Your Letters
The price of being single... Is a price worth paying to watch whatever channel you want to watch!
John Henderson
I live alone in a three bed house, so am paying three times the rent I would normally. The up side of this is that I can leave money / dirty clothes / valuable items around the house and I know they will be there when I get back, plus I have my hoovering days down to 4 per year (twice for landlord inspection, once for christmas and once for spring cleaning). It was Series 3 before I realised "Men Behaving Badly" was not a documentary.
Ian, MIlton Keynes
Living alone costs singletons an extra Β£250,000. Surely not, if they include all the food housemates steal
Tommy Ayre
Regarding of the day. "I phoned 999 and an hour later a PCSO turned up and said 'I'm sorry I'm late, I had to wait for a bus because there weren't enough cars'." I'm sorry - this person got a 33 minute response to a non-emergency call, from a PCSO who clearly used his initiative when he found no cars at the nick, and she's still complaining? There's just no pleasing some people.
Stuart, Surrey
Was there any need for the the flesh eating alien fish picture on the front page? Made me come over all funny so early on a Friday.
Madison, Leeds
Five whole weeks without so much as a Weekly Bonus Question. Sob! That's it! This is a coup and I'm taking over... "A wine vending machine." Let's have your amusing questions.
Fi, Gloucestershire, UK