10 things you didn't know last week
1. French time used to be nine minutes ahead of GMT, based on the time in Paris.
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2. Sugar level in strawberries is calculated on the Brix scale.
3. The first known use of the word "slut" in printed English was from 1402.
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4. The hemlines of school skirts in South Korea have risen 10-15cm (4-6in) in the last decade.
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5. The first British Tupperware was held in Weybridge, Surrey in 1960. More details
6. A Christian doomsday group in the US is warning that the end of the world - or the Rapture - will occur on Saturday 21 May.
7. It costs $60,000 to train a Navy Seal dog - like the one that accompanied US special forces on the Bin Laden operation.
8. Goats are able to recognise the voices of their very young kids, and differentiate them from other animals' offspring
9. Humans are naturally predisposed to believe in gods and life after death.
10. The government's wine cellar contains about Β£2m worth of wine and spirits
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