'm studiously ignoring the "Race" bit and mentally replacing it with "Stroll Contentedly Whilst Chatting to Other Strollers".


  92. At 02:18 PM on 06 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    ...thanks jonnie, just had to pop back, forgot mit towel.....we are all off down to:-

    Lat: 52:47:24N (52.79) Lon: 1:36:06E (1.6018)

    for a pint and a burger....catch you all later...oh by the way, got a text from BG Gruff this morning, apparently, and don't say a word, the reason sheep had a blue rinse will be revealed this week when she makes an announcement in 'the other' place......can't wait, bound to make the headlines. if i can gleam anything i will keep you posted...ttfn....init

  93. At 03:08 PM on 06 May 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon all - just popped in having spent all morning and most of this afternoon (so far) trying to get Cambridge Folk Festival tickets - finally successful, hoorah, but took hours on the phone and then annoyingly, extra charges on the web. But there we are, I can be excited now. (and tickety boo - CtheP!)

    Anna, hope that scream was all you needed and they haven't driven you to even more distraction.

    Nice to see NBP Marc (I thought we'd agreed he was Sparky Marc, now??) is thinking of us on a Sunday.

    Back off to epidemiology revision in May - have to cram it in now as SO is off to play in Swansea tonight and I'm lead audience support!

  94. At 03:09 PM on 06 May 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon all - just popped in having spent all morning and most of this afternoon (so far) trying to get Cambridge Folk Festival tickets - finally successful, hoorah, but took hours on the phone and then annoyingly, extra charges on the web. But there we are, I can be excited now. (and tickety boo - CtheP!)

    Anna, hope that scream was all you needed and they haven't driven you to even more distraction.

    Nice to see NBP Marc (I thought we'd agreed he was Sparky Marc, now??) is thinking of us on a Sunday.

    I'm apologising in advance if this gets posted twice - it's just taken for ever and I didn't think it went through!

    Back off to epidemiology revision in May - have to cram it in now as SO is off to play in Swansea tonight and I'm lead audience support!

  95. At 03:17 PM on 06 May 2007, wrote:

    Oh Gillian - we must campaign to get some new pics done for Eddie esp on the Any Questions website.

    As for thge one above - Why do I always think of 'Silence of the lambs' and agent Krendler?

  96. At 03:57 PM on 06 May 2007, wrote:


    Enjoy .

  97. At 05:04 PM on 06 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    Ed (96), nice one, but Norfolk is a big county, if you are hot on the trail of me and Big ears (CK) u could have narrowed it down a bit otherwise you'll never make it into the sqdn at Ledbury.........?@

  98. At 06:05 PM on 06 May 2007, wrote:


    Beats me. Are you a flying fish or a plumber?

    Ahoy anyway!

  99. At 06:18 PM on 06 May 2007, Perky wrote:

    A quick, if slightly hungover, visit to see how you all are. I'm in need of some quiet, reflective time, but I'll leave the hammocks alone, because their gentle swaying is likely to make me sick.

    I'll be snoozing on the sun-lounger, bloody mary in hand.

    Anyone got some celery??

  100. At 06:43 PM on 06 May 2007, Chris the Pickle wrote:

    Aw, poor Perky - not quite so perky, eh?

    The bloody mary should sort it out!! One way or another... Now don't go nodding off in the sun and getting burned ok?

    Ed & DIY - what the heck are you two on about?!?!?!


  101. At 07:04 PM on 06 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    oh hi Chris mit Pickle, i thought Ed had sussed who i was, so was just plumbing the depths to c if he was on the right track / beach.......bloody miles off he is....and i even b'cast the lat and long!!...

    anyway, back to basics, i have been chasing round all day trying to sort out how to handle sheep et al when she gives the news conf next week.......it will all end in tears i tell u......

    ......needless 2 say my head is spinning....must dash the chopper has just arrived to take us back to town.............NO Big Ears...keep your head down.........drat too late...........

  102. At 08:00 PM on 06 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    Izzy (93/4)
    Much better, thank you. I'm sure everyone has felt thus at some time or another!

    Delish Marlbrough sauv blanc for all, thx to S**y offer ages ago when I bought a boot-full. Perfectly chilled.

    I have a craving for raw cake mix. Can anyone provide something sating but more nutritious, or shall I just go ahead and make enough for everyone???

    AR xx

  103. At 08:20 PM on 06 May 2007, Perky wrote:

    CtP - thanks for being so solicitous. I have daubed on the sun-cream and made a whole jug of Bloody Mary for all to share :)

    Anna - Mmmmmmm, raw cake mix. Yum. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who dips in. If you're doing a batch, can I partake?

    Am feeling better - the beach always clears the cobwebs and cheers you up!

  104. At 08:29 PM on 06 May 2007, Chris the Pickle wrote:

    Thanks DIY, I see now... erm, I think...

    AnnaR - have things taken a calmer turn? No more aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhing this evening? Hope so :O)

    I'm still up to my peepers in this flamin' coursework... Roll on June when it will (or should) be finished, then I can frog with a clear conscience! At the moment frogging is a welcome diversion!

