FOI changed my life
Has freedom of information provided you with a new relationship to knowledge? If so, is it changing how you live?
An email from the think tank announces the following as one of the "emerging ideas" it is working on:
"Demos will explore the new relationship to knowledge, spurred on by cultural and legislative changes such as the Freedom of Information Act. We want to understand how the emerging channels for freer access to information are changing how people live."
Well, maybe the release of food hygiene inspection reports under FOI could be changing where people go to eat.
That aside, the Demos approach is an interesting contrast to the more specific being examined by the in their important research study on the impact of FOI, which is just beginning.
FOI has certainly changed my working life, but I think I'm still waiting for my new relationship to knowledge.
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Hi Martin,
I thought your readers might be interested to hear that there are now over 18,000 Food Hygiene inspection summaries available on line.
Many more to come over the next few months. Check out if your local take away is listed here:
Paul Hiscoe