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Is Facebook co-founder a worthy winner for person of the year 2010?

12:55 UK time, Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Facebook co-founder, Mark Zuckerberg has been named as Time magazine's person of the year 2010.

The US publication awarded the accolade to the social networking site's chief executive for "changing how we all live our lives".

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange earlier won a Time readers' poll on 2010's most influential person. Other runners up included the Tea Party, Hamid Karzai and the Chilean Miners.

Does Mark Zuckerberg deserve to win? Has Facebook changed our lives for the better? What do you think about the awards?

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  • Comment number 1.

    he did make facebook but has the personality of a carrot!
    as for person of the year? i dont think so maybe he deserves an award but not this one.

  • Comment number 2.

    No, Facebook pales into insignificance against Wikileaks.
    Julian Assange is so much more the Person Of The Year 2010.

  • Comment number 3.

    He helped created a website that over 500million people use. So yeah, why not.

  • Comment number 4.

    He has unleashed a monster. But someone had to do it....

  • Comment number 5.

    No, he hasn't changed my life at all. Can't say I'd even know who he was if I saw him in the street!

  • Comment number 6.

    Seriously Zukerberg as man of the year???? Admittedly I spend a fair amount of time on facebook, BUT Zukerberg really does not deserve this accolade, he's done nothing to improve our lives, he's just provided another distraction.

    Facebook does change lives, it encourages people to spend all their time on the site to the detriment of their REAL LIFE family & friends, allowing those who are small fry in real life to bully & antagonise people unfortunate enough to cross their path on facebook. Facebook is being run in the interests of profit (selling our information to anyone who will pay) and NOT in the interests of the safety & privacy of their users.

  • Comment number 7.

    Absolutely not.

    A Facebook has succeeded because it was able to capture a critical mass of users before other social networking sites, not because of innovation. Zuckerberg et al were in the right place a the right time, and little more.

    I find it hard to believe that Time magazine couldn't find a more deserving person for its Person of the Year. If I had a subscription, I'd cancel it.

  • Comment number 8.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 9.

    I wouldn't get too excited about this. It doesn't change our lives in any way whatsoever. Besides, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Ayatollah Khomeini have all been Time Magazine's Man of the Year at one point.

  • Comment number 10.

    Good on him....many people deride social media, but there can be no doubt about the impact that he and his big idea have had on the way many people communicate. He deserves recognition for that.

  • Comment number 11.

    Surely to be personality of the year you need a personality? I honestly didn't even know what Mark looked like before seeing this thread.

    I would agree with Geoff (number 2) that Julian Assange should have gotten the award. A man willing to stand by his word and shed light on the negatives that governments are involved in even when he is being effectively hunted by several of them and disowned by his own country? Yeah I think that shows a little more personality than Mr Facebook.

  • Comment number 12.

    Excellent, another opportunity for the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ to plug facebook.

    So, "person of the year" goes to someone who has ridden roughshod over the privacy of millions to feed the advertising machine.

    Very honorable.

  • Comment number 13.

    I am do not subscribe to Facebook nor will ever do. It is surely for juveniles or adults with juvenile minds. However, good to see someone getting hold of an idea & make a great success of pandering to the lowest common denominator.

  • Comment number 14.

    Ahhh, the thinking behind his recent and highly publicised philanthropic activities becomes clear! Or am I being too cynical?

  • Comment number 15.

    I don't believe there is such a thing as 'person of the year'.

    What a load of toilet the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ feeds us.

  • Comment number 16.

    About as worthy a winner as Obama was of the Nobel prize......although in saying that at least Zuckerburg has done something!

  • Comment number 17.

    If duping people into giving up all their data forever and selling it to the highest bidder is the mark of a great person, he deserves everything he's been given.

    The Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ's media backslapping is sickly. Get over yourselves and meet some people outside of your own industry.

  • Comment number 18.