    Race for Life? Any other idiots apart from me?


  105. At 08:35 PM on 06 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    OK, massive bowl of raw cake mix on the bar, and lots of spoons. Dig in!! (Boys, this may be a girl thing; don't try to understand; just leave us to it!). Usual warnings apply: CONTAINS RAW EGG so avoid if pregnant or immuno-compromised.

    Perky, you get first dip. Carbs are great for hangovers :-)

  106. At 09:22 PM on 06 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    yo dudes, i'm back. we deposited Big Ears at St Mary's, I told him to keep his head down but he will just not listen......hitched lift back on HRH chopper....i just love the new helipad, all those pertuneeahhs. i've popped a bottle of a rather nice Claret ( Corney & Barrow don't u no) on the bar. my old mate from Glos'shire let me have case for keeping quiet about......

    .....BG Gruff has just text me, sheep now in two minds as to make announcement next week, says she is going to ask great uncle GW what to do ( mind you she always does dear soul ). if it was up to me i would start to get to know the french royals a bit better..but who am i to say...had my day and blew it.....back in a mo, phone on the prom ringing, maybe lord and master....back in a jiffy..

  107. At 09:56 PM on 06 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    ....no it was some geezer asking if i wanted a conservatory. do i, cor do i......gave him all the usual details...

    ......name, address, post code, pin...u no the usual stuff..says with my credit rating i can have the balmoral with air con etc....they are popping round on tuesday to measure me up.....that'l be a right royal treat that will,....haven't been measured up for years, not unless u count that dodgy tailor up brick lane...

    ...any roads up, told him if the lift is out the stairs ain't too bad......'e 'ung up then, wood u believe it......

  108. At 01:20 AM on 07 May 2007, wrote:

    High water mark? How far's the pub?

  109. At 10:10 AM on 07 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Oh dear, you go out for a day and miss a strapline. And I haven't had one (a strapline!) for ages!

    Which one was it, Gillian? If you can remember that is ....

    (Sorry if this, or a similar comment, appears twice. Blame malicious posting)

  110. At 12:31 PM on 07 May 2007, wrote:

    I came across this in re-reading :

    In the following sheets, the author hath studiously avoided every thing which is personal among ourselves. Compliments as well as censure to individuals make no part thereof. The wise and the worthy need not the triumph of a pamphlet; and those whose sentiments are injudicious or unfriendly, will cease of themselves, unless too much pains is bestowed upon their conversion.

    It seems the final sentence applies to modern trolls ;-)

    A plaquard for the wall in the Furrowed Brow?

  111. At 12:40 PM on 07 May 2007, Val P wrote:

    Frances O - nice strapline today!

    Big Sis - sorry, I missed yours so can't help :o(

    April Showers on the May Bank Holiday, it's nice to pop down to the beach instead. I'm going to take my book over to the comfiest looking hammock and have half an hour's r & r.

  112. At 01:10 PM on 07 May 2007, wrote:

    Question: When is a retiree's bedtime?
    Answer: Three hours after he falls asleep in his chair.

    Question: Why don't retirees mind being called seniors?
    Answer: The term comes with a 10 percent discount.

    Question: Among retirees, what is considered formal attire?
    Answer: Tied shoes.

    Question: What is the common term for someone who enjoys
    work and refuses to retire?
    Answer: NUTS!

    Question: Why are retirees so slow to clean out the
    basement, attic, or garage?
    Answer: They know that as soon as they do, one of their
    adult kids will want to store stuff there.

    Question: What do retirees call a long lunch?
    Answer: Normal.

    Question: What's the biggest advantage of going back to
    school as a retiree?
    Answer: If you cut classes, no one calls your parents.
    -- from the internet


  113. At 05:04 PM on 07 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    Well, despite promised rain, the weather in May is almost as nice as on the beach! But the sea isn't as warm :-)

    Here's a fresh batch of tomato & basil soup and crusty rolls, pitch in. Thinking of doing a bbq later - any takers?

    Belinda, are those your foorprints? Hope you're hanging in there xx

  114. At 06:06 PM on 07 May 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Thanks, Val. Sorry I missed yours, Big Sis.

    Rain earlier, then sun and wind back in May.

    It's quiet on the Beach today; is everyone away?

    I'll join you for the barbie, Anna R, what a good idea

  115. At 06:58 PM on 07 May 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Big Sis, I'm sorry, I can't remember. It was a good one though...honestly....as is Francis O's today. To be scrupulously fair, I have also forgotten Humph's, and promise to forget Francis's tomorrow! ;o)

    If Deepthought pops in, would someone please let him know that I've made this pot of lemon and ginger tea for him. I thought it would relieve his cough for a while.

  116. At 07:09 PM on 07 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    Hi Frances
    Langoustines on the bbq, fizz in the fridge, and I'm going to try some of this local, rare breed pork in kebabs.

    I bought the last sapragass from sainsbugs too, for those who haven't had enough of it yet!

