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We're aware by the way

Eddie Mair | 13:57 UK time, Thursday, 5 April 2007

of the new linky type buttons which have appeared at the bottom of every post. You know full well I am not equipped to explain what they are and why they're there, but I've asked a grown up and I may be able to post something before nightfall.

Our lead story has changed again. At this moment we're going 7/7, Iraq, Iran. But it's three hours to TX.


  1. At 02:16 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Re those linky type buttons .....

    A competition to use all in an intelligent sentence? My offering:

    "I reddit on the now public newsvine - digg that delcious Eddie."

    Anyone else?

  2. At 02:18 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Belinda wrote:

    Three hours until Texas? Is that on the new high-speed TGV and then swimming the Atlantic with Google Maps?

  3. At 02:18 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    TX? Isn't that the chain store that sucked all the credit cards dry?

  4. At 02:18 PM on 05 Apr 2007, wrote:

    By the by, the email newsletter took exactly 2 hours to get to my inbox...

    Just thought you wouldn't like to know.

  5. At 02:27 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Izzy T'Me wrote:


  6. At 02:28 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    Re Uganda. How are they going to cange the law?. Will it become lawful for women to commit adultery or unlawful for men?

    Is it a human right to be allowed to commit adultery?

  7. At 02:31 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    So you are "Best served at room temperature" eh, Eric? I shall bear that in mind... Of course I'll have to have cold shower now...

  8. At 02:45 PM on 05 Apr 2007, wrote:

    And to think it's only 24 hours to Tulsa. I reckon you must be in Lawton Oklahoma and have to go North-East up the I44 for a day to reach Tulsa and South for those 3 hours to reach Burkburnett, Texas via Geronimo, Oklahoma.

    Chicks and ducks and geese better scurry...

  9. At 03:15 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Ooh, just got the newsletter, Eddie.


  10. At 03:16 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Belinda wrote:

    And Surrey With A Fringe On Top has now replaced the Benny Hill music in my head. Thanks a lot, Jason.

  11. At 03:44 PM on 05 Apr 2007, wrote:

    I like to pass on these small pleasures. I have the version from When Harry Met Sally running around my head...

  12. At 03:46 PM on 05 Apr 2007, John H. wrote:

    Oh, for goodness sake!

    I was going to complain about Drinks' gratuitous innuendo, but then realised she was referring to the newsletter. Oops.

  13. At 03:48 PM on 05 Apr 2007, admin annie wrote:

    oh for me too Belinda, but you could try seguing into 'oh what a beautiful day' which might cheer you up , but obviously only if you need cheering.

    Still no sign of the newsletter here but of course we ARE a long way away from whichever bit of London PM is transmitted from.

  14. At 03:58 PM on 05 Apr 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    Great question, Stewart M (6)

    "Is it a human right to be allowed to commit adultery?"

    What actually happens as a consequence of committing adultery is that one may be imprisioned, stoned, or socially shunned, in various parts of the world; and morally it has been considered unacceptable for a few thousand years.

    But a human right? What's our view, here and now? Two consenting adults in private? What law makes actions in private illegal? What law dare proscribe actions in private?

    We are now our own moral compass.

  15. At 04:02 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    On Route 66?

  16. At 04:06 PM on 05 Apr 2007, wrote:

    I was born in Surrey, but alas the fringe ir receding....

  17. At 04:07 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Frances O wrote:


    And that's not an abbreviation, or even an acronym.

    TX = transmission.

    Or is that only for old radio hacks to know?

    And does that make me an old radio hack? On-the-young-side-of-middle-ish-aged, thank you very much.

    As for adultery: well, since men rule the sexual world, what do you think? (Pah!) Not that I'm even slightly interested at the moment; it's the hypocrisy of the inequity that angers me.

  18. At 04:10 PM on 05 Apr 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    OK Big Sis (1) - a first effort:

    "My once private farm is NowPublic and you may even Digg around the Delicious Newsvine - as it says on the advert - maybe you Reddit?!"

  19. At 04:12 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Izzy T'Me wrote:

    "A perfectly charming newsletter never reached you yesterday. It's like the old days. Maybe it IS the old days still. Wouldn't that be nice?"

    It certainly has been the old days today - September to be precise!!

