en Kermode Uncut Feed Outspoken, opinionated and never lost for words, Mark is the UK's leading film critic. This twice-weekly video blog is the place where he airs his personal views on the things that most fire him up about cinema - and invites you to give your own opinions. Tue, 25 Oct 2016 14:22:18 +0000 Zend_Feed_Writer 2 (http://framework.zend.com) /blogs/markkermode False Impressions Tue, 25 Oct 2016 14:22:18 +0000 /blogs/markkermode/entries/8e6d411a-85dd-471b-b0b9-8f71f8d70620 /blogs/markkermode/entries/8e6d411a-85dd-471b-b0b9-8f71f8d70620 Mark Kermode Mark Kermode

Ouija: Origin Of Evil is the latest in a line of films using technical tricks to make it look like an old film even though it is a new digital production. Is this a good thing or just a distraction?
