
Talk about Newsnight

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Prospects for Wednesday, 30 April

  • Newsnight
  • 30 Apr 08, 11:00 AM

Dan Kelly is today's programme producer - here's his early email to the team.

Good morning all.

We've got some good options tonight.

How bad will the US "recession" be and how much will it hurt us here? The Fed will decide tonight whether to cut interest rates again, and new GDP data will help us to assess the state of the American economy. David Blanchflower of the MPC thinks that Britain is following every stage of the US downturn with a year long time lag - US house prices have fallen by 25%, he thinks they could fall by a third here. What guests could we have on both sides of the Atlantic? Filming ideas?

David Grossman has a piece on the Mayoral race, and we have a live interview with Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg which will need a set up.

Austria remains fascinating, and Gillian has been working on a piece about which businesses flourish during an economic downturn. We should also watch reaction to Brown's admission that he made "mistakes" on the 10p tax - could well come up in PMQs.

What ideas and thoughts have you got?



  • Comment number 1.


    Education drives a stake through the heart of those who are not natural β€œschool fodder”; a wedge between the multifaceted and almost limitless potential of infancy and the zombified unit-of-work-and-consumption that is β€œsuccess” in today’s Britain. The purest product, among the zombies, move seamlessly into politics to further hone a society in which β€œreal people” appear aberrant, and are driven to withdrawal or muted madness. Under this ethos, we have consummately β€œweeded out” of viability the very minds and attitudes (sages) that are so needed if social decline is to be reversed.
    Gordon Brown, a high achiever at school but manifestly right out on the humanity-bell-curve limb, is a perfect example of the successful zombie. Blair was another, with his Freudian mantra of education education education. That these two became successive Prime Ministers, is a stark warning to any who can muster the wisdom to comprehend it.
    So ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to step outside the lie and fearlessly show our plight to a slumbering nation. Make integrity your watchword.

  • Comment number 2.


    if we paid their farmers 4 billion a year [like we do here] would we have an opium - tailban problem?


    the figures to watch are unemployment. If that goes then watch out.

    Car Dealers are refusing to take 2nd hand SUV. Has the petrol price put an end to the chelsea tractor?

  • Comment number 3.

    Congratulations Dan, you've completed the Newsnight blackout of the BNP, in line with the rest of the Media and political Establishment. Thus the remarkable growth in support for a 'streets up' political movement has been ignored, with occasional fragments of abuse, by ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ's flagship current affairs TV programme. This means of course that you've had to work your way round the No1 political issue in Britain today - immigration eg. Tuesday's laughable piece on Polish "workers" when the key POLITICAL issue for British voters was treated as something to be ruled on by an immigrant put up by the Govt. making an 'economic assessment.' Unsurprisingly, he assessed that immigration is good for Britain.
    You've trotted out the usual newspaper polls throughout the local/London election build-up, knowing them to be utter tripe. (For example, in last week's local election, the BNP polled 18.8%, ahead of Labour and the Tories, despite never having stood in the town of Hinckley before). That's real people casting real votes in a real election. Now I wonder why you didn't mention this interesting pointer to feelings in the country?
    Having carried on this ridicuous charade up to the local elections, at which the BNP will continue to make prgress, despite the usual dirty tricks (your blackout included) one wonders what sort of support the BNP will have to achieve before you have the integrity to include them in the debate. Or will you have the decency after Thurday, to reflect on your glaring ommission?

  • Comment number 4.


    I always watch PMQs. I used to β€œread” Brown whenever Tony was on his feet. Today, when questioned on Levy’s assertion that Brown knew all about the loan/gifts, the camera was on a long shot, and no study of Brown’s demeanour or face was possible in the nanosecond of his dismissive answer. As the original loans scandal led to the whole Yates of the Yard circus, you might expect a reference to the question on The Politics Show or World at One – zilch. It’s enough to make me believe . . .

  • Comment number 5.

    News at Ten last night
    Tom Bradby did a mimic of Michael Crick's piece on Reading last night !

    I suppose

    "Imitation is the best form of flattery "

  • Comment number 6.


    "Apologies" for this, but as most of my punctuation - in Word - gets "transmuted" on the new blog (the Newsnight blog)
    I thought: I would post this at Β£0 cost; to test if posts' accuracy is improved.

  • Comment number 7.

    Alberty Hoffman, the man who first synthesized LSD, died today. That's gotta be worth a mention on Newsnight, surely ?

    He was arguably one of the most discreetly influential men of the 20th Century. given his creation's influence on the culture.

    Howsabout a debate on the legacy of his "problem child"?

  • Comment number 8.

    We are still at war with Iraq, right? Then why isn't anything reported about it? What about the figures given out by the John Hopkins Health Foundation that 656,000 Iraqis have been killed since the invasion - this, of course, is to say nothing of the hundreds of thousands that died thanks to British and American sanctions pre-invasion. A report on Iraq should be given EVERY night. It is THAT important.

  • Comment number 9.


