10 things we didn't know last week
Snippets from the week's news, sliced, diced and processed for your convenience.
1. Britain's oldest unsolved murder dates back to 1866.
2. Discussion about politics is banned inside polling stations.
3. As is the wearing of rosettes by anyone except for election candidates and their polling agents.
4. Dawdling across a pedestrian crossing could land you in court.
5. 1,000,000,000 trillion (that's a billion-trillion) bytes of computer storage is called a zettabyte.
6. The inventor of the Maclaren folding pushchair also designed the Spitfire's undercarriage.
7. The difference between the minimum wage and "living wage" in London is Β£1.80 per hour.
8. People who regularly have less than six hours sleep increase their chance of dying over a 25-year period by 12%.
9. Despite its scary name, the colossal squid is no fast-paced predator - it prefers to drift about.
10. Blood pressure rises when checked by a doctor.
Seen 10 things? Thanks to Vic Bärton-Wälderstadt for this week's picture of 10 tulips.