  20. At 04:16 PM on 05 Apr 2007, wrote:

    admin annie : or TX'ed from (Val?) :)

  21. At 04:23 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Gillian wrote:

    I have no idea when my newsletter arrived. How do I find out, since I've only just opened my in-box?
    However, it has arrived. Thank you.

  22. At 04:27 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Peter Levine wrote:

    Could I suggest that to improve the quality of this blog certain people hold back from posting comments until the have something useful to contribute.

    One particular person seems to jump in with a comment at the start of every topic, often with little to to say. Perhaps she could run her own fan site and make the way clear for others.

  23. At 04:30 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Not on the ice, then (Appy, John H)

  24. At 04:36 PM on 05 Apr 2007, whisky-joe wrote:

    Belinda @ (10)

    Sha la la lala lalala
    Sha la la lala lalala
    Sha la la lala lalala
    And Marie who waits for me.

    Hope it helps :-)

  25. At 04:41 PM on 05 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Frances O: Men rule the sexual world? That's certainly news to me.

  26. At 04:46 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Izzy T'Me wrote:

    Thank you Frances for enlightening me - sorry to have caused you to "tsk", I consider myself told off. :(

  27. At 04:54 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Hello AndyCroak - lovely to see you, where you been?

  28. At 05:05 PM on 05 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Re: Izzy T'Me

    Some people eh!



    Now lets test you:-

    ROT =

    OB =

    SB =

    PASB (P as B) =

    POT =

  29. At 05:50 PM on 05 Apr 2007, wrote:

    BigSister Orwellian terms !

  30. At 05:57 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Belinda (2) hahahaha!

    Jason (8), I'm amsued, but confused. But then, I didn't realise it was a song until I read further down.

    John H (12), It'd be pointless complaining anyway -- I can't seem to help myself this week. I'll try to calm down over the weekend, but I've spent too much time in the RJD corner with him and Valery -- their influence has rubbed off.

    AndyCrackpot (20), Que?

  31. At 05:59 PM on 05 Apr 2007, MikeyG wrote:

    nikki noodle asks:

    What law makes actions in private illegal? What law dare proscribe actions in private?

    The Spanner trial showed that many actions, done in private, can be illegal.

  32. At 05:59 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Hands up if you're excited about the new tax year tomorrow!

    (Anything to distract myself from the tweeting on the radio.)

    Well done Eric -- didn't crash the bongs.

  33. At 06:04 PM on 05 Apr 2007, MikeyG wrote:

    Frances - you are in good company - TX, the opposite of RX. It's like these young people today who have discovered the 'joys' of txt spk. It's the sort of stuff Telex operators had been doing for y-e-a-r-s,

  34. At 06:22 PM on 05 Apr 2007, wrote:

    May I respectfully remind everyone about the Froggers' policy on feeding trolls?

    Just in case anyone was tempted.....


  35. At 06:24 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Peter Levine (22) at the risk of feeding trolls (which you may well not intend to be) many of us post relatively, indeed sometimes totally, trivial comments.

    We also post very serious ones.

    We have a basic rule that we do not make personal attacks on other froggers and that we respect each other's opinions even when we disagree, often strongly.

    You could regard the trivial comments as being rather like meeting someone at the coffee machine and passing comments on the weather, the footie, or whatever - it's a form of social contact in this virtual world. Some people have more time to spare for commenting than others and so probably appear more often - it varies.

    Not sure if this is the first time you have posted but if so welcome, do join us and don't feel that every word you post has to carry deep and serious meaning.

  36. At 07:18 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Izzy T'Me wrote:

    Jonnie, ok, here goes (but no slapping my legs if I get it wrong - ok?)

    ROT - what a lot of people talk (not necessarily froggers)

    OB - old boy (may be some froggers, but suspect present company excepted)

    SB - slime bucket (something to call someone very bad, eg Brian Aldridge)

    P as B - pm 'as bloggaged again (bit lame - couldn't think of anything else!)

    POT - that which calls the kettle black

    Get ya tsk's out!!

  37. At 07:37 PM on 05 Apr 2007, RJD wrote:

    Anne P (35) - I was going to reply directly but you answered so well, I think I'll leave it.

  38. At 07:45 PM on 05 Apr 2007, RJD wrote:

    Ap (30) - Given the order that posts are being screened you nearly got away with that one!

    RJD corner eh? Despite the honour you bestow, you know that you were a regular detainee there when I was only an innocent and novice lurker.

