
Talk about Newsnight

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Friday, 19 January, 2007

  • Newsnight
  • 19 Jan 07, 06:07 PM

cameron_203.jpgMichael Crick is out and about wondering how the Tories can win the Northern vote. He also has the latest on the loans for peerages investigation. Plus China enters Star Wars and Science Student Steve Smith goes skating - find out why tonight - or read his blog here. Or why not do both.

Emily's your host for on ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Two and the website at 2230GMT. Your views below please.

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  • 1.
  • At 11:09 PM on 19 Jan 2007,
  • Brian Kelly wrote:

Is it a coincidence that Lord Puttnam was touring the TV studios defending Ruth Turner's innocence in a rather unusual angered/flustered manner saying the Police had arrested her early this morning in a THEATRICAL! manner.....the one time special advisor to .........
.. Blunkett who was also publicly reported as describing her arrest as THEATRICAL!.....Now if I was a cynic, I could believe they had been briefed... but men of their integrity? not possible is it!...I mean ,didn't Blair have "full confidence" in Blunkett!
They thought that Lord Puttnam as Deputy Chairman of Channel4( & reportedly one of the forerunner names to replace Grade at the Beeb?) would have enough on his plate with the present issues of the "Big Brother" debacle...but understand he thought it inappropriate to comment on the programme now or hitherto...It's reported he will make his thoughts known at Mondays Board Meeting .
Meanwhile an embarrassed Gordon Brown PM(oops sorry ..designate PM) took time, albeit I suspect very irritated , responded to questions whilst in India about this programme... so he won't be best pleased with Channel4 or the Dep' Chairman.

The alleged sleaze & illegalities of "Purer than Pure" New Labour is being investigated , it's for real, a world away from the fairy tales of WMDs in Iraq!....it's going to take time they say and PM Blair may have absconded..oops!!read.. resigned from office. But " knacker of the yard" is like the mounties and they always get their man or woman... or both!

  • 2.
  • At 11:22 PM on 19 Jan 2007,
  • M Williamson wrote:

Mr Crick's article on David Cameron and the Tories in the North was a very sad and tired old tirade, trying to scape up dirt on a politican's family background. Are we to assume that someone like Lord Sainsbury, until recently a member of Mr Blair's whiter than white administration, should be pilloried because of his background!

  • 3.
  • At 11:46 PM on 19 Jan 2007,
  • Paul C wrote:

It would be very interesting to send David Cameron to any formerly coal-mining part of the North of England (or indeed Wales or Scotland), if the Tory party are REALLY interested in finding out why they are so hated, loathed and despised!

This is the most extreme example of why the Tories are hated, but their destruction of coal and their use of state power to crush the miners is on the same continuum with their general destruction of manufacturing industry and their attacks on the unions and workers' rights.

We aren't stupid, we know the Labour Party has betrayed us and is just as much about sacrificing the North to the benefit of the South-East - we know new "Labour" is nothing more than Tory Party Mark Two - but it will be a cold day in Hell before the Tories get any MP's in Manchester again.

(BTW, the fact Manchester City Council is composed of forty-odd "Labour" councillors and three Liberals is seriously bad for democracy in this city. While I hope and pray the bloody Tories never see power again, not after Thatcher, we need a strong opposition group in Manchester. This would hopefully keep Labour keen and stop them from getting flabby, inefficient and quite possibly corrupt in the absence of effective political scrutiny and criticism. Stringer's bunch of Blairite clones have been in power for too long - "useless, incompetent and ineffectual" would certainly sum them up!

  • 4.
  • At 11:48 PM on 19 Jan 2007,
  • Richard Moir wrote:

I thought Hardeep's piece tonight was awesome - brilliantly introduced and controlled, this programme was exactly what I want to see from the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ, please let's have more of Hardeep and his fantastic common sense, judgement and instant and ever present wit.