    Surely we should be commenting on Brown's transparency rather than his honesty? Is it not obvious that he had the choice of admitting two errors (fool) or admitting two callous acts (knave). I suggest he chose the first, as his advisors decided this was the smaller of two misdemeanours. Also, in our culture, it is better to be incompetent rather than an incompetent knave! Of course, accidental transparency falls into the "fool" realm also; it is a lack of emotional intelligence - nuff sed.

  • Comment number 10.


    I hope Nick Clegg is treated as firmly as Eric Pickles was last night. I'm sure they can all look after themselves, but I did feel you were a bit "strong" on Pickles last night.

    On that issue, I'm not entirely sure why all of a sudden the LibDems are getting the same exposure as the two main parties. It's not just you - Sky and the other channels do it too.

    I'm sure it used to be the case that coverage used to be roughly based on average support. The Tories and Labour, over time, clearly have roughly similar levels of support, but the LibDems are clearly miles behind on average. So how are they qualifying for the same airtime this year?

    If you are going to give the LibDems the same time as the two main parties, you are bound to get people asking for the same airtime for other parties. After all, whilst I don't support the BNP, that party's level of support is about as much ldifferent from the LibDems as the LibDems is different from Labour and the Conservatives.

  • Comment number 11.


    Tonight on Newsnight Clegg said he wants to hike his MP tally (X2?) over two terms of Parliament. Surely that would be achieved at a stroke (to quote Sailor Heath) were the Lib-Dems to demand that our banana voting iniquity be fixed. In 2005:


    Lab 35.2 55.1
    Con 32.4 30.7
    L/D 22.0 9.6

    The fact that the above nonsense is allowed to persist unchallenged, even by the serial-loser Lib-Dems, says so much about the sick Westminster collusion. Perhaps Newsnight might ask all the usual suspects how they can go round calling this democracy when it is clearly a crass mockery?

  • Comment number 12.

    Austria. and abductions.

    Can you run that clip again of the previously captured young women, forgotten her name, who when prompted to respond to a leading question, made a comment about Germany and the last war being connected to these incidents of abduction in Austria.

    You cut out a vital part of what she said when you did a parting clip at the end of the programme.

    If you re-run the original comment she made you will note that she did not give the answer that the interviewer wanted with his leading question, "Do you think the war has anything to do with these abductions?"

    She said quite categorically that this is not just an Austrian problem. Her response was that the German socialist party had an affect on women that was detrimental and not the answer you and the interviewer hoped for, that of a link with Nazi fascism in general being the root cause of the problem.

    I know you guys want to discuss the war (see the CIF comments) and the Nazis with the usual 'Boys Own' approach. However, she was trying to tell you that this is to do with misogyny and it's not confined to Austria. In short she was making a feminist point and you cut it, bent it to fit preconceived notions about nasty racist soldiers, and so avoided the world wide issue of sexual sadism aimed at young girls,..... naughty. Listen again.

  • Comment number 13.


    I caught the sense of it OK, as broadcast. I would be inclined to criticise the lack of magnification of such an interesting analysis, rather than any partisan point.
    I did not get any sense that Natascha Kampusch was making a feminist point - just giving a reasoned opinion.

  • Comment number 14.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 15.

    barriesingleton @13.

    You wrote, "I did not get any sense that Natascha Kampusch was making a feminist point - just giving a reasoned opinion. "

    Fair enough Barrie people are afraid or allergic to the word 'feminism' these days. Let me rephrase it in less frightening terms.

    I'll try to recount it again but please understand its not verbatim.

    A question was put to Natascha Kampusch.

    " Why does this happen in Austria?"
    [There have been three cases to date]

    She replies that this is not confined to Austria. It's happening all over the world right now, she tells him. This is an acknowledgement about misogyny.

    Robin Denslow is clearly now exposing the angle he wishes to pursue by pressing on and further asking if this is to do with the Nazi past. He has a very obvious agenda and it is this which makes his interview such a bad one when he had before him a wonderful opportunity to help us all get an understanding of such abuse. Here we were faced with this very lucid and articulate young women and he got in the way of any kind of understanding she had to offer. It was an opportunity spoilt.

    She tried to oblige him and made her statement about the affect that German socialism probably had on women.
    [They had views about purity and took what they deemed to be typical blond females and encouraged and/or forced them to breed with similar men as an act of patriotism.] Its possibly this is what she alludes to.

    But she presses the point that the abduction and abuse she has suffered is not confined to Austria.

    In the ending re-run clip on Newsnight her emphasis on the global aspect of this is cut and the focus is on Germany's past.

    While you object to this account being labelled a 'feminist' account there is no ambiguity about her view that this is not a specific Nazi problem as Denslow clearly wants it to be.

    I claim that this diversion that Denslow took was to take his mind and ours away from the real aggressors in such cases which are not the specific, such as a Nazi man, but the whole group called men.

    This is a man problem and one that we are not prepared to address, i.e. The question we should be asking is, "What happened to male sexuality that it could take this pathological turn towards sexual violence?" And "When is patriarchy going to face up to it?"

    If these abuses are not a feminist issue I don't know what is!

  • Comment number 16.

    All posts are pre-moderated. What does this mean?

    This meens yoos 'avin yoos tea, innit.

    You must have unpicked the immense depth of intellectual nuance in my last comment by now surely?


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