
Talk about Newsnight

Latest programme

Wednesday, 16 January, 2008

  • Newsnight
  • 16 Jan 08, 07:09 PM

Tonight on Newsnight we've another disturbing film about how terrorists operate here in Britain. Last night we heard how a website with a known record of support for Al Qaeda had announced the formation of a branch of the organisation in Britain. Tonight we have the story of "Terrorist 007". It is the compelling tale of how a young man ran a cyber terror network from his home in West London.

Mark Urban has been looking into Russian-British relations. Last night Stephen Kinnock - son of Lord Kinnock and the director of the British Council office in St Petersburg - was arrested. The British Council offices in the two cities are now closed. How strained are relations now between Britain and Russia?

Peter Hain has been answering questions today in Parliament - about Wales. Michael Crick is trying to ask different ones about the donations to his failed deputy leadership campaign. Do find out whether Michael succeeds in getting any answers.

And we plan to debate the Diana Inquest - and the media circus that is surrounding the event, lawyers permitting.

All will be revealed at 10.30pm

Simon Enright

Comments  Post your comment

  • 1.
  • At 08:36 PM on 16 Jan 2008,
  • Alan Taylor wrote:

You obviously want to close down the Diana debate from the questions you ask i.e. "Is the Dianna debate a waste of time and money"?
Why don't you close down the overdone debate on Peter Hain as well?

  • 2.
  • At 09:06 PM on 16 Jan 2008,
  • rob wrote:

i wish jeremy could interview gordon brown. trevor macdonald managed it on news at ten last night...

  • 3.
  • At 10:37 PM on 16 Jan 2008,
  • Puzzled wrote:

Is anything positive happening anywhere? If so, where are the reports of it?

  • 4.
  • At 10:58 PM on 16 Jan 2008,
  • Martine Gabriel wrote:

When examining the work of the British Council in a cold war situation I would recommend the seminal film - Carlton Brown of the FO

I was watching the interview about Peter Hain when ,guess what? Newsnight Scotland strikes again.
This is a ludicrous arrangement.Why can we not see the whole programme like the rest of the U K.The Scottish interest programme could be shown at a separate time

  • 6.
  • At 11:52 PM on 16 Jan 2008,
  • Inspector Clouseau wrote:

Terrorists: The use of the internet by al Qaida etc has been going on a long time whereas your programme tended to suggest it is a new phenomenon.

Inquest: It was satisfactory to see two well-qualified participants in your discussion supporting the Diana inquest. It is true that the full details leading up to and surrounding the fatal incident need to be brought into the public domain in order to curtail endless speculation. Though Max Hastings is sensible about many things I feel he is wrong about this inquest.

Peter Hain: It would be good to have a similar thorough public inquest into the murky waters of political donations.

Do you think Al Fayed has an ace up his sleeve such as the motorcyclist who shone the bright light who has decided to blow the whistle?

  • 8.
  • At 12:34 AM on 17 Jan 2008,
  • R.Taylor wrote:

A classic Newsnight tonight, thank you. All of the virtues, none of the vices.

  • 9.
  • At 02:05 AM on 17 Jan 2008,
  • Florence wrote:

I was surprised tonight while watching Gordon Brewer on Newsnight Scotland to observe that it is not only the SNP he beats around the head. His treatment of Derek Brownlee, the Tory MSP, was quite disgraceful. Give a hard time to anyone but Labour. Consider his "soft" questioning of Iain Gray by comparison. I really do despair of Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Scotland and its biased presenters. Just a level playing field and equal treatment for the politicians of all parties - no pussy-footing, awkward and difficult interviewing by all means, but, please, instruct your presenters to be fair. The situation is really quite appalling and truly depressing. You are, after all, a publicly funded organisation.

  • 10.
  • At 03:16 AM on 17 Jan 2008,
  • wrote:

Absolutely brilliant Jeremy tonight (51/10)particularly with Joshua Rozenburg (great to see him back on the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ!)& Max Hastings on Diana's inquest. However, the best was the breaking news (a rarity on Newsnight!) that Sark was about to have democracy!!!! :-)

  • 11.
  • At 08:08 AM on 17 Jan 2008,
  • Simon wrote:

In the interests of balance anyone covering cyber terrorism should draw attention to this site published in 1997 please read the statement of principles and note the signatories and put yourself in the position of someone in the middle-east reading it.

  • 12.
  • At 08:46 AM on 17 Jan 2008,
  • Paul Anderson wrote:

Well done Newsnight!

Another piece of slickly edited government propaganda bigging up the terror threat. I can hardly contain my excitement waiting for Jacqui Smith's Orwellian solutions.

  • 13.
  • At 08:51 AM on 17 Jan 2008,
  • Paul Anderson wrote:

Well done Newsnight!