  • 5.
  • At 12:15 AM on 20 Jan 2007,
  • Paul C wrote:

OK, so the previous post I submitted was probably too inflammatory for you - notice it's been leap-frogged by three others and has yet to appear!

I'll phrase it different,y, then.

If David Cameron wants a clue as to why the Tories will only get Northern votes again when Hell freezes over, let him, if he dares, go to any ex-mining area and trot out that bilge about "compassionate conservatism".

Anyone who remembers the strike, or anyone who remembers the Thatcher years, will know to treat that with the contempt it deserves.

Same leopard, same spots.

(OK, so New "Labour" has turned out to be Tory Party Mark Two. But they're not getting our votes either. Have you bright London journos not noticed this?)

  • 6.
  • At 12:19 AM on 20 Jan 2007,
  • Liam Coughlan wrote:

Newsnight was broadcast at the same time as Celebrity Big Brother (CBB) -the Eviction. It was interesting to see a clip of Jeremy Paxman being aired on CBB, and clips of BB being aired on Newsnight. The pity however is that Jeremy was not asked to interview Jade Goody, the Endemol Production Team and Channel 4 on the saga.

  • 7.
  • At 07:33 AM on 20 Jan 2007,
  • vikingar wrote:

- Taking the mick out of someone's accent?

- Taking the mick out of clichΓ© characters of a different nationality?

- Taking the mick by name calling based on national food type or animal?

Q. are we talking about Jade in BB or the French & Germans in 'Allo 'Allo ?

…. perspective all my liberal left multicultural, right on, PC winged friends .. with agenda :)

Jade evicted with 82% of vote [2] any chance of call analysis - which regions of UK v calls abroad?



[1] /comedy/guide/articles/a/alloallo_7770250.shtml

  • 8.
  • At 08:10 AM on 20 Jan 2007,
  • Nadders wrote:

Last nights programme was a complete disgrace and clear evidence of anti Tory editorial bias.

Why else would you use an obscure email from an unknown low level Tory activist sent in SEPT 2005 (do the maths - 17 months ago) to try and discredit a 2007 initiative from David Cameron?

So how long have you sat on the memo waiting for the excuse to use it?

And using it as the lead story over Turner being arrested? What a bunch of labour luvvy's you all are

  • 9.
  • At 09:54 AM on 20 Jan 2007,
  • chris wrote:

Emily is a very attractive women and she almost got her dress spot on last night, the dark top really needs to be a mid-range tonal value on newsnight, the lighting people seem to think they have to make everything high contrast - not good for mature women like kirsty or Martha. My patner kept on asking me if I think she is bi-sexiual, frankly I couldnt give a damn.

  • 10.
  • At 10:57 AM on 20 Jan 2007,
  • Richard K wrote:

Last night's Newsnight interview with Michael Crick gave an interesting insight into the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ's attitude to climate change and cost control. At a time when the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ is airing, quite rightly, many programs predicting severe climate change and urging viewers to turn off lights, as well as complaining that the government will not allow it to charge the public more for the TV license fee, is it sensible for a large number of unmanned computer screens to be turned on, at night, in the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ studio? How widespread is this practice across the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ, where no doubt many '00s if not '000s of computer screeens and lights are left on.

Perhaps the Ethical Man should investigate the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ's own use and waste of energy, and even put this in terms of the TV license fee.

Come on ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ, it is our money and environment that you are wasting!

  • 11.
  • At 12:20 PM on 20 Jan 2007,
  • chris wrote:

Richard K @ 10 this is a very good point. The amount of power used in the studio lighting and on location must be enormous and there are low energy alternatives usually disliked by professionals because of the colour temp and low out-put. I can tell you this is no longer an excuse !!!
I would like to know what type of lighting technology the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ use because most of the general public have to pay for it!

And there is no reason why lighting in the home cant be on 12volts ! Why cant we have two electrical systems in the home one 12v / 1 or 2amps for lighting and a small nos of sockets with 240v / 13amp?

