
Talk about Newsnight

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Prospects for Monday, 10 December

  • Newsnight
  • 10 Dec 07, 10:00 AM

Good morning. Carol Rubra is today’s output editor – here’s her morning e-mail to the production team.

Let's talk about what we should lead on today?

kosovotanks_203100.jpgThe nominal deadline for international mediators to decide future status of Kosovo passed today. So what happens next? Alan Little has done a piece for us on the uncharted waters Kosovo is now entering. I'm bidding for a Foreign Office interview off the back.

UBS have announced Β£5 billion of write-downs as a result of the sub prime mortgage crisis in the US. This is one of the largest write-downs of any global bank. Are there more to come?

Conrad Black
We have an "end of year" interview with Conrad Black, recorded last week. He's due to be sentenced today.

General Rollo
Gordon Brown has said that the British will handover control of Basra within two weeks. Mark Urban has been speaking to General Rollo about the deals they struck before pulling out of Basra Palace. What about a discussion on whether the British are right to withdraw from Basra, whatever the cost?

Comments  Post your comment

  • 1.
  • At 11:25 AM on 10 Dec 2007,
  • Joanne wrote:

I read somewhere that Jeremy Paxman should get a Knighthood,
I thought he already had one?

IQ (Insidious Quality)

More powerful than Climate, more frightening than Terror: CLEVERNESS is reportedly on the march. What Tony never realised it that Cleverness (like Charisma) comes from the Devil. It negates Wisdom, and corrodes all aspects of Civilisation. Discuss.

I think Jeremy should get a knighthood too!(he hasn't got one yet...but the new years honours list isn't that far away....hint hint....)

  • 4.
  • At 01:18 PM on 10 Dec 2007,
  • Joanne wrote:

Perhaps he will receive something in the post

  • 5.
  • At 01:41 PM on 10 Dec 2007,
  • Jeanette Eccles NW London wrote:

Maybe that nice man from Mill Hill has a spare peerage left for Jeremy

Barrie (2),

Don't tell Adrienne!

Namaste -ed

If you don't have time to do it right, where are you going to find the time to do it over?

Blackwater's Bu$ine$$
By Jeremy Scahill
The Nation

"Gunning down seventeen Iraqi civilians in an incident the military has labeled "criminal." Multiple Congressional investigations. A federal grand jury. Allegations of illegal arms smuggling. Wrongful death lawsuits brought by families of dead employees and US soldiers. A federal lawsuit alleging war crimes. Charges of steroid use by trigger-happy mercenaries. Allegations of "significant tax evasion." The US-installed government in Iraq labeling its forces "murderers." With a new scandal breaking practically every day, one would think Blackwater security would be on the ropes, facing a corporate meltdown or even a total wipeout. But it seems that business for the company has never been better, as it continues to pull in major federal contracts. And its public demeanor grows bolder and cockier by the day......"

And, from the company website:

"Innovation Begins with Experience

Blackwater Worldwide efficiently and effectively integrates a wide range of resources and core competencies to provide unique and timely solutions that exceed our customers’ stated needs and expectations.

We are guided by integrity, innovation, and a desire for a safer world. Blackwater Worldwide professionals leverage state-of-the-art training facilities, professional program management teams, and innovative manufacturing and production capabilities to deliver world-class, customer-driven solutions.

Our corporate leadership and dedicated family of exceptional employees adhere to essential core values- chief among these are integrity, innovation, excellence, respect, accountability, and teamwork."

Yeah! Right!

Namaste -ed

  • 8.
  • At 05:50 PM on 10 Dec 2007,
  • Gordon Neil wrote:

OK before I watch your coverage of Kosovo think I need some insight into how, historically, a province, presumably once Christian Serb and so important to the Serb Christian psyche, became so overwhelmingly populated by Albanian Muslims. Anyone help ?