    Sun still shining in May - please can someone throw a big bucket of rain this way?!

  117. At 07:31 PM on 07 May 2007, wrote:

    I don't usually bother with jokes, but someone's just sent us these, & I found myself Lol at them. Thought some of you might like a laugh too, as it's still the "weekend"!

    A man and a friend were playing golf one day.
    One of the guys was about to chip onto the green, when he sees a long funeral procession on the road next to the course.
    He stopped in mid-swing, took off his golf cap, closed his eyes, and bows down in prayer.
    His friend said, "Wow! That is the most thoughtful and touching thing I have ever seen. You are truly a kind man."
    The other man replied, "Yeah, well, we were married 35 years."


    Cockney: "Where are you from?"
    Graduate: "I come from a place where we do not end our sentences with prepositions."
    Cockney: "OK - where are you from, idiot?"


    A woman got on a bus with her baby.
    The bus driver said, "That's the ugliest baby that I've ever seen."
    The woman went to the rear of the bus and sat down, fuming.
    She said to a man next to her, "That driver just insulted me!"
    The man said, "You go right up there and tell him off! Go ahead, I'll hold your monkey for you."


    A man went skydiving for the first time.
    After listening to the instructor for what seems like days, he was ready to go.
    Excited, he jumped out of the aeroplane. After a bit, he pulled the ripcord. Nothing happened. He
    tried again. Still nothing. He started to panic, but remembered his back-up chute. He pulled that cord. Nothing happened...
    He frantically began pulling both cords, but to no avail. Suddenly, he looked down, and he couldn't believe his eyes. Another man is in the air with him, but this guy was going up!
    Just as the other guy passed by, the skydiver - by this time scared out of his wits - yelled, "Hey, do you know anything about skydiving?"
    The other guy yelled back, "No! Do you know anything about gas fitting?"


    A dog went to a telegram office, took out a blank form and wrote, "Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof."
    The clerk examined the paper and politely told the dog, "There are only nine words here. You could send another 'Woof' for the same price."
    The dog replied, "But that would just be gibberish, surely?"

    (For some reason that last one makes me think of Eddie & his attempt to render the Reggie Perrin theme here. I've since found the sheet music, so I can categorically state that one of the dotted minims was a beat short, in his version. It's no wonder I didn't recognise it)

  118. At 11:56 PM on 07 May 2007, wrote:

    Now Froggers, - I need you all of you to Hassle Fifi to get me the nice quality files for the Froggers song! She's getting too distracted at the moment.

    Once I have them we can look towards getting the final mix done!

    Just have a go at her when she noses in on the Beach -- Pleasseeeee!

  119. At 08:54 AM on 08 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Morning all - argh, can't wait till I ditch the job I'm supposed to be doing back in May....only another 16 months (but keep those froggy digits crossed). Am contacting the council again today re teacher training stuff - the woman organising it has been off with shingles! (bl**dy inconsiderate).

    Anyway, low fat flapjacks and full fat croissants on bar along with some lovely chai tea and fresh coffee.

    Catch you later - ps if I've missed anything important and haven't commented many apologies.

    (First call of the day in May - complete to**er, today is going to suck)

  120. At 11:40 AM on 08 May 2007, Perky wrote:

    Witchi - hang on in there - that teaching job is just around the corner ;)

  121. At 11:49 AM on 08 May 2007, wrote:

    Jonnie, I have just blind-copied you my nag to the guy with the music files.

    He works shifts, usually double-shifts. I can't even see him for rehearsals prior to our band being the opening act at a 2-day folk festival in less than 2 weeks!

    But I will keep trying...


  122. At 01:07 PM on 08 May 2007, Perky wrote:

    Are we expecting a new beach this week? Or are we being rationed because of the bank holiday

  123. At 01:16 PM on 08 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Perky - thanks, feeling much better, have nearly cast off all orc-ishness (feel it will be all gone with the final bite of apple....funny how soothing lunch can be!)

    Fifi - I know it will be worth the wait! Double shifts sound fairly hideous, hope the impact on the Folk Fesi isn't too bad. Where is it?

    Just been malicioused - haven't posted for ages. Was it the mention of orc-ishness??

  124. At 01:22 PM on 08 May 2007, wrote:

    Good news, lilypadders: Fiona has been in touch and we're about to go 'live'.

    Stand by for an email, you lovely people you.



  125. At 01:25 PM on 08 May 2007, Humph wrote:

    Just to let Fellow Froggers know, I did see the strapline on Saturday. I then promptly tripped over the internet cable breaking it at a non-repairable plug. So I have not been a) ignorant of my achieving a strapline or b) ignoring the kind wishes from many of you about my success. I have just been c) injured with a big bruise on my left knee and d) incapacitated to thank you all.


  126. At 01:35 PM on 08 May 2007, Fiona wrote:

    And here I am, appearing Live at The Beach. Thank you dear Fifi for the lilypad, there's a beer with your name on it on the bar for now, or later.....

