
Talk about Newsnight

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Friday, 19 October, 2007

  • Newsnight
  • 19 Oct 07, 08:37 PM

In tonight's programme - we'll have the latest from Pakistan after last night' s terrible bombing. Yesterday Mark Urban travelled with Benazir Bhutto as she arrived in Karachi. Today, he's been speaking to Pakistanis about the blasts and how they feel about Bhutto being back in the country. He's also looking into who could be behind the bombings, and what it means for the elections scheduled for January.

Lib Dems
With the former leader Charles Kennedy declaring that they have "passed the knife" on to the next generation - Nick Clegg has declared himself a candidate for the party's leadership. What's his vision, and how does it differ from Chris Huhne? Michael Crick has been at the launch in Sheffield.

The leaders of the 27 member states agreed to the European Treaty in the early hours of the morning. But what do the citizens of Europe think about the European project? Newsnight witnessed a unique seminar of citizens from all the member states coming together in Brussels to see what they make of it all - you may find some of their views surprising.

And finally Newsnight viewer Chris Mills sent in this Joke fit for an eleven year old:
"The knock on from the recent US sub prime market problems, that hit Northern Rock among others, shows no signs of letting up. In fact it has now badly affected the banking system in Japan. In the last 7 days the Origami Bank has folded, Sumo Bank has gone belly up and Bonsai Bank plans to cutback some of its branches....."

Newsnight is at 10.30 on ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ 2

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In connection with the Lib Dem power struggle, Newsnight showed clips of various political worthies extolling β€œpower to the people” (as did Wolfie Smith of the Tooting Popular Front). But it appears they are forgetting to tell us that MPs have a RIGHT TO IGNORE THE PEOPLE, once they have been duped into voting in a suitable manner.
It would appear that even a unanimous voter-demand for a referendum need have no impact on elected MPs. Democracy – what democracy?

On the parliament website
it says this:


Your MP will generally do everything he or she can to help constituents, but will not feel able to support every cause, nor will he or she be able to get the desired solution to every individual problem. Members may not be willing to support one constituent if in doing so they will deprive another. At times, a constituent’s demands may conflict with party policy and your MP will have to decide where their


should lie. The member may think that, in any case, a majority of constituents would support party policy – after all that is likely to be one of the reasons why they elected him or her.

On the tenth anniversary of the 1987 "crash", Wall street fell by over 2.6% and the FTSE by 1ΒΌ%, but the programme hardly mentions it?

Are you guys so afraid of being accused of stirring a panic that you can't even mention such volatility?

Hardly worth a mention, but if I were a dead cat, I'd be keeping a low profile come Monday...

Have a nice weekend,.

When a man you like switches from what he said a year ago, or four years ago, he is a broad-minded man who has courage enough to change his mind with changing conditions. When a man you don't like does it, he is a
liar who has broken his promises.
-- Franklin Adams

  • 3.
  • At 12:16 AM on 20 Oct 2007,
  • Silkstone wrote:


There were no surprises in those 'I have seen the light' views recorded at the seminar. In fact they were very much to be expected.

Hi Barry,

Good stuff, bro. I consider parties to be the biggest impediment to democracy

(in Scotland, at least we've made a start through mixed PR/FPTP)

Radioactive cats have 18 half-lives.

Aye, but do they bounce if dropped from a high enough point?

Hi Barry, - (sorry Barrie)

Good stuff, bro. I consider parties to be the biggest impediment to democracy

(in Scotland, at least we've made a start through mixed PR/FPTP)

Radioactive cats have 18 half-lives.

Aye, but do they bounce if dropped from a high enough point?

  • 6.
  • At 02:04 PM on 22 Oct 2007,
  • Owais Rajput wrote:

Terrorism in any shape is not acceptable in any part of the world and in Islam, no concept of suicide bombing as suicide is a big sin in Islam. Jihad mean struggle, means a person who trying to protect him & herself from sins mean Jihad. In Islam big importance of neighbours (doesn’t matter which religion they belongs to). Well clearly who ever committing suicide on name of Islam, is not any more Muslim as Allah said no one have no right to take any other person’s life without any reason and on same principle no one have right to take his & her own life. In short what ever happened in Karachi is shameful and I think if Benazir Bhutto wants to involve International Counter-Terrorist & Ant-Terrorist experts then Pakistan Government should consult those experts too and in somehow, Benazir Bhutto right that Pakistan Government have limited knowledge on suicide bombing & on terrorism. I think Pakistan’s security agencies consult British counter-terrorism experts so Benazir Bhutto satisfied. Why I said about British experts because I have clear picture of Pakistan & Kashmir earthquake when British rescue team arrived first in Islamabad and in Kashmir just on humanitarian bases because that time human lives were in danger. I think now again Pakistani public in danger because of current threat of terrorism and whenever we talk about terrorism everyone says name of Pakistan. Why?

  • 7.
  • At 11:28 PM on 24 Oct 2007,
  • Sinthia wrote:

Sorry folkS...
Trying to ignore the news...lately..
Gives me headaches...really...*grief*
However...You're joke "Fit for an eleven year old..."!

  • 8.
  • At 04:24 PM on 26 Oct 2007,
  • Adrienne wrote:

Plus ca change....

Better late than never in some of these people's eyes?

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