  • 9.
  • At 06:22 PM on 10 Dec 2007,
  • Adrienne wrote:

Having passed a potential post around several people in order to get independent assessments as to whether it might contain anything which would unjustly 'offend' rather than stimulate thought over, it appears, despite their views, the NN blog moderator has yet to pass it for publication. In brief - do not confuse 'cleverness' with intelligence. That's the reason we're in the mess that we are. My (hopefully to appear post) endeavours to continue to highlight how and why. Nobody ever made an omelette without breaking eggs.

  • 10.
  • At 07:19 PM on 10 Dec 2007,
  • wrote:

Nor with wisdom.

(Intelligence nor cleverness, however measured)

  • 11.
  • At 10:18 PM on 10 Dec 2007,
  • wrote:

Please, Moderator-person, may we have Adrienne's broadside mentioned in her 6.22pm posting - currently No 9?
She is quite the best stimulator/offender, un-PC, agent provocateur, 5th columnist, iconoclast around here. Come on NN, crack on and let's see where all the egg goes!

  • 12.
  • At 10:06 AM on 11 Dec 2007,
  • Faser wrote:

Along with Barrie Singleton, I appeal for the publication of Adrienne's stalled post. There is a whiff of censorship around here and that is not good. Her posts are always factual and evidence based, only stating the truth (which may be unpalatable to some) and should be published. Surely anyone who reads this blog and who objects will have the intelligence and strength of character to be able to refute and then defend their case? Please treat us like adults - we are perfectly capable of looking after ourselves.

  • 13.
  • At 10:52 AM on 11 Dec 2007,
  • Fazer wrote:

Along with Barrie Singleton, I appeal for the publication of Adrienne's stalled post. There is a whiff of censorship around here and that is not good. Her posts are always factual and evidence based, only stating the truth (which may be unpalatable to some) and should be published. Surely anyone who reads this blog and who objects will have the intelligence and strength of character to be able to refute and then defend their case? Please treat us like adults - we are perfectly capable of looking after ourselves.

  • 14.
  • At 11:46 AM on 11 Dec 2007,
  • wrote:

"Those whom The Gods (aka NN) wish to destroy - they first make mad." Olympus is toying with us Fazer. We are mere playthings, doomed to dangle impotently on cyber-string, occasionally jiggled by forces beyond our ken. But look on the bright side: while Adrienne's informed erudition has been cast into outer darkness, our impotent bleatings are getting posted! One day everyone will be impotent for 15 minutes!

  • 15.
  • At 11:58 AM on 11 Dec 2007,
  • wrote:

"Those whom The Gods (aka NN) wish to destroy - they first make mad." Olympus is toying with us Fazer. We are mere playthings, doomed to dangle impotently on cyber-string, occasionally jiggled by forces beyond our ken. But look on the bright side: while Adrienne's informed erudition has been cast into outer darkness, our impotent bleatings are getting posted! One day everyone will be impotent for 15 minutes!

  • 16.
  • At 01:08 PM on 11 Dec 2007,
  • wrote:


We are an animal with a fancy brain stuck on top. The animal can’t digest alcohol so it anaesthetises the brain. When that happens the animal falls down and the brain doesn’t work. What more proof is needed of a bad idea? As for β€œmoderate drinking” – because of alcohol’s ability to affect reason, the first drink, taken sober, is always an act of negligence. But our culture is suffused by drink. There is both social and psychological dependence on it, not least among our β€œleaders”. This has to be admitted before we attempt to address the subject. When did you last hear of a judge, magistrate, police commissioner or politician preface their pontifications on drink with: β€œI am a user”?

