
Talk about Newsnight

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Friday, 15 June, 2007

  • Newsnight
  • 15 Jun 07, 04:38 PM

From , Newsnight presenter.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at Friday prayersGaza
Who is in control in Gaza, and who can resolve the crisis between Hamas and Fatah which is making the lives or ordinary Palestinians a nightmare? Hamas has seized the Gaza strip after a week of factional fighting between the rival groups which resulted in dreadful bloodshed.

The Palestinian President Mahmood Abbas has declared a state of emergency in Gaza and has appointed a new interim Prime Minister, Salam Fayyed, an Independent and a former World Bank official. But this move could be described as "firefighting". Is there any chance of a lasting peace? Is another unity government out of the question and with our Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett describing the violence in Gaza as "a coup" does the international community have a role to play in conflict resolution?

Lord Stevens' Inquiry into "football bungs" has reported that, after more than a year of investigations, questions remain over 17 transfers to five Premier League clubs - Chelsea, Newcastle, Bolton, Middlesborough and Portsmouth. The former Metropolitan Police commissioner has also expressed concern about agents and third parties involved in the transfers.

Now it's the Football Association's job to take these investigations further. Tonight we'll be examining Lord Stevens' report and asking whether the protestations of innocence by the Association of Football Agents are credible.

EU summit
If Tony Blair was looking to next week's European summit to provide a gala end to his time as Prime minister Angela Markel's billet doux to the member states encouraging them to approve a European constitution in all but name - add to that Poland's anger about the country's voting power within the Union - and next week's summit looks like being a rancorous affair.

The idea of a "charter of fundamental rights" is an anathema to the Labour government so what will Tony Blair do next week? Our Europe editor Mark Mardell gives us the inside track.

Local government
And radicalism is alive and well in the home of the Magna Carta - the people of Bury St Edmunds were so fed up with their local government, they voted to abolish it. Steve Smith has been watching anarchy in action - on the day that Michael Heseltine launched his new blueprint (same as his old blueprint?) for reviving local government - directly elected mayors with "very substantial powers". What would the people of Bury St Edmunds make of that?

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  • 1.
  • At 05:40 PM on 15 Jun 2007,
  • Maurice - Northumberland wrote:

Oh Kirsty is doing it tonight is she, what with Chakrarbti last night - two nights in row with the naive, just can't be done.
So let me see - whats on at 10:30pm ah yes Golf that'll do the job nicely!

  • 2.
  • At 08:07 PM on 15 Jun 2007,
  • David Nettleton wrote:

Just over a year ago when ABC (Abolish Bury Town Council) launched its campaign I told Roy Bebbington that the acme of success was being interviewed on Newsnight by Kirsty Wark.

He almost made it tonight. Don't give up Roy Boy!

  • 3.
  • At 03:17 PM on 16 Jun 2007,
  • Marko Nguet wrote:

I think so. International community is the medicine which can cure a disease which is clearly identified.

I suggested this because International laws, which prevent a country from interfering with the affairs of another, are binding on International community.

Should International community be tempted to interfere in the sitautions where a given country has not clearly explosed itself to the help of International Community, then they ( International Community)may be assigned to a category of violators of international laws.

Gaza, if it wants peace, should place itself on the path of peace, especially by identifying the areas of their differences and developing a sense of peace and patience.

In such sitautions, if International Community is tempted to intervene, it may risk taking one side, infringing the right of the other, which is a clear violation of International laws.

  • 4.
  • At 01:39 PM on 17 Jun 2007,
  • Mark wrote:

The EU is a failure because it was created resulting from a huge pack of lies. It is not what it said it would be when member states like Britain signed up to it. It wants to rescind those favors it granted to entice new members like Poland. It conducts most of its business in secret. Its books have been uncertifiable for over a decade. In short it is a sham. What is it really? It is a scheme to cobble together several dozen small countries to create a single large country to challenge the United States of America. This was conceived because Germany and especially France realized they could not achieve their grandiose ambitions of world dominance on their own. It took two world wars to convince them of that. And although on paper if one adds up all of the populations and production of its member states it is larger, as an effective economic, political, and military power, it is not even remotely close to achieving that goal and never will be. The USA is a single cohesive entity which has reached its current position as the result of an historical experience which goes back hundreds of years to before the American Revolution. Its civilization is based on entirely different premises, a different culture, a different system of values, and other differences which few if any Europeans even understand let alone have the capability to duplicate. Even as well educated and experienced a man as Sir Christopher Meyers, the UK's ambassador to the US for over 5 years largely got it wrong based on his statements in the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ program "The Interview." Britain's government is fearful of a referendum because it KNOWS if given a choice, Brits would opt out entirely except for the trade arrangement they originally agreed to. France, Germany, and Austria are desperately afraid of Turkey becoming a member because of its size, its poverty, and its culture. Poland will not give up its voting advantage it was offered as a bribe to join. And the new states which were former Soviet bloc nations are in it for the subsidies they get to replace those they lost from the USSR. So are the older poorer states like Spain and Greece. Meanwhile, internal migration from the poorer countries to the more affluent ones is considerable with Britain waking up one day to find 650,000 Polish immigrants in its midst when it expeced 25,000. The internal free movement of people policy combined with some countries having virtually open borders to the outside has facilited a large number of illegal economic migrants from other parts of the world entering as well. Furthermore the expensive generous social safety nets, the vast number of laws unfriendly to capital investment, and the enormous bureaucracy has turned the EU into an economic wasteland unable to compete with China in manufacturing, with India in software development, with Japan in technology, and with the US in just about everything. Its only real income comes from foreign investments in other countries. But the EU does not have the luxury to sit around waiting for committees to study it, write reports, debate it, devise remedies, and sort out the politics to make changes which could take many years, even decades. The rest of the world continues to pull out further and further ahead. The EU also faces physical threats from Iran, Russia, loss of access to sufficient energy sources and other resources in competition with China's growing demands, and will also suffer the consequence of global warming, the one threat it is obsessed with.

