Archives for May 2009

Demi Lovato - 'La La Land'

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Fraser McAlpine | 09:56 UK time, Sunday, 31 May 2009

Demi LovatoNewsflash: Hollywood is a weird place. A lot of the people who hang out there act weirdly. You probably don't really need me, or indeed Demi Lovato, to tell you that, but just in case you were in need of some convincing, she's written a song about it, with a bit of help from the Jonas Brothers.

As a rule, songs about being famous can be a bit cringeworthy, especially if the whole point of them is to prove that you're not like the rest of those Hollyweirdos. Jennifer Lopez was kind of obsessed with doing this - she just about got away with 'I'm Real', but then completely went overboard with 'Jenny From The Block' (sample lyric: "Love my life and my public/Put God first and can't forget to stay real/To me it's like breathing"), the end result being that most people suspected if you really had to make that much of a point of how your feet are totally on the ground, then they probably aren't.

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Kasabian - 'Fire'

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Fraser McAlpine | 11:35 UK time, Saturday, 30 May 2009

KasabianHahaha! Oh my good Lord! Have you seen the new Kasabian video? The one which is like a mini-spaghetti western crossed with Reservoir Dogs? It's amazing...just the funniest thing, like, EVER. I think someone in the band or their management is worried about depicting tense, violent exchanges between renegade outlaws - guess who the outlaws are? Damn right - and the police, especially when film tradition dictates that some of these people must get shot and die.

So, what they've done...what they've done is...ah ha...AHAHAH...what they....HAHAHAHA!...what they've done is take all the guns out, right...and...and...just a second, have to wipe my eyes...they've replaced the guns with guitars.

*one solid day of continuous gut-busting laughter later*

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Empire Of The Sun - 'We Are The People'

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Fraser McAlpine | 09:52 UK time, Friday, 29 May 2009

Empire Of The SunEveryone knows the difference between a four star and a five star song. Five star songs are songs you're so excited about that you cannot wait to hear it again, even while you are still listening to it. Five star songs are songs you wish you could give six stars to. Or nine. Or twenty. It doesn't matter if you're just caught up in an exciteable moment or you're genuinely hearing something which will take an active role in your life for the rest of your days, so long as you keep adding those imaginary stars, it's worth the full five.

This, for all that it has a lot to recommend it, is not quite a five star song.

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Enter Shikari - 'Juggernauts'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:07 UK time, Thursday, 28 May 2009

Enter ShikariWhen I was 13 or 14, I used to really like making what would should probably be called sound collages on a cassette tape. At the time I had no name for what it was I was doing, and the term 'sound collage' would've seemed ridiculously pompous, arty and grown-up, especially for someone who couldn't draw.

Nevertheless, I'd take bits from records I liked - a scream, a drum fill, guitars, some talking, and chain them together, linked only by the sound of the tape jumping as my inexpert fingers hit the record button too hard. First it was just cool sounds, then I'd work to a concept. .

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Kelly Clarkson - 'I Do Not Hook Up'

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Grant | 16:03 UK time, Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Kelly ClarksonSorry guys, you no longer have a chance with Kelly Clarkson. She's gone all Jo Bro on us, by declaring that she no longer 'hooks up' with anyone. She's slipped on the promise ring and is soon to duet with Demi Lovato on the Mickey Mouse Club (this is a lie).

Oh no, wait, I just listened to a bit more of the song... she does hook up, but she just takes her time with her relationships apparently. Oh no, wait, listened to a bit more... she does hook up, but just not with talented drunk boyfriends. Oh Kelly, what are you on about!?

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Hockey - 'Learn To Lose'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:35 UK time, Tuesday, 26 May 2009

HockeyHere's how it all starts. A watery ripple of sound, a fairy lady lets loose a spiralling moan, the drums and bass kick into what can only be described as a 'hot groove', and twittery guitars do that chunterfunk thing you don't hear so much of these days. Then Benjamin Grubin steps up to the mic, and we hear this:

"I don't know what to do"

and then this:

"I don't know what to do"

and then:

"I don't know what to do"


"I don't know what to do"

Er, Ben? Benjy? Maybe you could, y'know...START THE SONG! We are ALL WAITING HERE!

Sheesh! What a time to have a crisis of confidence.

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Placebo - 'For What It's Worth'

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Fraser McAlpine | 11:25 UK time, Monday, 25 May 2009

PlaceboAlmost 15 years into a sleaze-rock career, and no sign of an early night, Placebo survey the current state of popular music from a very strange place. Critically whipped at home, and yet adored worldwide - including France. Rather than bend with the changing whims of musical fashion, they decide to keep doing what they've always done, which is write pounding European piledriver rock anthems in which a lizardy voice purrs over some ticky noises (verses) and then suddenly, with a boom, every sound becomes louder than every other sound, crushing all life in its path (chorus).

Only this time, there's a brass section in tow.