  • 12.
  • At 12:56 PM on 20 Jan 2007,
  • Somnath Sen wrote:

As a life-long Labour supporter, I was really interested to learn why the Tories fail to paint the North of England blue. I was very disappointed to see how biased the reporting was and how a relatively obscure e-mail was dredged out of context to paint the Tories 'black'. On a night when other channels were highlighting deep cultural issues within Britain, the Chinese were beginning an alleged space arms race, corruption allegations were creeping towards the heart of the establishment, Gordon Brown was completing a successful tour of India and the US Congress was declaring 'civil war' with the President, Newsnight chose to lead on an issue where a single bigoted Tory activist had written an obnoxious e-mail! With friends like these, Labour does not need enemies!! I accept that the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ, shielded by licence fees, does not really need viewers, but I for one am seriously considering abandoning the habit of many years of watching Newsnight with absorbed passion!!!

  • 13.
  • At 04:58 PM on 20 Jan 2007,
  • Ralph wrote:

I hope you didn't pay Michael Crick for his dire report as it was so full of stereotypes, non issues and bias that it was embarrassing to watch. What is also strange is while every other UK broadcaster led on Ruth Turner the alleged β€˜flagship’ news programme on the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ led on a β€˜story’ about an old rude Email.

Did you have a hatchet job on the Tories all ready and waiting and real news got in the way?

  • 14.
  • At 10:07 AM on 21 Jan 2007,
  • Jas Kohli wrote:

Dear Sir,

Your presenter Mr. H. Kohli is an outstanding talent & indeed an assett to your esteemed organistaion.

May I suggest that he MUST have some Turban tying lessons to look immaculate & presentable.

I appreciate acknowledge of this email by your Mr. Kohli.
Good Luck

Jas Kohli

  • 15.
  • At 11:45 AM on 21 Jan 2007,
  • Brian Kelly wrote:

Things.. consequences... are moving along very rapidly on the alleged " Honors Scandals". Since post 1 & the mud slinging at the Police for there actions & manner on the arrest of Ruth Turner the head of the Police Fed'says politicians( & he's a well known political labourite) should back off making comments . Todays reported revelations are allegedly saying the dawn raid was in response to a mole in no 10!! & explains the 4 men necessary for the arrest as 1 to drive , 1 to make the arrest & 2 to search the property... doesn't seem over the top to me.
Also we should recall Des Smith's arrest,reportedly one of the first to be arrested in the same manner,i seem to remember he voiced an opinion at the time that the PM et al should all have the same treatment...!!

  • 16.
  • At 11:42 AM on 22 Jan 2007,
  • gordon-bennett wrote:

I'm sure that a lot of discussion goes into deciding the running order for Newsnight topics.
Could you please give us some insight into how the order was decided for this programme where an insiginificant story ran ahead of a very important Labour sleaze matter?

  • 17.
  • At 02:23 PM on 22 Jan 2007,
  • vikingar wrote:

6th rewrite :)


To acknowledge that an actress would not adopt a 'role' in a media vehicle designed to give the participants an opportunity a boost to their careers, would be as naΓ―ve as it would be disingenuous.

The briefest investigation into Shilpa Shetty background demonstrates that she is no unaccomplished, immodest, unaware, naΓ―ve wall flower.

Prior to BB, Shilpa Shetty has built a career based on the dual roles of 'victim hood' & heroine (acting roles 'murder victim' 'aids victim etc)

Therefore, an examination of Shilpa Shettys accomplishments, associates, roles is called for.

Pretty impressive, educational, languages, sports & acting litany …. i.e. someone who is self made knows how to make the most of their assets when playing a ROLE & PROTECTING their IMAGE & WORTH of their TALENT (given various legal cases)


Q. what was Shilpa Shetty game plan?

It is said that Shilpa Shetty has not appeared in a similar format beforehand, but pretty sure her 'advisers' knew the potential risks & benefits of such formats.

Given SHE is the PRODUCT, surely all would have would have wanted to PROTECT their INVESTMENT in the PRODUCT emphasising which ROLE & ATTITUDES to display or NOT?