    Absolutely not! Facebook may very well be a phenomenon, but so are a million other things and hence all of their inventors can be 'person of the year'. This is probably some TIME magazine-elite-propaganda that couples with 'the social network' film to make zuckerberg into some living legend which he isn't.He is a highly successful capitalistic enterpreneur who,like all capitalists,cut corners to get to his shiny 25 billion.

    Person of the year should be beyond such objective classifications. How about the man in India who's been feeding thousands of poor people of his own volition,out of his own pocket, after leaving his job at a 5 star hotel...now THAT's person of the year.

  • Comment number 19.

    Sorry, who's Mark Whatsisface? and how has Facebook changes 'everyone's life?

  • Comment number 20.

    I use Facebook. I like it. I can keep in touch with distant friends and share photos. However I would in no way be pretencious enough to claim that it had changed "how we all live our lives".

  • Comment number 21.

    Is Facebook co-founder a worthy winner for person of the year 2010? No, what a daft question.

  • Comment number 22.

    What a sad world we are becoming.

    It was once thought that technology especially computers would be a slave to man, a tool to ease his burden and give him greater leisure time but it seems to me that man is becoming the slave to technoogy with people spending every spare minute glued to their computer.

    If that's living then its your choice and your welcome to it personally I would much prefer to go for walk in the country and stop and chat with people in the flesh.

    Don'y get me wrong, social networking sites have their place in society and are brilliant for the less abled bodied person although experience tells me that many of the so called less abled bodied people would benefit from a walk in the country.

  • Comment number 23.

    Julian Assange gets my vote

  • Comment number 24.

    Have you noticed these types of accolades always go to those who have received vast financial award already for their successes.

    I would have thought $6.9 Billion was sufficient acknowledgment!

  • Comment number 25.

    Wow, Time really ahve their finger on the pulse don't they? 2 years after Facebook became huge they notice the significance of Facebook!

  • Comment number 26.

    Wikipedia has done more to educate and enlighten. Facebook is just to waste time on.

  • Comment number 27.

    13. At 2:29pm on 15 Dec 2010, ian cheese wrote:
    I am do not subscribe to Facebook nor will ever do. It is surely for juveniles or adults with juvenile minds. However, good to see someone getting hold of an idea & make a great success of pandering to the lowest common denominator.

    So using a free, convenient way of organising social events and sharing photos is juvenile? You seem to have strong opinions for somebody who "am do not subscribe" to Facebook!

  • Comment number 28.

    You must be joking!!!!Facebook is the biggest risk on the internet to an individuals personal safety and financial security, and, I think antbody participating is a muppet and deserves whatever disaster might befall them.

  • Comment number 29.


    Facebook is just a way of extracting sensitive personal data from users for later resale. It will eventually go the way of MySpace and the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ's last great love affair, Second Life - that is, the way of the dodo.

    Time is just demonstrating that, like the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ, its internal chronometer runs about five years slow.

  • Comment number 30.

    A couple of years ago he *might* have qualified, but what, exactly, has he actually done this year? Other than get sued by everyone that's ever met him?
    I'm not a facebook drone, he's had zero effect on my life, so for me not a worthy winner. I'd have liked to see Assange get it, he's had a far bigger impact this year than Zuckerberg could ever dream of (& you can bet the little megalomaniac does!) and has made headlines the world over, but then I guess Time's owners are as much in the pocket of the US govt as Sweden are (ooh, controversial!)
    I am intrigued what his contribution to the world is, that's so great he wins "person of the year". Possibly next year the owners of "Match.com" could win for their excellent services to dating.

  • Comment number 31.

    13. At 2:29pm on 15 Dec 2010, ian cheese wrote:
    It is surely for juveniles or adults with juvenile minds.


    Not true at all - just because some people use it that way doesn't mean that's all it's good for.

  • Comment number 32.


    Julian Assange > Mark Zuckerberg ANYDAY of the week.

    My god man, Wikileaks has far more importance in this world than some stupid networking site!


    How can Zuckerberg possibly even get it with this childish, application rigged, privacy hacked networking website!?