That's right, they're back and they're literally hornier than ever. Prrrm-TISH!

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T.I. - 'Whatever You Like'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:28 UK time, Sunday, 24 May 2009

TINOT, sadly, a hip hop retooling of Status Quo's ode to shopping in Argos (at least, that's what I think it's about). That kind of thing might be OK for the Flo Ridas of this world, but TI has a little more class.

Oh wait, do I mean class? I'm not sure. The lyrics to this bouncy little ditty are a little ripe for family listenening. Not actually sweary, but definitely over-graphic, as if TI meant to whisper something filthy to his girlfriend on their way to bed, but ended up making a song and dance out of it instead.

I mean, extra points for the grand gesture, but surely she'll have gone home by the time you've finished mixing, fella.

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YouMeAtSix - 'Finders Keepers'

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Fraser McAlpine | 11:10 UK time, Saturday, 23 May 2009

YouMeAtSixOoh, shame! Had this song been released a few months ago, when there were less properly AMAZING songs around, it would probably stand out a bit more. As it is, it's tough to make it all the way through without wondering if there would any side effects on the human brain after prolongued exposure to 'Bonkers'. Like, would it literally drive you bonkers?

It's not the band's fault, although it is equally true that no-one is holding a gun to their heads and FORCING them to make slightly stodgy pop-rock.

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When Fazer Met Fraser...

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Fraser McAlpine | 13:23 UK time, Friday, 22 May 2009


You would think catching up with one of the most chatty and entertaining bands in the country right now would be a total pleasure, and easy-peasy. Especially as there's only three of them - they shouldn't be too hard to track down, right? Wrong!

I am here to tell you that attempting to interview the mighty N-Dubz is not unlike trying to herd cats into a bag made of wet tissue. Armed with nothing but a list of phone numbers - don't ask, they have been destroyed now - I settled down to ring Dappy, but there was no answer so I left it a bit, then tried again. And then again. And again. Then I rang Tulisa. Same problem.

After 10 minutes of alternating between phone numbers, a cheery male voice answered the Dappyphone. It was Fazer! He told me he was on the way to Dappy's house to pick him up, and if I rang back in 10 minutes, they would do the interview together.

10 minutes later, I rang back, and Fazer did not answer. A few minutes later I tried again, and he was there, but apparently Dappy wasn't at his house...o I believe the interview you are about to read was conducted with Fazer while he sat outside Dappy's house. Either in a car or sitting on the kerb.

Those crazy kids...

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Little Boots - 'New In Town'

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Fraser McAlpine | 18:39 UK time, Thursday, 21 May 2009

Little BootsYes, yes, a very nice song. It's a little bit 'Take Me Out' by Franz Ferdinand and it's a little bit 'The World Should Revolve Around Me' by Little Jackie, only refracted through Booty's bassquake synthpop prism and suitably kaleidoscopic as a result. A slow, loping groove over which she softly tells a tale of an innocent arriving in a new place and becoming a target for con artists, looking to exploit her lack of local knowledge for a fast buck and a free sandwich.

So that's the music covered. Now, here's what I've been REALLY thinking about, since I first clapped eyes on the video...

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The Veronicas - 'Untouched'

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Fraser McAlpine | 11:26 UK time, Wednesday, 20 May 2009

The VeronicasY'know that fine line between clever and stupid that Spinal Tap talked about? Turns out not to be there after all, and here's the proof. There is literally nothing bad you can say about a song which starts with a verse full of onomatopoeia and gibberish - "I go 'ooh ooh', you go 'ah ah', alalala alalala" - then takes a detour through some musical stammering, not unlike the musical stammering in 'Womanizer', but more relentless and challenging to keep up with, and then finishes with "right now you're the only thing that's making sense to me".

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Soulja Boy Tell 'Em - 'Kiss Me Through The Phone'

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Fraser McAlpine | 14:20 UK time, Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Soulja BoyIf this turns out to be a big hit - and the signs are that it might - I'm going to be a little disappointed, and here's why. When 'Soulja Boy' the song shot up the charts 18 months ago, partly off the back of jaw-dropping remix by Travis Barker (let's have another look at him for that, shall we? Yes.), you could have put money on Soulja being just another hip hop one hit wonder. He had a silly dance routine that went viral on the web - very hard to replicate - he didn't so much rap about things as say his own name over and over again with the occasional "OH!" for rhythmic variation, and...well that's it really.

You need more reasons? Oh well...

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Alexander Rybak - 'Fairytale'

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Fraser McAlpine | 12:39 UK time, Monday, 18 May 2009

Alexander RybakOMG you will not believe this, right, but according to a TV show I watched over the weekend, 'Fairytale' is officially the best song in the whole of Europe. I know this will come as a shock to some of you, especially if you were hoping for a late surge from the Dizzee Rascal camp. It seems there's been some kind of competition, and lots of songs were considered - although not that many of our recent chart hits, I couldn't help but notice - and this one is the best. It may sound crazy, but you can't argue with democracy.