    Hello one and all - hope you are all well?. In my usual mad dash mode so can't stop long. Brought back some yummy shortbread and vanilla tablet from Aberdeen for you all so tuck in.....

    Ed, thanks for your kind invite to the treehouse - the kids would LOVE to vist but sadly we were on the wrong side of the country, another time perhaps.

    Right back to May for a bit.

    Big hugs to all in need (and even to those who are not in need if they want one) xx

  127. At 01:50 PM on 08 May 2007, wrote:

    Humph - sorry, but I laughed at your incident with the cable. Hope you are recovering.It was a good strapline - I saw it. Well worth a new plug.

    Would it cheer you at all to know that a friend we went to visit yesterday was suffering from a little domestic disharmony, owing to her having put her husband's mobile phone (left in his shirt pocket & she didn't notice) through a full wash cycle in their machine? With fabric softener? I'm afraid I laughed then too. Her husband didn't though...

  128. At 03:27 PM on 08 May 2007, wrote:

    I declare the lilypad open.

    Fifi ;o)

  129. At 03:29 PM on 08 May 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Annasee (127) that could spawn a whole new website - Things I have put in the washing machine -

    What's the worst that froggers have washed?

  130. At 04:21 PM on 08 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Fifi - you are a gem! :)

  131. At 04:51 PM on 08 May 2007, Frances O wrote:

    A ring. Quite a nice one. Was puzzled as to how I'd lost it. Looked everywhere.

    Then found it in the folds of that rubber seal thing where the front-loader's door goes, if you know what I mean. Yes, it has folds. I must have left it in a pocker...

  132. At 05:13 PM on 08 May 2007, Fiona wrote:

    I put some bedding in to wash the other day and just as the drum was filling up with water (so past the point of no return where I could open the door) I noticed a great big spider on the inside. Must have been having a snooze on the duvet cover. I never found it when the wash finished but there were weird stains of a reddish brown colour on my white sheet........I washed them all again immediately after.

  133. At 07:28 PM on 08 May 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Anne P (129) Nothing can beat a tissue lurking in a pocket...... ;o(

    Btw, I too have washed a mobile phone, and once it had dried out it was still working!

  134. At 11:09 PM on 08 May 2007, wrote:

    Gillian - that's comforting. I will find out if my friend's husband's phone recovers. Or, indeed, if he recovers. I gather things weren't too great after the wash episode. My husband carefully took the phone apart for her, & dried the relevant pieces (which were all thoroughly soaked) & left them out to air. She has to reassemble it in a day or so & pray a lot.

    Another friend, years ago, was trapped in her house when her toddler took the car/house keys & put them in the washing machine. But couldn't remember where they were. Took half a day to find them. Still, at least she didn't put the machine on!

  135. At 11:34 PM on 08 May 2007, Val P wrote:

    Washed a five-pound note in a shirt pocket, and that was in the days when you could actually buy something with a fiver (if it hadn't turned into a soggy pulp that is...)
    Washed a teenytiny little digital camera still in its little flat velveteen pouch thing - it was in Son's jeans pocket. It very definitely stopped working :o(
    Too tired to remember any more, and that hammock over there looks very inviting. Must catch up with the rest of this week's threads tomorrow - plaintive plea, why does he cast so many?

  136. At 08:28 AM on 09 May 2007, wrote:

    Are you lurking anywhere Sir?

    Check out Farming Today from Tuesday morning. All about small-scale farming (box sales schemes, etc.) being a growth area in Scotland right now and how it's being encouraged.

    And further; Listen to 'Hippies' on R4 today (Wednesday) at 11:00 hrs. All about 'Tipi Valley' in Wales and "living lightly on the land" as a model for human existence. Right up your street by the sound of it?


  137. At 08:49 AM on 09 May 2007, Humph wrote:

    ValP (135) I hope that you realise it is illegal to launder money. ;-)


  138. At 10:10 AM on 09 May 2007, wrote:

    Humph - hahaha

  139. At 10:41 AM on 09 May 2007, Fearless Fred wrote:

    Humph (137) -*groan!*- That's all I have to say about that! :p

    I've managed the wodge of tissues, the fiver, and indeed the piece of paper with an important telephone number on it all over the years...

  140. At 10:48 AM on 09 May 2007, Molly wrote:

    Frances O (131)

    It's called a diaphragme, apparently........nice!
    I know as I had mine replaced recently.;-)


  141. At 11:01 AM on 09 May 2007, Molly wrote:

    Si (136)

    coincidentally i'm listening to a prog on R4 NOW!!
    all about the saame community-are you listening?


  142. At 11:01 AM on 09 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Stamps. A whole book of first class. Some usable afterwards, most not.

  143. At 11:01 AM on 09 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Tissues are by far the worst! I did manage to drop a mobile in a cup of tea once....it made an amazing noise and worked, albeit sporadically, for a few weeks afterwards.

  144. At 11:11 AM on 09 May 2007, wrote:


  145. At 11:12 AM on 09 May 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    Digital Things Don't like water though money usually still spends after being through the wash.
    When my Eldest Daughter was small she killed my Psion by spilling milk over it. So electronics are as keen on spilt milk as the glass box.

