Warning: This is not about g*s m*ters
When I started this blog last May I hoped it might become a site of interest for those curious about open government, journalistic methods, and so on.
I have no idea whether this is now true, but it does seem to have become a popular location for people having problems with their gas meters.
In fact, it seems that this blog is now even sometimes rated (according to Google, of course) the leading authority in the British-wide web on the subject of dodgy gas meters - a subject about which I know next to nothing.
One of my early posts was about gas meters, inspired by a decision from the Information Commissioner that some data about meter reliability should remain secret as this was insisted on by the manufacturers.
Now various people have posted comments there on their gas meter misery. And if you type 'gas meter' into Google UK, this page comes up in the top three and sometimes number one.
Sadly however I am not remotely qualified to advise anyone who feels their bills are suffering from an inaccurate meter.
So, Dear Googleplex, there is no need to send my way in future those unlucky people with gas meter problems. Please can I swop my 'gas meter' spot for a top three position on 'freedom of information' searches ???
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I read your blog a couple of times a week because it is a really helpful way to keep up to date with what is actually happening in FOI (and not just what my expert colleagues warn me might happen if I don't behave).
I have no interest in gas meters either. Keep up the good work.