
Talk about Newsnight

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Prospects - Monday, 28 January, 2008

  • Newsnight
  • 28 Jan 08, 10:33 AM

Today's prgramme producer is Simon Enright - here is his early email to the production team. What would you like to see on the programme?

Hi all

There are lots of stories around today.

kenya203_28jan.jpgMore violence in Kenya over the weekend. We have a film from Karen Allen about how Kenya has descended into this "hell".

Robert Peston has new book out asking questions about those who run our economies - the unelected bankers. As French police decide whether to charge or release Jerome Kerviel and markets take another tumble should we not debate this?

We have a State of Union speech preview from Matt Frei.

And Peter Marshall is looking into the case of Allan Chappelow - an 86 year old murdered in his home. Parts of the case will be heard in secret - we're told by the judge for "compelling" reasons. National Security is raised as an issue. But what damage to justice is there from such an order? We hope to debate.

There are other stories around. Do let me know what you think…

- Welfare reform - what really are the plans from the government?
- Afghanistan - what happened with Paddy?

Comments  Post your comment

On the subject of National Security, when my family and I see daily on TV the utter depths of brutal behaviour to which some peoples of this world can so easily resort in any conflict - machette attacks and incineration of innocent men, women and children - we have to wonder why it was thought that our society might be improved by multi-culturalism.
Most will stifle such thoughts as 'racist', but isn't it time we looked back with envy on our inherent British sense of tolerance and fair play - and realised that we are never going to convert some alien cultures to British citizenship.
Is there only one political party - (whose name we dare not utter) that feels this way?

  • 2.
  • At 05:21 PM on 28 Jan 2008,
  • Nick Thornsby wrote:

Nice of newsnight to advertise Robert Peston's book...


The animal in mankind, being covered in a thin veneer of cerebral finesse, that tricks us into believing we deserve the name β€œhuman”, breaks through at the slightest provocation when constraints are removed. Ethnic cleansing is a young male animal pursuit whether it is Mods and Rockers, Irish Christians, conquering invaders or African tribes. The young male animal reacts to difference; Nature decrees it. While detectable difference endures in any mixed society (unless it is made up of intellectuals: dons and nerds) it is as explosive as gunpowder.

  • 4.
  • At 06:07 PM on 28 Jan 2008,
  • Jeanette Eccles NW London wrote:

I hope Peston's book never makes it an audio version ..puleeze not

  • 5.
  • At 06:20 PM on 28 Jan 2008,
  • Bob Goodall wrote:

Hi Newsnight

my thought on post 1 is that no nation is intrinsically better or worse than another,

for example some citizens of some countries are seen as models for the rest of us but their parents may have being monsters,

some migrants are said to make better workers than people born here, but all this depends of a persons culture, on their education etc,

the next generation here could be completely different, better or worse than todays generation,

in even the worst most violent societies there are many decent people, and similarly in largely machetee free streets there are vile people of different colours,

I put this on the blog before but i view the person with the same values as myself and respect for others, and who shows kindness and compassion and helps the weak and vulnerable as my brothers and sisters,
colour or religion doesn't come into it, its how you treat others,

nationality in itself to me is meaningless. My late father an RAF officer saw the horrors of Belsen with Jewish and other people who they could not save, and the retribution meeted out to german cilvians who had not committed crimes,

forget nationality and flag waving, treat people with respect and by the way they treat others,
best wishes

  • 6.
  • At 08:56 AM on 29 Jan 2008,
  • Adrienne wrote:


Bob (#5) Admirable remarks, but do you believe that all dogs (or horses, or cows) are the same? Take Labradors and Pit Bulls - do you believe that one generation of pit-bulls is likely to be completely different from the next?

We all have beliefs, many of which are false. That's the problem with the whole notion of 'belief' (and its kindred). As an example, consider Belsen. What if the RAF and USAF were largely responsible for the typhus outbreaks at Belsen due to their very effective carpet bombing of supply lines throughout Germany? The Belsen liberators may well have wanted to save people when they saw the consequences...but...(sins of omission are much harder to spot).

We know that gene much of what we are (and therefore how we behave is largely the expression of the genes we inherit, and we know that gene barriers (physical barriers like oceans, mountains etc) have, over hundreds of thousands of years, led to subtle genomic diversity (just as it has for groups dogs, horses, cows etc). So, given that assortive mating (like with like) is universal, why do so many of us 'believe' that the forces (social and physical) which have led to group/family differences are likely to disappear in just a generation or two?

May the answer be that many (most) of us don't know as much as we think we do, and that we don't spend much time questioning our assumptions?

  • 7.
  • At 03:14 AM on 30 Jan 2008,
  • Lionel Tiger wrote:

I would like to see a feature on carers, and the support they provide. They are reimbursed through an unjust system of a myriad of means tested benefits. The thrifty should be just as eligible for rewards of their efforts as the squanderers. These benefits should be awarded through grants to reward effort, and not be based on assets made from working hard. Means testing of benefits should not be a substitute for raising taxes on the rich.

  • 8.
  • At 03:27 AM on 30 Jan 2008,
  • Lionel Tiger wrote:

I would like to see a feature on carers, and the support they provide. They are reimbursed through an unjust system of a myriad of means tested benefits. The thrifty should be just as eligible for rewards of their efforts as the squanderers. These benefits should be awarded through grants to reward effort, and not be based on assets made from working hard. Means testing of benefits should not be a substitute for raising taxes on the rich.

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