  • Comment number 33.

    The runaway winner by a mile in my opinion has to be Julian Assange!

  • Comment number 34.

    He makes lots of money.

    That is enough for any accolade in this day and age as it's the only thing that matters anymore.

    Very sad.

  • Comment number 35.

    23. At 2:44pm on 15 Dec 2010, ady wrote:
    Julian Assange gets my vote

    Julian Assange gets EVERY vote - apart from the establishment's.

  • Comment number 36.

    Person of the year for 2008 or 2007 maybe, as that is when 'how we lived our lives changed'. This award is more about the fact that somebody made a film about him and American's love movies. He is probably more into these two things than the money he has made.

    But wait until Mark Zuckerberg is behind bars and being vilified as 'an enemy of the world' before naming him person of the year. I can't see it happening....

  • Comment number 37.

    Talking about how to scrape the bottom of the barrel. The Tea Party? Facebook founder? Some "squabling politicians" and a "computer geek". Wow!

    The only group of people I would agree with would be the Chilean Miners.

  • Comment number 38.

    34. At 2:55pm on 15 Dec 2010, Duke wrote:
    He makes lots of money.

    That is enough for any accolade in this day and age as it's the only thing that matters anymore.

    Very sad.


    Agreed. That is his only attribute, I think.

  • Comment number 39.

    Assange won the "Most Influential" - He doesn't need two awards!

    Facebook, for all of its faults, has helped encourage people to use the internet and (coupled with the gov'ts "laptops for poor people" scheme) has increased computer literacy far more than any pure gov't scheme ever could.

    Those people taking that first step towards technology through Facebook will have a higher chance of gaining employment in todays world.

    Social gaming is going to be incredible once actual MMORPGs start tapping into the Facebook goldmine and we have something like WoW crossed with Facebook.

  • Comment number 40.

    Changing how we "all" live our lives. A little presumptuous, don't you think ?

  • Comment number 41.

    Oh dear!

  • Comment number 42.

    I teach in a college. When I turn my back the students are on face book. It's more addictive than a computer game. NO! He has produced a monster!

  • Comment number 43.

    People should know, and those at the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ especially, that the Time Magazine 'Person of the Year' is not an award as such. It is a profile of the person (or sometimes invention) that has had a profound impact on the world, good or bad. Hence why in 1938, Hitler received the 'award', as did Stalin the year after.

    So, having established that Mr. Zuckerberg has not as such been 'rewarded' by Time, is he the person who has had the greatest impact on us this year? Directly, I'd say yes; Assange hasn't really affected us all in the same way Facebook does. Facebook has spawned a whole new way of life for many, and for good or ill, Zuckerberg can be acknowledged for that.

  • Comment number 44.

    @ 27 Billy - Brilliant, Could not have said it better.

    But we are talking about one of the most pointless awards given out this year! So many people go out the way each and every day, going beyond there "Call of Duty" There my person's of the year!

    Regarding Facebook however, I has changes lives, brought families back together allows families & friends to communicate with troops overseas. I can't really believe anyone can say that Facebook has not had any effect on your life! It's like saying Microsoft never changed anything!

  • Comment number 45.

    I really don't know and I am not really bothered. I am more concerned about how so many sane people seem so gulible. The whole world has gone lightweight. Some celeb says it so and bingo the civilised world starts bahing like the sheep we are.... what's the quote, 2 legs bad, 4 legs good.....Mmm how close reality.

  • Comment number 46.

    Ghost gossip columnist of the year maybe....person of the year....come on, get real!

  • Comment number 47.

    Mark Zuckerberg definitely is deserving of recognition for his creation of Facebook. In many ways it returns to the Internet something that was lost, many years ago. It was the sort of social interchange that existed on BBS systems and on the early Usenet, where something of individual thoughts, lives, and activities was present in the exchange of data. Even though it does not in any way replace other forms of social interaction, off the net, it provides a medium that can facilitate social activity in a world where that has become more difficult, for most, than it used to be.