    I'm busy sorting out a credit card fraud. Some one's been trying to spend my pennies at Am...zon. Not Am...zons fault they reaslised quickly and told me about it. But I'm baffled as to where the card details have been got from.

  146. At 11:48 AM on 09 May 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Molly (140), gosh! At least I know my machine is having safe socks.

    And sheets and knickers and...

  147. At 12:19 PM on 09 May 2007, Molly wrote:

    Frances o

    we learn something new every day..


  148. At 01:07 PM on 09 May 2007, wrote:

    I've treated a kitten which spent 10 minutes on a wash cycle and survived. And yes, its' fur really was squeaky clean!

  149. At 01:57 PM on 09 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    GM - I had fears I'd do that to my small and furry when she was er...smaller. She loved watching the machine in action and still has a penchant for climbing in kitchen cupboards if given half the chance (particulary the one with the crockery in it).

  150. At 02:01 PM on 09 May 2007, Sara wrote:

    Well, hello there fellow froggers! Great to see you all again - I've been away so long I bet you've forgotten me .... (sob!)

    And it's taken me hours to get here across the dunes - so much has been going on. Hope Belinda's doing OK. And how was Scotland, Fiona? I do hope things are looking better for you now. Belated happy Silver Wedding to Val P, and good luck to Ffred who will surely wow the ladies (coz as we all know he is absolutely the best!).

    New froggers seem to have hopped along too: welcome, welcome!

    Loved Annasee's jokes (lol) and Val P's definitions of love. There seems to be much love around down here and also plenty of mad people. Nice!

    When I was governessing in my early 20s in a Germany family I put a red towel in the wash with all my boss's shirts. They all turned pink. He said he didn't mind but I think his wife did..!!! But I've been told mobile phones usually survive, esp if you put them in the airing cupboard. Talking of strange places to put keys, when we moved house (long time ago), furniture etc all gone off in lorry and empty house locked up, dearest SO dropped our car keys in the deep snow. You can't imagine how long it took us to find them and how cold our fingers got.

    It's so nice and warm down here and I've put some bottles of fizz on the NC bar - and I also remembered some Liffey Water for Ed I and other fans. Do help yourselves.

  151. At 03:04 PM on 09 May 2007, Fiona wrote:

    Afternoon all, just a quick visit - just got back in from outside due to an unexpected fire alarm. I'll have a glass of fizz if you don't mind Sara thank you very much - nice to see you back. And Scotland was fine thank you.

    To my fellow lilypadders apologies for my very lengthy mail! Hope you don't mind.

    Humph (137) - big groan (followed by a chuckle) from me too..... :)

    Stewart M - good luck with getting your fraud thing sorted out. We came back from Easter weekend at Longleat to find out someone had withdrawn £800 from our account in Canada. The bank were great I have to say - the money was back in there within a week. Just had to learn a whole new set of pin/e-banking codes.

    Right onwards and upwards over the dunes and back to May.........

  152. At 03:24 PM on 09 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Sara - thanks for fizz!

    Am hiding in here as May is very tiring. And my calves are a bit achy. And I don't want to think about all the household chores I have to do tonight! And remember that cold that clobbered a few of us a while back, well I think I feel a slight tickle at the back of my throat....are hot toddys effective if taken as a preventative measure?

    Fiona - don't worry! :)

  153. At 03:53 PM on 09 May 2007, Fiona wrote:

    btw my account is not in Canada, the cash withdrawals took place there, just thought I would clear that up......

  154. At 04:15 PM on 09 May 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Oh, witchi, no!

    No to the cold, I mean; I'm only just beginning to feel back to normal and have to go for blood tests to see if I'm a bit low in sugar or iron or soemthing.

    Yes to the toddy, I think. The vitamin C content is especially therapeutic (grin). But perhaps after you finish work, and doing any cooking/washing up.

  155. At 04:40 PM on 09 May 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    I believe lots of electronics will survive liquids - IT department at work reckoned that keyboards suffering spilt tea/coffee were OK when dried out with a hairdryer, as long as the offender didn't take sugar!

    Just back from May on the allotment catching up with things now we've finally had a bit of rain - not enough but better than nothing. Spent yesterday evening playing with MyS**ce, purely in order to understand how it works you know. Whole different world but didn't want to feel left behind and may end up helping with son's band site in due course. Have to say despite some downsides I do find the internet a wonderful thing.

    Now, I've left some homemade custard creams on the bar and some Darjeeling and Yorkshire tea next to the coffee. Think I'll just relax those tired gardening muscles with a gentle swim before it's time to listen to Eddie.

  156. At 04:46 PM on 09 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Frances O - thats all the encouragement I need! And will gargle with asprin too (ick but v effective and have to be well for blood doning on friday!)

  157. At 06:09 PM on 09 May 2007, wrote:

    Hello Sara! Thanks for the Fizz - just the thing before going to see Casino Royale AGAIN this evening - girls night out!!