Another piece of slickly edited government propaganda bigging up the terror threat. I can hardly contain my excitement waiting for Jacqui Smith's Orwellian solutions.

  • 14.
  • At 08:58 AM on 17 Jan 2008,
  • Paul Anderson wrote:

Well done Newsnight!

Another piece of slickly edited government propaganda bigging up the terror threat. I can hardly contain my excitement waiting for Jacqui Smith's Orwellian solutions.

  • 15.
  • At 09:32 AM on 17 Jan 2008,
  • stevie wrote:

It will never happen.....Jeremy interviewing Gordon Brown. A Newsnight three of four years ago Jeremy reminded us that he had been trying to get Blair on but it never happened. Both Blair and Brown regard 14minutes with Jeremy as career threatening, and do not dare risk it. A pussycat like Trevor is a much safer option. trust me.

  • 16.
  • At 11:44 AM on 17 Jan 2008,
  • wrote:

Simon (11),

Truly terrifying, I agree.
Namaste -ed

  • 17.
  • At 12:41 PM on 17 Jan 2008,
  • Emma wrote:

Given the apparent paucity of news at the moment (evidenced by the overdone debate on Peter Hain, internet terrorist threats, and the Diana inquest, as well as the pleas from Newsnight producers on these pages for news), I am surprised at Newsnight's lower tier reporting of the conviction of the murderers of Garry Newlove last night. The wider issues surrounding this horrific murder, ie the anti-social behaviour that poses ongoing threats to the rest of the law-abiding population, surely deserves more analysis? Youth binge-drinking has been cited as a key factor in this case, but the issues are broader than that - including lack of police/local council resource; society breakdown; lack of positive role models, opportunities and, possibly most important, discipline for youths such as these.

It is utterly tragic that a brave man who dared to face up to these vicious youths has paid the ultimate price. Although it is likely that this issue was discussed in depth when this murder was committed in August 2007, this wide-ranging issue is still a key problem in the UK and surely deserves a proper informed debate, which Newsnight would be well-placed to conduct?

  • 18.
  • At 06:23 PM on 17 Jan 2008,
  • John Baker wrote:

The Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ once again demonstrates how firmly lodged up the establishment's rear end it is with a lot of propaganda about terrorists - this time it is the 'cyber terrorists'. (Give me strength.)

The bit about the terrorist's 'propaganda' about the US killing innocents in Fallujah was just incredible though, even by the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ's standards. Apparently the facts behind innocents being killed by the US in Fallujah are 'not known' according to the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ. That would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic.

Remind me who it is that is responsible for the deaths of over 1.2 million Iraqis by the way? Is it the 'cyber terrorists' or is it the neo-cons and their UK lackeys that you treat with such respect and regularly interview on Newsnight?

I must remember to NOT watch Newsnight in future.. god only knows how you people sleep soundly at night.

  • 19.
  • At 08:53 PM on 17 Jan 2008,
  • Adrienne wrote:


Just look at the 'ethnicity' of the experts on last night's 'Terrorist-007' piece. As others have implied by the link to the PNAC, one couldn't make it up. Why do so many people still take the 'war on terror' so seriously? Surely it's obvious what's been going on? Islamists are just bad for the liberal-democratic, debt based, economy, given the the inexorable patriarchism and 'sexism' of traditional Muslim family life. With no independent female disposable incomes, bang goes the retail trade, and up goes the risk of recession (ceteris paribus).

What will the imaginative lords of retail and knights of the markets think up now?

  • 20.
  • At 05:12 AM on 18 Jan 2008,
  • Peter Middleton wrote:

Dopamine Agonists,,,,,friend or foe?

Meirions Marauders

Newsnight Crusaders appeared at my door,
Matt, held the camera, while Jones ran the floor.
Liz the presenter, attentive and cute,
Calming aurora stopped me turning mute.

Out came the tripod and stands for the lights,
hooking up cables and setting his sights.
Wide angle lenses will pan the whole room,
no need for makeup, I don't need a groom.

Liz asked me questions on Parky's disease,
hoping to capture the real me, she sees.
Knowledge is power, in cases like this,
doing their research was no hit or miss.

Meirion called me the previous day,
outlined his programme and asked if okay.
Learned producer, please Daliwch Ati !
Dopamine hunting is all right by me.

Glaxco was added to Beecham Smith Kline,
pharmacy giant is no friend of mine.
Agonist tablets prescribed for P D.
develope compulsions in you and in me.

Neural receptors transmit dopamine,
Substantia Nigra is end of the line.
Central addiction will only run true,
when agonists pills are running through you.

Leva and Dopa has such a true name,
are they reflecting the drugs or our shame.
Gamble our money in Las Vegas lights,
Dive in the canyon without a booked flight.

Made them some coffee and told them a joke,
showing compassion is hard on these folk.
Listen to stories are part of their brief,
distant and focused will spare them of grief.