  • 17.
  • At 01:48 PM on 11 Dec 2007,
  • Fazer wrote:

The Gods are making me damned furious. It is some comfort to know that when posts start disappearing it is because someone is trying to supress something. It follows that we might be on to them (whoever they are). Perhaps we should start a Not Newsnight blog in parallel where speech is free and Adrienne may have her say.
Regarding impotence, as long as it lasts only 15 minutes I shall not worry overmuch - unless it's THAT 15 minutes ;-)

  • 18.
  • At 02:03 AM on 12 Dec 2007,
  • edith crowther wrote:

Gordon Neil - post 8 - Kosovo is historically part of Albania, and prior to that both were part of Illyria. I looked it all up in the Encyclopaedia Britannica when Blair was bombing Serbia. The whole area, much larger than modern Albania, was once Illyria, which became part of the Roman Empire. (There is an Albanian or more likely Kosovan cafe in West Hampstead called Illyria, so they remember that.) Illyria also took in the east coast of Italy, at one stage.

Before the Romans, in the Bronze Age, the same people lived there. It is thought they were Aryans who had migrated across empty lands from the part of the world now known as Bangla Desh. Albanians are the direct descendants of these Bronze Age tribes - they stayed put, and migrated no further. St Paul and St Andrew passed through in the 1st century, bringing Christianity to Dacia.

In the 4th century Goths and Visigoths swept through, but did not stay. In the 6th century A.D., a horde of Slavs swept into Illyria from Russia and occupied a large (northern) chunk of it. These are the modern-day Serbs. The Illyrians, a rather laid-back people, were shunted around a bit between the Serbs and the Ottoman Turks after that, but they managed to hang on to Albania (including Kosovo) despite Serb efforts to grab that too. They converted to Islam in the Middle Ages to please the Turks, who overran the whole area including Serbia itself. It could be said that the Turks saved the Illyrians from total extermination by the Serbs - looks that way to me anyway.

Following the withdrawal of the Ottoman Empire, Albania went communist in rather an extreme way - but Kosovo got left out, and the Serbs kept on laying claim to it. Perhaps all Illyrians might like Kosovo to merge with Albania - but Albania is rather a forbidding place, along the lines of the Starkadder Doom in Cold Comfort Farm. So Kosovan Illyrians might prefer to be independent of both Serbia and Albania. I suspect they are past caring much - when elephants fight the grass gets trampled, and they have been the grass for centuries, one way or another. They have massacred a lot of Serbs in self-defence at various points in time though - if you are a Scot, this may sound familiar.

So far as I know Albania has not laid claim to Kosovo, and if it does it will be ignored by NATO (maybe that is one reason why it hasn't bothered). A claim in international law might well succeed, due to the history - but unless Kosovans really want to join up with Albania, there is little point in Albania laying a legal claim to Kosovo. Who knows what any Illyrian thinks - we only hear from the Serbs, they have even managed to convince everyone they were there first when the opposite is true.

  • 19.
  • At 08:42 AM on 12 Dec 2007,
  • edith crowther wrote:

Gordon Neil - post 8 - Kosovo is historically part of Albania, and prior to that both were part of Illyria. I looked it all up in the Encyclopaedia Britannica when Blair was bombing Serbia. The whole area, much larger than modern Albania, was once Illyria, which became part of the Roman Empire. (There is an Albanian or more likely Kosovan cafe in West Hampstead called Illyria, so they remember that.) Illyria also took in the east coast of Italy, at one stage.

Before the Romans, in the Bronze Age, the same people lived there. It is thought they were Aryans who had migrated across empty lands from much further East. Albanians are the direct descendants of these Bronze Age tribes - they stayed put, and migrated no further. St Paul and St Andrew passed through in the 1st century, bringing Christianity to Dacia.

In the 4th century Goths and Visigoths swept through, but did not stay. In the 6th century A.D., a horde of Slavs swept into Illyria from Russia and occupied a large (northern) chunk of it. These are the modern-day Serbs. The Illyrians, a rather laid-back people, were shunted around a bit between the Serbs and the Ottoman Turks after that, but they managed to hang on to Albania (including Kosovo) despite Serb efforts to grab that too. They converted to Islam in the Middle Ages to please the Turks, who overran the whole area including Serbia itself. It could be said that the Turks saved the Illyrians from total extermination by the Serbs - looks that way to me anyway.