    Witchi - yes, dark holes generally seem to be attractive to cats don't they? We've seen cats retrieved from cavity walls, behind bath panels, tumble driers, engines, everywhere!

  158. At 07:28 PM on 09 May 2007, wrote:

    Jonnie - can your computer deal with attachments of 37MB?

    If not, I will send you a CD.

    Yes ... the Frog Song is here at last as three separate files, all ready to go!!!!!!!


  159. At 08:04 PM on 09 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    Witchi - ugh, sounds grim. Have a second (third?) toddy, just to be safe. The aspirin gargling thing can work. Hope you're not sinking into nasty cold thing. Don't do the blood doning if you're not feeling well - will wipe you out :-(

    Have been reading the comments about electronics & fluids with mirth and pain. Do the words "Laptop", "PC", "Chenin Blanc" and "£850" ring any bells? Nuff said.

    Â鶹ԼÅÄmade custard creams - wow!!!!! How??

  160. At 08:12 PM on 09 May 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    Anne P - "tired gardening muscles"
    Witchi - "achy calves" - not good for a yogameister, poor honey.

    ...It's a while since I've run a massage clinic. Overdue, methinks.
    Any other takers? I've got some lovely new, deeply moisturising, almond base oil. I'll just pour a glass of this lovely cold fizz and see if anyone comes.

  161. At 08:55 PM on 09 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Just a quick hello - AnnaR...oh yes, how could we forget?? Calves much better for a sit down (after all the housework...how can it possibly be 10 to 9). Massage and fizz - how could anyone refuse!

    GM - hope you enjoyed! Have only seen once and was with OH....I was so well behaved but my word, thats what I call a Bond!

    Right, after Anna has sorted me out off I go back to May...any takers for a pre brekkie yoga session? see you here tomorrow.

    Have a good night everyone x

  162. At 12:05 AM on 10 May 2007, wrote:

    Sláinte Sara!
    xx to all

    Si, heard both progs. Thanks

  163. At 10:36 AM on 10 May 2007, Fearless Fred wrote:

    Is that red hammock free? I feel the need to lie down with a soothing fruit infusion...

  164. At 11:06 AM on 10 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    With tissues (sorry, going back to washing machines, chaps!) it's the collateral damage, isn't it? especially in a 'black' wash .....

    The other one is when you put in a wash after a 'dog wash' (the blankets, not the animal, GM!), having forgotten to give the drum a wipe out. Done a few of those.

  165. At 11:07 AM on 10 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Morning all!!

    What a morning...pre brek yoga may have to be pre lunch yoga!!

    Hows the hammock FFred...and how were the dates?? (did I miss the post mortem?)

  166. At 11:09 AM on 10 May 2007, Belinda wrote:

    Hello all *waves weakly*,

    I'm back for the moment. Surgery went well, although I can't feel the left hand side of my body - and I'm typing this with one hand - and the chemo starts in a couple of week, so hopefully I will not be throwing up all over you.

    My husband and I have said though that if we get through this, then we are going to start a jazz band. Fifi et al, any tips on successful musical brilliance?

  167. At 11:11 AM on 10 May 2007, Perky wrote:

    FFred - are you sick? Or are you recovering from a date?

    Do tell ;) I'll even bring you some goodies to go with your lovely healthy drink.

  168. At 11:52 AM on 10 May 2007, Perky wrote:

    Hi Belinda - how lovely to see you back on the beach - just the place for a bit of recuperation. Do let me know if there's anything I can fetch you. Sit back and watch the waves and get all the rest you can.

    As for the jazz band - enthusiasm's a good start - it really helps you to hit those piano keys with feeling!

    Have some hugs for later ((((((( )))))))

  169. At 11:52 AM on 10 May 2007, wrote:

    Which bit of that movie do all of you ladies take the most pleasure in? The 'Bond walking out of the sea dripping wet' one, or the one with the knotted rope? Market research you understand? Personally I'll never sit in a wicker chair again. It makes my eyes water just to think of it now.

    I heard the Farming one live, since I was in the car. Couldn't take in the other one in the office, nor listen again because I don't have Internet connection during the week, away from home. Any interest? Did either one educate, inform or entertain you? Just curious.

    Lovely to see you back here honey! Being ignorant I didn't know why you were away. Hope that you're doing well and your prognosis turns out to be a good one. **rummages around** Here, have this small, but exquisitely wrapped, box of handmade Swiss chocolates. That'll have you feeling chirpy in no time! Oh, and a big hug too. ((((X))))


  170. At 12:15 PM on 10 May 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Hello, Belinda -

    Good to see you here again. We'll all rally round to make it easy for you, so just relax.

    From what you say, you've been through some nasty stuff lately. Hope that will soon be well behind you.

    Now, just relax and enjoy the sunshine.

  171. At 12:58 PM on 10 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    Hi all jus popped down to get away from May for a while, just had a txt from blue rinsed sheep....levng on 27th luv u all...

