Your Letters
Isn't it a bit late for such a claim?
Sarah, Basel, Switzerland
Re: Basil's letter (Tuesday's letters). I'm not quite sure why the security guard should have interfered with the joy of filling them up with water and dropping them on passing pedestrians from a bridge?
Daniel, London
Basil refers to condoms and security coils. Belt and braces?
Martin, Yorkshire
Basil Long, there is such as thing as too much information...
Mark, Reading, UK
Re: today's Paper Monitor, I will be registering my personal protest at a public servant jetting off to Australia and picking up a Β£40,000 fee by not bothering to watch any of it. It's worked every single year so far when ITV has attempted to whip up a media frenzy over a tediously dull programme featuring desperate attention-seekers and has-beens.
I'll fetch me decorating overalls and ensure I've got plenty of fresh paint to watch over the next few weeks...
Fi, Gloucestershire, UK
Gift cards? They're not popular with me ever since I found myself lumbered with some from Thresher's. Why do people not use real money? It's not as if they don't want you to know how much the present cost, as gift cards show their value as much as cash. No, in the current financial climate, cash or cheques are King. I'll get my groat ... hopefully.
Rob Falconer, Llandough, Wales
"The state of Oregon has held perhaps the strangest vote, on the use of improved grammar and spelling in the state's constitution." Or should that be the "improved use of grammar and spelling"?
Basil Long, Nottingham