
Talk about Newsnight

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Monday, 10 December, 2007

  • Newsnight
  • 10 Dec 07, 05:27 PM


brown_troops.jpgThe symbolically important town of has been recaptured from the Taliban by Afghan troops with a lot of support from the US and British forces. Two British soldiers have been killed in the fighting and hundreds of civilians have fled the area. The Prime Minister, who was in Kabul today, promised to follow up victory with economic assistance for an area that currently provides half the world's heroin. We'll have the latest from Mark Urban on how Musa Qala was taken and whether it can be held.


Meanwhile on a visit to Basra yesterday Gordon Brown confirmed that the province will be handed over to the Iraqis within a fortnight. But what deals had to be struck with local Shiite militias to enable the pullout to take place? Mark has been speaking to General Bill Rollo, the highest ranking British soldier in the Iraq theatre. So is he saying it'll all be over by Christmas? Well, not quite.

Conrad Black

The erstwhile press baron will likely be sentenced to between six and a half and eight years in jail, he was told by a US judge today. But in an interview for Newsnight, recorded last week from his Palm Beach mansion was still protesting his innocence. He also told us that if he was sent to jail that wouldn't be the end of his battle to clear his name. We'll bring you that interview tonight.


Kosovan Albanians and Kosovan Serbs are not quite at daggers drawn yet but relations are at their worst ebb since NATO bombed Slobodan Milošević out of power back in 1999. Today was supposed to be the by which a deal on the final status of Kosovo was agreed with the UN. No deal has been reached so what will happen now? Allan Little has been to Kosovo to find out if the troubled province can ever peacefully become a nation. And we'll interview David Miliband who has been in Brussels trying to hammer out the European Union stance on the way forward.

And in what many here think is the music event of the year for middle-aged headbangers, Led Zeppelin will be playing their first proper concert for 19 years. We're hoping to playout from there.

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(from )

Bush Pledges Long-Term Military, Political Commitment to Iraq
Under powers granted him by Right of Kings article in U.S. Constitution.
Rice To Appoint Wolfowitz to
Advisory Panel
Ousted World Bank president will serve on Next War Location Planning Board.
CIA Destroyed Interrogation Videos
In dispute over residuals.

Dispose of spent uranium properly.

Rove: Dems in Senate Forced Administration into Iraq War
And delayed Katrina response.
Bush Didn’t Know About NIE on Iran or CIA Destroying Torture Evidence
Says he just learned about Watergate.

Namaste -ed

"Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. "

  • 2.
  • At 07:02 PM on 10 Dec 2007,
  • csharp wrote:

Its insert the led zepp songs game.

Did Gordon go out on a Night Flight like an Ozone Baby Over the Hills and Far Away to announce a Celebration Day that allows the troops to Bring It On Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ?

Heartbreaker Kosovo looks like a Communication Breakdown and a Custard Pie waiting to hit the FO in the face?

For Your Life How Many More Times must we say don't mention the word Friends. It make Labour Dazed And Confused.

After Ten Years Gone The Song Remains The Same there were Good Times Bad Times but now its Tea for One?

[For those who tickets]

  • 3.
  • At 08:56 PM on 10 Dec 2007,
  • neil robertson wrote:

Further to today's front-page story in The Guardian - 'Brown calls on Google to help world's poor - Talks held with multinationals to tackle 'development emergency' ....:

More on the 'analog backlash' to The British Council library closures in India ...... this wonderful picture
of a Government Minister in Kerala
examining a C++ computer manual ..!

  • 4.
  • At 11:46 PM on 10 Dec 2007,
  • neil robertson wrote:

There is, of course, a certain irony in that on the same day Cameron and The Daily Telegraph launched their campaign to revive The Union Jack,
the DT's former Canadian publisher
(who gave up his own citizenship to become a Tory peer in The Lords!)
is interviewed in a bolt-hole down in Florida by Gavin Esler, wondering no doubt how the Hell he can now get back his old Canadian citizenship -
so as to get paroled to a Canadian
prison rather than a boot camp for
extradition back to Great Britain from the USA? Had he dressed up as a rebel against George III instead of making do with 'the last disguise in the shop' Konrad 'Cardinal Richlieu' and his 'bar-maid' wife Reine Marie Antoinette might have been able to take a canoe up the Missisippi and seek asylum in a half-way house in Wisconsin for part of his sentence?