All this boils down to a typical failed European construct, and ill conceived monstrosity, a total fraud from top to bottom on the verge of collapsing of its own weight. In a way Britain is lucky. All it has to do is sign some papers, tell its representatives in Brussels and Strassbourg to enjoy their last free meals, pack their suitcases and come home. The others will have to sort out how to undo the Euro, a mess of unprecedented dimensions. That will be quite a spectacle to see.

To this American's eyes, the EU is a sight to behold. Like seeing someone trying to build a moon rocket out of tree trunks and rocks using stone age tools. Laughably clumsy, impossible to work, utterly unwieldy, and rediculous every way I look at it. Trying to immitate the US it has bulk and mass where America is streamlined. It has disunity and disfunction where America has a cohesive system which is finely tuned and hums. Just compare the constitutions and that tells all. The US Constitution is a few pages of simple instructions and rules for structuring and running the governmenht in plain language, a system of guidelines and principles and a method to correct them when necessity arises, somthing which has happend only about three dozen times over 200 years. The EU constitution is over 400 pages long, tries to regulate every aspect of every life from cradle to grave, so unwieldy that few people have read it and even fewer understand it. How can anyone be expected to vote for a constitution which would control their lives in ways they cannot even understand? I will continue to watch in bemused amazement as the Europeans expend their time, energy, and money grappling with the unsolvable dilemma they have created for themselves. With it they have waged political war against the US...and lost.

  • 5.
  • At 05:42 PM on 17 Jun 2007,
  • colin moore wrote:

I would like to say I agree with Mark having lived and worked in europe and spent many months in the states it makes you realise just how backward the majority of the european thinking is.This is based on the anti-American propaganda that the politicians put out so they can keep their over paid jobs and their overbloated governments which most of them could not make a living in the real world,hence why the EU has not allowed its books to be audited for years.This all goes back many years to the holocaust when many of these Governments participated in in the murder and theft that accompanied it.So the older generation who can remember what went on know that the Dove of freedom will be bought and sold again, the Dove will never be free.Tied up in those 400 pages of the European Charter

  • 6.
  • At 07:59 PM on 17 Jun 2007,
  • S Madge wrote:

If Tony Blair or the Sherriff of nottingham(Gordon Brown) sign anything on behalf of the British People without a say in it then they
should no longer be welcome in this country.The troops that died for our freedom should haunt these pair for the rest of thier lives.This was only ever a common market,you sell your apples and I will sell you my pears.That is all, so how did these people set about thinking the British people wanted any more,They have slowly destroyed all our freedoms to what they call Europe.This is the most un-democratic organisation that ever existed.If Europe is so good then it will survive a Vote from the average Brit, Get rid of these people who think they Know what is best for you and me, but wo'nt take advise from us

  • 7.
  • At 08:11 PM on 17 Jun 2007,
  • colin moore wrote:

Footnote to my last mail As I write this e-mail I glance over my screen and look upon a large glass case in which are treasured letters and oddments such as a pipe,large medal,scroll which discribes the self-sacrifice made,and a letter from the sister in charge(of the red cross) to my grand mother saying all that could be done was done to help make my granddad comfortable, but with great sadness she said that he had died.He left a wife and five children.If Tony Blair signs away the freedom that so many gave their lives for, I and many other will never forgive his traitous actions.Colin

  • 8.
  • At 03:05 AM on 19 Jun 2007,
  • Adrienne wrote:

Colin M: #7 etc.

Perhaps some Tesco's, Sainsbury's or M&S chicken soup might cheer you up?

Although as always, I suggest you take independent advice.

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