    Dolly, remember her, is over the worming and has returned from her travels and is on top form. Apparently had a right old go at Uncle GW though, seems he got her age wrong at the birthday bash. Anyhoo, back to May...ttfn

  172. At 01:01 PM on 10 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Belinda -

    Big big hugs (((((( )))))); do shout if theres anything we can do! As for the jazz band - just have fun, thats what its all about!

    Ah well, the whole package mainly! But that sea shot; its just a continuation of the Colin Firth/Mr Darcy...erm....image :)

    Fresh juice on the bar, along with a lovely fresh salad, homemade soda bread and proper butter on the bar. Plus whatever else Belinda fanices!

  173. At 01:10 PM on 10 May 2007, Fiona wrote:

    Big hugs for you ((((Belinda)))). Like Si I am not too sure what exactly is going on - I know its very bad, but I am not sure if I missed a more detailed post or you kept it fairly quiet. Anyway I have got everything crossed for you and am sending you all the best possible good luck vibes that I can muster. Stay strong, positive and come and see us whenever you can x x

  174. At 01:28 PM on 10 May 2007, wrote:


    Thinking of you, all best wishes etc. I'm still waiting (in some dread) for the test results...just don't listen to the Archers at the moment.

    Just to add insult, I've had this 'flu bug, so that's why I'm keeping well away from the rest of you at the moment.

  175. At 01:36 PM on 10 May 2007, Gossipmistress wrote:

    Belinda! Absolutely Big Hugs, taking care not to hurt in any way! We are all sending you all our best thoughts and hugsXXX We'll have to have a jazz jamming session round the beach fire when you're feeling a bit better!

    Simon W - any bit with his blue eyes in, and (she says soppily) the bit where he hugs her in the shower Ahhhhh♥!

  176. At 01:39 PM on 10 May 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Belinda - ((((big hugs)))) - Do hope you'll soon be on the road to full recovery.

  177. At 01:43 PM on 10 May 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Belinda, it's good to see you. Be kind to yourself - accept all offers of help, don't be shy about asking for favours, and get plenty of rest. And stop using the ''if'' word.....from now on,it has to be ''when''. Lots of love to you xx

  178. At 02:06 PM on 10 May 2007, Chris the Pickle wrote:

    Hi Froglets...

    Just a quick pop-in from May - I've read everyone's frogs but haven't time to comment much. I'm getting bored with not having much time, to be honest :O(

    Just to say Welcome Back from Hostipoo Belinda, please wrap yourself in all these warm snuggly Frugs and take it easy...

    More frugs



  179. At 02:24 PM on 10 May 2007, wrote:

    Hi Belinda - just read your post above. Do hope you'll soon be feeling stronger. Being laid up is the perfect time to enjoy the blog in a guilt-free way. After all, you're supposed to be resting, not doing the housework now. Please take every care - sending you lots of good wishes & get-well-soon vibes. Love, Annasee

  180. At 02:33 PM on 10 May 2007, wrote:

    GM & Witchi;
    Ah, I hoped it might be that bit!

    Thank God! I was desperately worried that you might have taken a certain sadistic pleasure in watching a bloke having his cods beaten to a pulp...

    When she & I watched it in the cinema I involuntarily curled up and tried to protect myself. She found my reaction highly amusing. But that's enough of that.


  181. At 02:58 PM on 10 May 2007, Fiona wrote:

    you know Si, you have just given me the perfect idea of how I can get SO to help around the house more, thanks for the inspiration! I'm off to Wicker-chairsRus to make a purchase right now....

    ........I'm only kidding, honestly! :)

  182. At 03:08 PM on 10 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    SiW -
    It made me wince too! Wouldn't wish that on anyones tender bits (even some of the exes...well, maybe one!)

  183. At 03:20 PM on 10 May 2007, Fearless Fred wrote:

    Belinda, welcome back :)) I'll vacate the red hammock so you cna relax. I'll also offer some hugs when you want/need 'em

    ww & Perky, dates haven't happened yet. Have had trouble contacting 1st. Chatted to 2nd last night. found out she has 2 teenagers, 18 & 15! Yikes! That's a bit step. (Plus I had told the agency no kids /no kids as yet as a filter, so they've c*cked up). Am feeling like Kris Marshall in the early ad for a well know company. I won't name them, just say they're British, and they work in Telecomms (apologies to Marcus Brigstocke if he's llurking. I don't want to raise your blood pressure/ire).

    Any thoughts/comments that the assembled ladies can offer?

  184. At 04:02 PM on 10 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    FFred - it depends on the reasons why you specified no kids I guess. But, on the flip side, imagine you'd met said girly in a pub, got chatting, nice night etc, swap numbers and on second date you find out she has kids what would do? walk out then and there?

    Have met a few guys on the net and generally found that with even the best filters it never quite works out! If I were you I'd give it a shot. If I saw my OHs details on paper I'd say there was no way I'd go for him, yet am v much in love!

    So - thats my oponion; give it a go!

  185. At 04:49 PM on 10 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    ..just a flying visit, I have left a few bottles of bubbly at NC's to celebrate, no not TB, but Ed I is now daddy to 10 pheasant chicks.