Newsnight Scotland did not, however,
explore that angle on the Telegraph poll findings on Britishness but it
was an interesting film report and studio discussion on 'British-ness' nevertheless - with Bryan Adams of the SNP & Tory David McLetchie MSP.

  • 5.
  • At 12:26 AM on 11 Dec 2007,
  • Liam Coughlan wrote:

Tony Blair persuaded the US and NATO to put an end to murder, ethnic cleansing and discrimunation by Serbs against Kosovo's majority ethnic population. The NATO bombing ended the war in 2000. Few in Britain would not want to see the job done. The time has come for the UK Government stand firm and state unequivacally that they will support Kosovo independence.

  • 6.
  • At 03:39 AM on 11 Dec 2007,
  • Mark wrote:

Funny, nobody screamed that there wasn't a Security Council declaration legalizing American bombing of Serbia to save the Kosovars, yet there were 17 of them and a truce Saddam Hussein violated before the US invaded Iraq. Resolutions? I don't got no resolutions. I don't need no stinkin' resolutions. BTW, I haven't made any myself for New Years yet.

Led Zeppelin's timing could hardly be better. The echoes from the end of their last loud concert are just dying out.

  • 7.
  • At 06:26 AM on 11 Dec 2007,
  • Milica wrote:

As for that ethnic cleansing of Albanians,sorry,but Nato is responsible for that.
That same Nato(Kfor) was supposed to disarm all the people there,but what do you know-Albanians were not disarmed.
And why isn't anyone mentioning the Serbs who are living in enclaves,they are like in concentration camps!
It's interesting how people consider ETA to be a terrorist organization,but KLA,is fighting for independence.Isn't ETA doing the same?
And if you want to know how 'peaceful' that KLA is just look them up on you tube-'KLA terrorist murder',plus you have many tags.
And it's not Kosovo,it's Kosovo and Metohija.
Kosovo-from the slavic word kos-black bird.
Metohija-from the word of Greek origin,metoh-which means 'church land'.

  • 8.
  • At 11:37 AM on 11 Dec 2007,
  • Branislav Radeljic wrote:

Both the EU and NATO (while both being in Europe) bear huge responsibility for the situation in the Western Balkans, particularly in Kosovo. If both of them ever thought of offering a membership to the states from the Western Balkans, it proved that their reaction toward the Yugoslav crisis was very much disorganized. After the chaos had terminated and once they realized that solving such a conundrum was not an easy job at all, they started buying time by postponing the settlement. What is the purpose of doing so and thus keeping the region stuck? Everybody knows what both Serbs and Albanians want and that any further postponing will only spread additional hatred and eventually cause a new conflict. Thus, do hurry up, all of you, and do settle the situation best way possible.
Branislav Radeljic

  • 9.
  • At 02:13 PM on 11 Dec 2007,
  • anti auntie bbc wrote:

Why is there a newsnight scotland it is not a seperate country of which i am aware. We need a 'Say No' campain to the license fee.

I don't see why they can't have Jeremy's leftovers

  • 10.
  • At 04:33 PM on 11 Dec 2007,
  • wrote:

Mark (6),

What about Israel? What's up this very moment in Gaza? Are there any relevant resolutions? Only dozens.

Namaste -ed

  • 11.
  • At 04:47 PM on 11 Dec 2007,
  • wrote:

Mark (6),

What about Israel? What's up this very moment in Gaza? Are there any relevant resolutions? Only dozens.

Namaste -ed

  • 12.
  • At 05:07 PM on 11 Dec 2007,
  • wrote:

Mark (6),

What about Israel? What's up this very moment in Gaza? Are there any relevant resolutions? Only dozens.

Namaste -ed

  • 13.
  • At 05:27 PM on 11 Dec 2007,
  • wrote:

Mark (6),

What about Israel? What's up this very moment in Gaza? Are there any relevant resolutions? Only dozens.

Namaste -ed

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