Friday, 8 June, 2007
- 8 Jun 07, 05:36 PM
From , Newsnight presenter.
As I write, we have a packed programme including the first British interview with Carl Bernstein about his new book A Woman In Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton. He spent six years writing and researching it and it is published amidst a slew of books on the Clintons. In it he alleges she has suffered from depression, and that Hillary and Bill Clinton, decades ago, devised a strategy for a husband two term presidency followed by the same for his wife.
The book makes clear the energy and effort that went into devising strategies to deal with Bill Clinton's infidelities, but are they continuing? I'll also be asking Carl Bernstein why, when there is a feeling in America that the Democrats should win, when Hillary Clinton is put in the frame the mood changes.
The G8 pulled more aid for Africa out of the hat before the world leaders went their separate ways - or did they? Bob Geldof has called the summit a farce. There seems to be some disagreement as to whether new money has been pledged by countries that were falling behind in their promise to deliver by 2010, or whether the new drive to boost the fight against Aids and provide free schooling for all African children is a reassignment of existing donations.
We hope to have the definitive answer tonight. We're hoping to speak to Bob Geldof. And we'll be asking the International Development Secretary, Hilary Benn, what exactly have the G8 countries signed up to on Africa?
Paul Mason brings us his next instalment of the Gordon Brown Grand Tour. We'll be watching his progress through the north east of England, the heartlands of traditional Labour values, to find out what they are expecting to happen when the Brown boat comes in. Paul's first two GB tour reports can be found in our section.
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The Hilary Clinton piece was backed up by pictures of her in various colours very like then Andy Warhol Monroe pictures\prints.
Are the Clinton pictures\prints available to buy?
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Hi Kirsty, missed tonight's programme, did you personally apologise to our First Minister or leave it to Peter Barron? It's never too late to do it here...
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Kirsty doing the Programme - Na gave it a miss!
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Hillary, ex Walmart attorney/board member. Her husband sold American workers down the road. Can we expect any better of her?
She might be the "best" alternative to the regressive Republicans, but only because she might win.
Our government has lost site of us, we must smack some sight into them! Forcibly, if need be.
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Face it folks, the G8 is just a PR ploy to make it seem as if our leaders give a rat's behind about their constituencies. Off camera, they are planning the end to the middle class in their own countries and the enslavement of the peoples of what amount to colonies in the new world order.
Don't be fooled.
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I think that pop grandads Geldof & Bono have passed their sell-by date. Why should ageing rock stars, who need take no responsibility for their gushing altruism, keep berating world leaders? Collecting money for charity is one thing, but saying "bollocks" about everything world leaders do smacks of an adolescence never outgrown.
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As ever the irish musicians were generous with their words. We were then transported to an image of a sleeping seagull and a report where the now barefooted stephanie smoothly sold seashells on the seashore.
tony with a tree growing out of his head? five stars.
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Despite being a lady reader from the twee middle-classes of the First World, and therefore superfluous, I feel moved to agree with Mr Dickens.
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Although the sky may well fall down as soon as I find myself in agreement with Maurice - Northumberland... I too will be giving Newsnight a miss as long as Kirsty Wark remains in the presenter's chair. Never been a fan, and her treatment of Alex Salmond was simply deplorable (and this from someone with no sympathies for the SNP).
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I can't stand it! The next person to tell me how generous Paul McCartney is for giving his latest music away to punters for free is going to get thump from me!!!!!!! for goodness sake, wake up, he's a mega millionaire. So at which point from Β£0 to Β£800 million would you or me say "enough is enough, the fans deserve something back". Well, he waited till he got to around Β£800 million before his latest publicity stunt and I think I for one would have made that decision many millions earlier.
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Trust me Keith - the Sky won't fall in, it's just that I say things in a different way, being a Gordie and all that!
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