Liz is from Mxxxxx, a fair drive from here,
looks like Jill Dando, with lovely fair hair.
Next to Kaplinski, she stands in good stead,
Liz to make anchor and make Tasha red.

Matt is all business who runs the whole shoot,
guiding our movements with hands or his boot.
Mics at the ready, pinned under your top,
10,000 Watt bulbs are waiting to pop.

Boss of this party produces the dough,
From the Beebs coffers the credits will show.
Funds for the vultures upped Zambias debt
Champ from the Valleys exposed any threat.

I.M.F.’ s verdict has no teeth at all,
D.A..I. Vultures are swooping to call.
African nation's are easy meat prey,
Brown and his henchmen should act, not delay.

Forty odd million., they’re trying to heist,
and slipping the noose, it looks, Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!
All of the proceeds that charities raise,
Will line the pockets of Senators pays.

That’s dangerous ground, your daring to tread,
being a newsman is harder than said.
Batten down hatches and loosen your sail,
ready for battle when Pharms blow their gale!

Give them no quarter and pound them with facts,
Pummel their eardrums so they can’t relax.
Show them the thousands of compulsive wrecks,
Make them be truthful and stick out their necks.

Angry emotions are subsiding now,
Meds have just kicked in, I’m taking my bow.
Thank you most kindly to you and your team,
Letting me blow off my rage and some steam.

Plenty of info is here at your door,
Check out our forum if you want some more.
Knowledge and caring, with bite if required,
Caustic with flowers if also desired?

Doctors and nurses are falling off trees,
Teachers and coppers are here, just to please.
Experts at chewing and fitness regimes,
Landlords and poets live in the extreme.

Saves you on petrol by surfing our site,
All sorts of ailments will wet appetite.
Justice for Parkies and all of their kin,
could bring a BAFTA to Newsnight agin

5belowzero 17/1/2008

  • 21.
  • At 03:09 PM on 18 Jan 2008,
  • Adrienne wrote:


'Terrorist-007' just served to reinforce the point that many hold, namely that this is at root, essentially a Jewish-Islamic conflict, with the rest of the non-Muslim, gentile West serving largely as bewildered ballast or (largely unwilling) 'boot-boys/girls'? It just isn't on to say that these people are all USA or UK citizens as by birth thay effectively have dual-nationality and the rest of us do not.

It's all very well for the neocons to lobby of globalism, but only they are internationalists (Stalin called them 'rootless cosmopolitans' after Russian Jews' rooting for Golda Meir when she was ambassador at the time that the USSR supported the Arabs), who can pick and choose, and they should therefore be more sensitive to why this causes resentment from those amidt whom they settled nearly a century ago or more, especially given that a much larger minority group i.e. ex-commonwealth Muslim Britons.

More cynically still, all of this 'think-tanking' serves as 'a nice little earner' for these consultants, whilst keeping Israel and its interests on centre stage.

This just contributes to the perpetuation of a dangerous, divisive conflict, reduces the likelihood of Israel ever compromising, alienates and radicalising a much larger minority group in the UK which don't have dual-citzenship, but probably wish they did (there is already a mass exdus of many Britons to the EU and beyond).

This alleged Islamic sexism/radicalism is and its opposition by 'Human Rights' activists is not what it seems at all I suggest. Instead, it's really all about increasing the number of people with disposable incomes given that secular females have been programmed by hundreds of thousands of years of genetic evolution to be 'gatherers'...in today's terms... 'shoppers'.

With the indigenous European (secular) birth rate now so low, and immigration coming largely from Muslim countries (and Mr Frattini wants 20m more), I suggest the most basic reason for these attacks on Islam is just the fear that with our 80% Service Sector based economy, Muslims' traditional sex-role behaviour is very bad for the liberal democracy, which, today, is largely based on a) shopping and other services and terefore women, and b) the willingness to take on DEBT at high interest rates (credit).

This is the real 'terror' - i.e loss of revenue and then recession. Look at who stands to lose the most there (ultimtely, it's all of us, but it's disproportionately going to hit those who own the retail and finance sector, which takes us full circle I suggest.

This is why the proliferation of surreptitiously funded, welfare state subverting, democratically unaccountable, 'Think Tanks' and NGOs which comprise the ever expanding Third Sector, may be a growing problem. Look at how Russia is dealing with them (and quasi Stalinist or big government based state (like the UK used to be with its once respected domestic and colonial Civil Service) would be wary of as they are unaccountable.

How many viewers appreciate the dark implications of this massive expansion of the 'Voluntary Sector' at the expense of the Civil Service and welfare state, and how central that all is to the policy of 'devolution' being implemented by this anarchistic government in prusuit of 'Regional Assemblies' and the greater EUSSR?

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