  39. At 08:42 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Karen wrote:

    MikeyG (33)

    I always thought an RX was a prescription!

    Anne P. (35)

    Hear Hear. I usually have the blog up in a window during the day but rarely have time to do more than scan occasionally to see what's going on. This thing called "work" gets in the way ;o) although I try to avoid it wherever possible.

    The "water cooler" analogy is perfect. Sometimes I won't see another soul during the day and will only catch up with the trivia and gossip of work in the dining room. The less serious comments on the blog are a perfect way of avoiding getting too bogged down with the day to day dross.

    Although I lurked (until the Ipswich murder thing) at the beginning it's wonderful to think that there are people out there that you may never meet but can still kind of know. Sometimes they even help with your earache.

    I've lost where the Glass Box is tonight (delivering a chocolate Tardis - long story) but I thought the treatment of the story about the rape of the 10 year old girl was covered particularly well. My youngest niece is nearly 10. Certainly made me think. Makes you wonder what the "care" system is doing if this child can be sexually experienced at 10.

  40. At 10:27 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Chris Ghoti wrote:

    Fifi (@34), I never thought of you as one of the Billy Goats Gruff before.

  41. At 10:28 PM on 05 Apr 2007, Val P wrote:

    Good grief, I'm not still in the Corner am I?

    Hiya Andycrtooselfeffacing - told you so! Or, wait a minute was that in my head, perhaps I didn't reply yet. If I didn't then I shall soon, it was the photo with the daffodils wot slowed it all down......Oh dear it's been a funny old day. Forgive the rambling, note to self, go to the Beach, do not get involved with all the other threads en route, do not spend Β£500.

  42. At 12:06 AM on 06 Apr 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Gosh (22), are you the Peter Levine, author of 'Sexual Healing?

    We are indeed honoured.

  43. At 12:25 AM on 06 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Re: BigSis - in case you were wondering about my comment (29) BigSister Orwellian terms !

    It was mentioned in a story on PM this evening but if you didn't catch it it'll make no sense.

    As regards to other previous comments and without leaving food out for furry creatures, you make some very valuable contributions (IMO) - (that means in my opinion IzzyT'Me) So don't let anything said put you off!

    Re: Izzy T'Me (36)

    I have to give you 10/10 for the answers. -- and agree with your comment about Brian. It's all get very sad in the Archers at the moment. If they don't do something cheery soon it'll all end up on 'feedback' again.

    ROT = recording of transmission (TX) ;-)

    OB = Outside broadcast

    SB = Simulcast broadcast (ie long wave and FM)

    PASB (P as B) = programme as broadcast (a log to show what was transmitted)

    POT = A term used in radio when you need to cut an audio source immediately. Usually because it would over run a pre set out time. I beleive it comes from potentiometer or volume control to you and me. So it 'could' have been VOL - or PANIC.

  44. At 01:52 AM on 06 Apr 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Oh, I feel my wrist being slapped.

    Jason, this isn't the place to go into sexual politics. And I don't want to be a grump. It is true, though, and sadly, in many countries.

    As for you, Izzy T, how about we create a fizzy jacuzzi hot tub thing on the beach? Cmon - it's a holiday. Let's go and have fun. You are in no way told off. For what? Last one in is a cissy.

    But I'm just going to say:

    Here's to a new beginning for us all!

  45. At 09:08 AM on 06 Apr 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Jonnie: I heard the Big Sister thing, re Hilary Clinton, as I was pulling into a petrol station. No doubt Eddie was discrete enough not to draw attention to it.

    Not sure how I feel about finding myself in the same sentence as Ms Clinton....

  46. At 12:41 PM on 06 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Give over RJD (38), the wooden bench has the shape of your buttocks worn into it! :-)

  47. At 12:54 PM on 06 Apr 2007, RJD wrote:

    How do you know? Have you been looking at my buttocks?

  48. At 06:35 PM on 06 Apr 2007, RJD wrote:

    Oh alright then - PUSH!!!!!!

  49. At 11:43 PM on 06 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    What? Eh? Push your buttocks? If you insist.

  50. At 09:19 AM on 07 Apr 2007, Izzy T'Me wrote:

    Jonnie - Thank you for enlightening me (there really is sooo much one doesn't know...[sighs whistfully].

    Francis O - hey great. Hope I haven't missed you on the beach, I think I might be the cissy though!

    RJD's buttocks - now there's a thought.......

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