  • Comment number 48.

    Julian Assange?? Please, he is no more than a convicted computer hacker with a huge ego that needs feeding. That he is now claiming to be the champion of truth for the whole world makes me laugh. I appreciate the tin foil hat lot have a new champion but he really needs to be seen for what he is.

    Compared to Assange, the co-founder of Facebook looks quite worthy.

    I do not think there is anyone in a position of power or influence at the moment who deserves any praise. There is too much feathering of nests and self interest at the moment. Protecting the huge wealth & influence gained over 13 yrs of Labour government (never thought I would ever say that).

  • Comment number 49.

    No, Mark Zuckerberg is not worthy of Time's Person of the Year award. Then again, the way that Time magazine has been frivolous with its award means that the award is meaningless anyway by now. But how better a way to close off a decade with what was yet another meaningless award given in 2000 - Jeff Bezos.

    While they may have revolutionized some concepts online, and while those may be rather important, I believe that it is far more important to award people who have been doing far greater work towards humanity.

    The way that Time Magazine appears to award this title seems rather more like a high school popularity contest than awarding true brilliance towards a greater cause. How about featuring some people who have helped out the human cause with far greater personal risk? It could be a certain dissident in a dictatorship, or a doctor who has helped with a new cure, or a scientist who has furthered our knowledge of the universe.

    But no, Time is more interested in telling us who is more popular in the news for ignorant people rather than inform us as to the really amazing things that are being done in the name of humanity every year around.

    As it stands, Time is crowning the king and queen of the prom rather than awarding real heroes.

  • Comment number 50.

    Julian Assange, Julian Assange, Julian Assange!!!!! No brainer!!!!!!

  • Comment number 51.

    I quit Facebook a year ago or so as it became a waste of time following the inane thougthlessness of so many people and am amazed by those who claim they have 500 "friends" whose names they cannot even remember. Then came the privacy issues and while I helped me reconnect with lost contacts this did not survive the test of time.

  • Comment number 52.

    Wonderful. I wonder if the world's most colossal ego can stand this snub? Hopefully someone will post Julian Assange's personal e-mails on Facebook and make us appreciate Mark Zuckerberg as much as Time does.

  • Comment number 53.

    No! What nerd does?

  • Comment number 54.

    Sure Facebook changed our lives(for the better for some) but an award ?

    Don't we have other peoples who made greater changes in peoples lives ?
    I think the award is a little bit too much.

  • Comment number 55.

    Facebook was a phenomenon that started years ago. Individual of the year 2010? If "Social Network" hadn't been released this year, I doubt he would have such a public appearance. If anything, Facebook has introduced us to the darker side of the internet - the one that makes our relationships impersonal, our friends commodities, and our workforce all-the-more distracted at work. Zuckerberg's idea itself isn't influential, it's the business that was built around it that made Facebook a game-changer.

  • Comment number 56.

    Whats facebook?

    oh i remember its the website that on the last two company networks i audited took between 4 and 9% of all traffic during office hours.

  • Comment number 57.

    23. At 2:44pm on 15 Dec 2010, ady wrote:

    Julian Assange gets my vote

    Yeah, lets vote for someone who has been accused of sexually assaulting women but then I forget it is all a conspiracy isn't it.

  • Comment number 58.

    It's just a magazine - who cares what they think ? Why are you reporting what a US magazine says but you don't report what UK magazines say ? It is disgraceful.
    Why is this a lead story on the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ website and why do we have a debate about it ? Why can't we debate REAL news ????

    I am sick of the US bias on Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ news and I am sick of the dumbing down "news" stories we are being fed. Where is the real news Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ ? Come on !

  • Comment number 59.

    Ah, Time Magazine, once mighty and influential and now in serious circulation decline, adopting the tried and true way of generating media interest: controversy.

  • Comment number 60.