Any basic knowledge of this country & the history between India & UK & especially the topics in the press over the last couple of years, would have highlighted the likelihood of a clash of class & cultural between women from different ends of such spectrums.

After all, BB is the longest running full gig on TV that an actor can play, a 24x7 ROLE as long as you stay in the house.

All the celebs must do is provide the 'machine' with necessary fuel to enable your stay & remain flexible in pursuing a game plan to win the game and/or benefit from the exposure, as long as your time in the house provided you opportunity for such.

So the two questions must be asked:

Q. is Shilpa Shetty just as some see it, someone who got picked on unfairly?

Q. is Shilpa Shetty someone who was determined & flexible enough to engineer conversation, relationship & circumstance, so she could end up playing both VICTIM & HEROINE … the roles she plays best?


The demonstration of women's ability to round on each other & engage in catty bitichiness fuelled by differences & jealously, is enlightening, predictable & disappointing.

The overt & covert levels of bullying & intimidation in the house are a fair reflection of such in ALL societies.

Ours was a window on people 24x7 where certain types had been intentionally brought today to spark off each other, in more than one engineered way or another.

It would be easy to say, nothing would excuse such behaviour.

However, what we saw was a predictable consequence of human interaction played out in ALL societies (since man first associated with others) whether at home, in the playground, at work or wherever people congregate frequently with the same crowd in 'pressure cooker' environments.

Arguably the issues & topics used in BB by the celebs as their choice of weapons in such fatal interactions, is currently held up for debate.

Some point too racist overtones. Personally, I emphasise differences & the TRIGGERS, such as: class, culture, jealously, maturity, experience, age & value system between people of different abilities & backgrounds.

It has been Endermols finger on the trigger (producers of BB), Channel 4 & the media have played the role of enablers & the us the public have been the fee paying voyeurs (consuming papers, advertising, text votes etc). All predictably 'legitimised' by the usual suspects falsely crying RACISM at the top of their shrill voices.


Aware of the strong historical & current ties between India & The United Kingdom, long may it continue too benefit both sides.

Beyond BB, pretty sure that India with its population of 1 BILLION & numerous sub cultures in comparison with the UK's 60 MILLION, has far more extremes of behaviour, contraventions of social justice & suffering for REAL & on a daily basis. So whilst willing to offer an apology for offence perceived, lets keep it real esp given the way Indian media have exaggerated claims of what was said & done & why :)

This behavioural display provided a media event & such has been hyped & transformed into an HAPPENING by all protagonists with vested interests. *

* agents, politicians, media, newspapers, endermol, Channel 4, actors, celebs, political pressure groups

- Scenario (1) - Were some just offended, period.

- Scenario (2) - Do some see an opportunity & choose to exploit it?

- Scenario (3) - Do some just see what they want too & look to pursue an disingenuous agenda regardless.

- Scenario (4) - Do some regard it as a clear example of unintentional low level 'racist' behaviour that must be elevated & exposed as if it had been intentional & high level.

- Scenario (5) - Do some see an opportunity & excuse the misrepresentation as a means to justify the ends (shoring up failed notion of multiculturalism in the UK) for the 'greater good'

btw - Shilpa Shetty nickname is allegedly 'Silly Poo' [3b] Lord knows what the protagonists would have made out of that had those 3 girls used that calibre of verbal ammunition on a daily basis.

Personally, less surprised & concerned about regrettable inbuilt display of human frailties & negative traits (via intimidation & bullying) & far more concerned about the media circus & rather intentional con job (if not potential book makers fraud) going on at the expense of British Society (warts & all) disingenuously touted by various interests.



1-2 agents
3-6 legal/court issues


  • 18.
  • At 05:57 PM on 16 Feb 2007,
  • wrote:

Hi, nice site!

  • 19.
  • At 02:35 PM on 07 Mar 2007,
  • dqlywcl wrote:

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