  186. At 05:28 PM on 10 May 2007, wrote:

    Belinda (166) : great to see you back from hostipoo, and reclining so gracefully in the best hammock. We will take turns bringing you chocolate and fizz, or any other titbits that take your fancy.

    WHEN you get through this, the jazz band is a wonderful idea.

    There should be local websites listing live music in pubs (usually free!). There you can meet people and ask around. You'll soon find someone either looking for players or looking for somewhere to play.

    The main thing is, it's got to be FUN. No fun, no play.

    Friend of mine started coming to folk clubs and singing a bit when she was recovering from you-know, and a couple of years later she's hosting her own!

    Be bold, be brave, you'll have a ball.

    * very careful hug *

    Fifi xx

  187. At 05:34 PM on 10 May 2007, wrote:

    John W (174) : Sorry to hear you too are under the weather. Have a ((((( x ))))) from me, I think you could use one.

    DI Wyman (185) : Are you a relly or a neighbour then? I should point out here that in this house we refer to 'peasants' and 'phartridges' which take refuge in the garden this time of year.

    Fifi xx

  188. At 05:36 PM on 10 May 2007, Molly wrote:

    Belinda- lovely to see you back at the Beach- we've all missed you. As for typing with one hand- is there another way then?....I mustt improve!! Anyway, take great care.

    Big Sis- the washing machine discussion rather better than one from which I 'slunk off' last week on whether yellow dusters are better than white ones . Best of all, apparently aree fluffy ones. hmmmm!


  189. At 06:10 PM on 10 May 2007, wrote:

    Ffred: so many people have kids though!

    Either there are a lot of sweet-natured people out there who believe every relationship is going to last a lifetime ...

    ... or contraception is a lot more difficult to arrange than I have apparently found it!

    Tell you what mate: if SO and I ever part company, you and I can shack up together and mutter darkly about 'couldn't eat a whole one' whenever anyone asks whether we like kids......!



  190. At 06:46 PM on 10 May 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Ffred....the only time to worry about such things is when she brings the kids along with her!
    Would it help if you viewed this date as a rehearsal, rather than a preview?
    Lots of luck and love, anyway.

  191. At 06:54 PM on 10 May 2007, wrote:

    Belinda - This all came as a bit of a shock to me. I was chatting with Fifi earlier and she told me that you were recovering.

    As Fifi said;- When you get well we must certainly celebrate with music on the beach from Fifi and the band.

    Relax, recover and enjoy a little of this Irish stew soup I've prepared.

    Lots of hugs (((((((((((0))))))))))

  192. At 08:15 PM on 10 May 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    Hi, just popped in to drop off a couple of bottles of champers at NC's...EdI has just become a father to .........some pheasant chicks...must dash, blue rinsed sheep in tears, apparently Uncle GW has been spouting all sorts of diatribe about Colegate bonding...ttfn

  193. At 10:00 PM on 10 May 2007, Chris Ghoti wrote:

    Popping my head up through the surf for just long enough to say

    "All the very best to Belinda!"

    If fish had arms instead of fins there'd be a (hug) there too. I don't so I can't but I would if I had.

  194. At 12:21 AM on 11 May 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Belinda, so glad to see you. All I'll bring to the bar is fruit juices, organic and sloshing with antioxidants.

    Didn't realise it was the c-word. One of my best friends, former SO, went through chemo. It seems to be different for everyone (surprise, eh?), and some sessions better than others.

    One thing I learned was:

    Give yourself time afterwards. You may feel sick, you may feel fine. Either way, you DESERVE every second of rest your body tells you that you need.

    $od everything else - unless you have dependants no-one else can care for - this is your time for healing.

    Slow and steady wins the race.

  195. At 12:26 AM on 11 May 2007, wrote:

    Simon (180) I have no need...I can always use a scalpel!! ;-0)

    FFred - I guess it depends on whether you are just a bit apprehensive about the 'kids' bit or it's a definite no-no, but you never know, the one who doesn't tick all the boxes might be the one for you!

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend - may not be able to pop back to the beach until sunday night as I'm off to St Andrews tomorrow morning for a vets' do. It's at a lovely hotel overlooking the sea and there'll be pipes & kilts at the formal dinner! (OK well it's exciting for me, being plain English!)

  196. At 12:49 AM on 11 May 2007, wrote:


    I remember an auto rally long ago in Florida, long before widespread 4wd, and one would meet a sign on a tree deep in a swamp: P.O.R. "Press On Regardless"! Just keep goin', gal!
    and a frug for SO too!

  197. At 08:44 AM on 11 May 2007, Fearless Fred wrote:

    GM, Fifi, & WW, it's big aphrehension, really. As someone whose lived on their own for the last 14 years, the idea of sharing a house with someone is a bit daunting in itself. Add kids to that, it's a big *gulp!* type moment. It's nerves, I guess... I'll let you all know how things go,though...

  198. At 09:11 AM on 11 May 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    FF - don't worry! Friends first then worry about anything else!

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