    48. At 3:10pm on 15 Dec 2010, Ollsbols wrote:

    Julian Assange?? Please, he is no more than a convicted computer hacker with a huge ego that needs feeding. That he is now claiming to be the champion of truth for the whole world makes me laugh. I appreciate the tin foil hat lot have a new champion but he really needs to be seen for what he is.


  • Comment number 61.

    31. At 2:52pm on 15 Dec 2010, Khuli wrote:
    13. At 2:29pm on 15 Dec 2010, ian cheese wrote:
    It is surely for juveniles or adults with juvenile minds.

    Not true at all - just because some people use it that way doesn't mean that's all it's good for.
    It is surrendering all privacy, warts & all, there is an exhibitionist element to it.

  • Comment number 62.

    No, Mark Zuckerberg is not worthy of Time's Person of the Year award. Mr. Zuckerberg and his company sure as hell do not care about people being abused on his homepage. They also do not respond to any reports about serious personal attack and impersonation. Online rating is the all important issue, nothing else matters, despite F/B's "rules and regulations". In my opinion Facebook should get their act together before Mark Zuckerberg is being awarded anything.

  • Comment number 63.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 64.

    I do not think he deserves it. I am a little shocked, to be honest. Facebook, as a company, have managed to push their influence all over the web, but they have not changed our lives, nor the way we do things. I think there are many, MANY more deserving people. To be honest though, Time's "Person of the Year" does not have the same meaning it used to.

  • Comment number 65.

    I voted for Assange. The American media seems be mildly hostile to Assange,perhaps that's just my perception, so I wouldn't have expected him to win. I think Assange been a much greater catalyst and has exposed who the politicians in this country actually are.

    Zuckerberg has not created any mousetrap, he's merely re-invented one. If it'sokay to give belated awards then lets give one to Tim Berners-Lee or the people who invented email,Internet Relay Chat,ftp,bittorrent and stuff like that.

  • Comment number 66.

    This is rigged!

    Time lists Julian Assange as first with nearly 400,000 votes.

    Zuckerberg is 10th.

  • Comment number 67.

    There are so many better, deserving people who quietly improve the lives of others on a daily basis like the man who builds carousels in Africa that pump water while the children play and spin. These are the real unmentioned heroes that never get press because they didn't make a bizillion dollars stealing someone else's idea.

  • Comment number 68.

    I had not heard of Mark Zuckerberg before I read the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ article. There is very little difference between Facebook and sites like Myspace, Bebo and the like and if you ask me luck was the only factor in Facebooks dominance.
    I think it is very telling that Assange won the public vote which was then overruled by the publication. Probably afriad of a backlash from the conservative Americans who seem to think Assange is the greatest criminal since Capone.

    Assange gets my vote:
    Beware he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.

  • Comment number 69.

    There's a tweet going around saying "People vote Assange as the person of the year, so Time goes and selects... Zuckerberg?! Panem et circenses." I could not agree more!

  • Comment number 70.

    63. At 3:43pm on 15 Dec 2010, George wrote:
    NO. It should be Glenn Beck. Mr. Beck opened the eyes of ignorant Americans to the evils of the Obama Administration and his communist ties. If not for Mr. Beck, the US would be the Communist States of America now
    Yeah,you'd all be speaking Taliban if it wasn't for Glenn Beck's "fair and balanced" views. More Tea ?

  • Comment number 71.

    Personality !! doubt if he could spell it but then again what a stupid award it is ; my nomination is Pluto

  • Comment number 72.

    I don't want to come across as someone defending facebook, though it has it's useful elements, but you're all missing someting. No to man of the year if it was just about starting facebook, but I sugest it's because this guy has just pledged to give away about $6 billion to charities. That's quite a gesture. And if it encourages more people to do the same, then he's worthy of it.

  • Comment number 73.

    He changed one thing about my life. I will never entrust so many details to a US website again as they do not have to answer to our data protection laws. As for those recommending Assange. You should hope for your sakes he doesn't get found guilty of the charges against him or all of you are going to look pretty sick. I would put him on the same level as the person who skims a credit card then empties your account. Why not nominate them?