Following the withdrawal of the Ottoman Empire, Albania went communist in rather an extreme way - but Kosovo got left out, and the Serbs kept on laying claim to it. Perhaps all Illyrians might like Kosovo to merge with Albania - but Albania is rather a forbidding place, along the lines of the Starkadder Doom in Cold Comfort Farm. (Though it is unspoiled I guess, and its carbon footprint probably extremely low - the Starkadders can no longer be seen as hopelessly backward.)

Anyway, Kosovan Illyrians might prefer to be independent of both Serbia and Albania. I suspect they are past caring much, so long as they don't get massacred. They used to massacre back, but now they are too small and weak. I suppose they are grateful to NATO. They really were about to be wiped out by a bunch of terrifying psychopaths.

So far as I know Albania has not laid claim to Kosovo, and if it does it will be ignored by NATO (maybe that is one reason why it hasn't bothered). A claim in international law might well succeed, due to the history - but Albanians seem happy to keep themselves to themselves. Who knows what any Illyrian thinks - we only hear from the Serbs, they have even managed to convince everyone they were there first when the opposite is true.

  • 20.
  • At 10:52 AM on 12 Dec 2007,
  • Fazer wrote:

Here's a thought - to the extent that one censors/censures one class of behaviours, is one not thereby to be tacitly (if not unwittingly) reinforcing others? If so, then to whose advantage?

  • 21.
  • At 07:41 PM on 12 Dec 2007,
  • edith crowther wrote:

Gordon Neil - post 8 - Kosovo is historically part of Albania, and prior to that both were part of Illyria. I looked it all up in the Encyclopaedia Britannica when Blair was bombing Serbia. The whole area, much larger than modern Albania, was once Illyria, which became part of the Roman Empire. (There is an Albanian or more likely Kosovan cafe in West Hampstead called Illyria, so they remember that.) Illyria also took in the east coast of Italy, at one stage.

Before the Romans, in the Bronze Age, the same people lived there. It is thought they were Aryans who had migrated across empty lands from much further East. Albanians are the direct descendants of these Bronze Age tribes - they stayed put, and migrated no further. St Paul and St Andrew passed through in the 1st century, bringing Christianity to Dacia.

In the 4th century Goths and Visigoths swept through, but did not stay. In the 6th century A.D., a horde of Slavs swept into Illyria from Russia and occupied a large (northern) chunk of it. These are the modern-day Serbs. The Illyrians, a rather laid-back people, were shunted around a bit between the Serbs and the Ottoman Turks after that, but they managed to hang on to Albania (including Kosovo) despite Serb efforts to grab that too. They converted to Islam in the Middle Ages to please the Turks, who overran the whole area including Serbia itself. It could be said that the Turks saved the Illyrians from total extermination by the Serbs - looks that way to me anyway.

Following the withdrawal of the Ottoman Empire, Albania went communist in rather an extreme way - but Kosovo got left out, and the Serbs kept on laying claim to it. Perhaps all Illyrians might like Kosovo to merge with Albania - but Albania is rather a forbidding place, along the lines of the Starkadder Doom in Cold Comfort Farm. (Though it is unspoiled I guess, and its carbon footprint probably extremely low - the Starkadders can no longer be seen as hopelessly backward.)

Anyway, Kosovan Illyrians might prefer to be independent of both Serbia and Albania. I suspect they are past caring much, so long as they don't get massacred. They used to massacre back, but now they are too small and weak. I suppose they are grateful to NATO. They really were about to be wiped out by a bunch of terrifying psychopaths.

So far as I know Albania has not laid claim to Kosovo, and if it does it will be ignored by NATO (maybe that is one reason why it hasn't bothered). A claim in international law might well succeed, due to the history - but Albanians seem happy to keep themselves to themselves. Who knows what any Illyrian thinks - we only hear from the Serbs, they have even managed to convince everyone they were there first when the opposite is true.

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