  • Comment number 74.

    68. At 3:49pm on 15 Dec 2010, MasterOfPuppets wrote:
    "Assange gets my vote:
    Beware he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master."

    So when can we read all of the internal private e-mails of Wikileaks, Assange et. al.??? Why are THEY "denying us" access to THEIR private information, contacts and thoughts? Don't we have a "right" to know? Well, don't we??

  • Comment number 75.

    Good grief, HYS seems to be turning into some sort of soul sucking rant fest.
    First the majority of post re: X-Factor seem to be tant amount to buring effegies of Cowell, the judges, the 17 million who watch it and the contestants, now its have a pop at Zuckerberg. All people ever seem to do is say how terrible success is. Back in the 80s it was oooohhhh how bad Gates was for creating Windows, Apple was far superior. Now when Jobs company creates a popular phone everyone says its just for the pompous and HTC is the way to go. Now Zuckerberg has just created a monster, it sucks up 5%-9% of my companys bandwidth yada yada yada. No it doesn't, the people who choose to use it are responsible for that.

    Stop blaming the inventor for individuals lack of responsibility. If you post on a public media that you have gone on holiday to the other end of the world then don't be suprised if you get robbed, in the same way that if you buy yourself a wireless router with no idea about internet security don't blame the manufacturer when you don't make it secure and its piggybacked and used for malicious purposes. And stop blaming gaming manufacturers and social media inventors because individuals spend too much of their time using the product especially when, in the case of Facebook, its provided free. Get a bit of self control.

    Congratulations to Mark Zuckerberg for picking up this accolade.

  • Comment number 76.

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  • Comment number 77.

    No, I think the award should have gone to Fred the Shred for costing the British tax payers so much money! :

  • Comment number 78.

    As unpleasant and narcissistic as Julian Assange undoubtedly is, he should have won. I accept that Time magazine always said it's their decision and the public vote just a guide, but I fail to see how Facebook can have had a greater impact on the world in 2010 than Wikileaks (and I speak as a FB user).

  • Comment number 79.

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  • Comment number 80.

    I would have voted Vladimir Putin. He sees through all the trash of Western liberal illness.

  • Comment number 81.

    More stupidy from a dying leftist rag.

    I would nominate the Tea Party.

  • Comment number 82.

    If Zuckerberg has really changed our day to day life for good, What about "Larry Page and Sergey Brin " ? What about " Jimbo Wales " ?
    Nevertheless, And what was Lady Gaga doing in that title race ?

  • Comment number 83.

    35. At 2:58pm on 15 Dec 2010, The Ghosts of John Galt wrote:

    23. At 2:44pm on 15 Dec 2010, ady wrote:
    Julian Assange gets my vote

    Julian Assange gets EVERY vote - apart from the establishment's.
    Well said! How embarrassing for the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ that as I write there is no mention of this article anywhere on the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ's website!

  • Comment number 84.

    I'm thankful that Julian Assange was not selected as Person of the Year. While I understand that some prior recipients (Hitler, Stalin, Putin) have not held the highest standards, it would rankle me to see an ego-maniac who actively undermines diplomacy and is fleeing sex crime charges get any honor. Until Assange uncovers the cloak of secrecy surrounding Wikileaks and allows himself and his organization to be held accountable, the only "honor" I would bestow on him is Hypocrite of the Year.

  • Comment number 85.

    I agree Sir Glen Beck (you sick freak)George Soros's worst nightmare.

    63. At 3:43pm on 15 Dec 2010, George wrote:
    NO. It should be Glenn Beck. Mr. Beck opened the eyes of ignorant Americans to the evils of the Obama Administration and his communist ties. If not for Mr. Beck, the US would be the Communist States of America now.

  • Comment number 86.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 87.

    Good luck to the young man behind the idea, however, his idea is of as much use to mankind as bottled water

  • Comment number 88.

    No and No It is sad indictment of how we class someone who has done something for society, they will probably give something the President of the USA! but lets not be too ridiculous though.

  • Comment number 89.

    He deserves an award, but it should be one from a Psychiatric Assocation for him revealing/creating all the narcissists who love to post the mundane details of their lives thinking others care.

  • Comment number 90.

    No ,a 'Person Of The Year' would not be well known anyway. It would be somebody working tirelessly and anonymously for a good cause ,for no reward, the complete opposite of the Time Magazine's winner. It hasn't changed my life much and only then in that i think that i'm becoming surrounded by non-communicative, alien, egotistical morons with no real personality. Ok ,so yes ,it has changed my life and i don't even DO Facebook . What about 'Bottom Book' that would be more fun ,oh.. somebody has already done that...how surprising! GERRA LIFE AS THEY SAY.

  • Comment number 91.

    Really don't care! Surely there are more interesting items to go on have your say? What about the unemployment figures and the government’s BIG experiment already failing at the first hurdle?

  • Comment number 92.

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  • Comment number 93.

    I'd second George @63.

    Glenn Beck should get it for being able to make a career out of fantasy lectures with a board and tears as his props.

    Masterful. What would we do without lame-stream infotainment like Glenn?

  • Comment number 94.

    "72. At 4:00pm on 15 Dec 2010, Ban sharks-fin soup wrote:

    I don't want to come across as someone defending facebook, though it has it's useful elements, but you're all missing someting. No to man of the year if it was just about starting facebook, but I sugest it's because this guy has just pledged to give away about $6 billion to charities. That's quite a gesture. And if it encourages more people to do the same, then he's worthy of it."

    Good point, well made.

  • Comment number 95.

    73. At 4:01pm on 15 Dec 2010, PFC_Kent wrote:
    He changed one thing about my life. I will never entrust so many details to a US website again...
    Do not entrust any personal details to a website. Use a pseudonym & defence in depth.

  • Comment number 96.

    This shows how cowardly Americans are, by having their worthless magazine brainwash their people into believing this facebook boy is person of the year, and hiding under the carpet the true, REAL winner that should've been Julian Assange for revealing the truth. Most real people (i.e. the real world that exists outside the US borders) would agree.

    Thank you Time Magazine - for proving how spineless you are, much like your American government.


  • Comment number 97.

    do you really mean...can we kick assange off the top and replace him with the more palatable (for authorities) facebook

  • Comment number 98.

    63. At 3:43pm on 15 Dec 2010, George wrote:
    NO. It should be Glenn Beck. Mr. Beck opened the eyes of ignorant Americans to the evils of the Obama Administration and his communist ties. If not for Mr. Beck, the US would be the Communist States of America now

    Spoken like the typical arrogant conservative American the rest of the world hates. You are beyond hope and repair.

    Glenn Beck, and his dummy friends at Fox news, are idiots. And you've been suckered in by their propaganda. Ho ho ho, Murdoch would be so proud of you.

  • Comment number 99.

    No - however its a pretty hard in any case to understand the criteria that was used for candidate selection in view of the rather odd cross section of runner ups. It looks to me like Time magazine has given up being a journal of any consequence - perhaps its circulation was slipping.

  • Comment number 100.

    57. At 3:33pm on 15 Dec 2010, Magi Tatcher wrote:

    23. At 2:44pm on 15 Dec 2010, ady wrote:

    Julian Assange gets my vote

    Yeah, lets vote for someone who has been accused of sexually assaulting women but then I forget it is all a conspiracy isn't it.


    Yes Magi, it IS a conspiracy. No other alleged rapist/perpetrator of sexual assault is pursued with such vigour. In fact in some countries (such as the UK in my personal experience) it is bloody difficult just to get the authorities to look in to a case of rape/ sexual assault & even more difficult to get it to court.

    Julian Assange has been most influential this year in the sense he has shown the hypocrasy of world leaders IN THEIR OWN WORDS, and for that I salute him.


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