OK, OK, so that's possibly not the best word to use, given the accusations of political voting from certain countries, although you'll notice there's not as much moaning about this as usual, given that the UK didn't do as badly as we have in recent years. I could go into why, but we've already reviewed the Jade Ewen single, and it's madness to take Eurovision too seriously. And besides, it's all very well beating the rest of the continent, but the real test of a great song - as any fule kno - is the ChartBlog review.

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Black Eyed Peas - 'Boom Boom Pow'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:56 UK time, Sunday, 17 May 2009

Black Eyed PeasAt last! A hip hop comeback we can really get behind! Eminem might not be wowing people with his frayed new material, but at least we can all count on the Black Eyed Peas to keep the flag flying for quality beats, deft lyrical excellence, and all the other services to the art of hilarious bragging in rhythm.

OK, I grant you this is not a position I'd have held, say, a month ago, but you've got to move fast in the world of popular music. Opinions you may have held once - such as the idea that the Black Eyed Peas possibly did not have as much to be smug about as they may have continuously claimed - have to be able to withstand the changing facts, or risk being tossed aside.

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Paolo Nutini - 'Candy'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:26 UK time, Saturday, 16 May 2009

Paolo NutiniHand on heart, I never got the Paolo Nutini thing. There were just too many record companies signing too many easy-on-the-eye singer-songwriters at the time, and after being forced to listen to Jack Johnson, Newton Faulkner and James Morrison in every cafe and surf shop in town, I developed an irrational dislike of any hot, stubbly troubadour with a tatty Takamine guitar and a notepad full of half-whispered musical diary entries. Plus they all seemed to sing in a really odd accent, somewhere between American and Australian, lots of rounded vowels, made strange by attempting to sing the blues quietly round a campfire, I would imagine.

Paolo Nutini, for all that he can pen a decent song about buying shoes, fell firmly into that category. Or so I thought.

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Daniel Merriweather - 'Red'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:58 UK time, Friday, 15 May 2009

Daniel MerriweatherFor someone who has now appeared on three chart hits, Daniel Merriweather is a curiously low-profile singing sensation, judged more by the company he keeps - Ronson, Wiley - than for his winning way with a tune. Which is strange because he's a good looking fella with a more-than-decent set of pipes, by rights we should already be sick of the sight of him, the paps should be all over him like skin on a chicken, and he should be swaggering about like Robbie Williams in a hall of mirrors.

I mean, what's the use in having a modest pop star? Being down-to-earth and normal is what us un-famous people are for.

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The Killers - 'The World We Live In'

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Fraser McAlpine | 11:35 UK time, Thursday, 14 May 2009

The KillersIn the extensive research I've done for this amazing example of critical thought in action, I have discovered that the band are releasing different songs from 'Day & Age' as their third single, depending on which territory goes nutsiest over which song from the album.

Here's the band's drummer Ronnie Vannucci to explain things: "We're realizing that other countries are picking their own singles. So in America, the next single will be 'A Dustland Fairytale,' but in the UK, Europe and Australia, it's 'The World We Live In.' But Australia is also playing 'Losing Touch.' Spain is hip to 'I Can't Stay,' which isn't really a surprise."

This may explain why there's not much in the way of a video to be found on the internet (it's coming soon, by all accounts). What mystifies me is why the UK has chosen to pick this song as a single in the first place...

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Jade Ewen - 'It's My Time'

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Fraser McAlpine | 09:43 UK time, Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Jade EwenAhhh, Eurovision. For about 364 days of the year, it's a ridiculous, outdated embarrassment, and then for one day in May it's VERY VERY IMPORTANT and invariably when we don't win everyone huffs about how the whole thing is rigged. I don't know about the rest of you, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

Except it was decided that a change was necessary this year, since in the past few years we've performed extremely poorly, so much so that even Terry Wogan decided he'd had enough and abandoned the commentary box for good - at which point Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber decided this couldn't go on, and modestly volunteered his own songwriting services to ensure us a better placing this year, roping in balladmeister extraordinaire Diane Warren to pen the lyrics, and leaving a lot of people going "buh? Can we do that? If so, why on earth haven't we been doing it every year?"

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Ladyhawke - 'Back Of The Van'

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Fraser McAlpine | 11:03 UK time, Tuesday, 12 May 2009

LadyhawkeDon't be fooled by the title. By rights this should be called 'You Set Me On Fire', as this is the hook upon which the entire song rests. It's not clear whether this has been changed for reasons of generating an air of enigma around Ms Hawke - y'know, the uncompromising artist who won't give in to audience demands that her songs are easy to find on the internet - or because she's worried about health and safety officers shutting her down before she's even had a chance to get her feet under the table.

If it's the latter, she has done well, because this kind of moody '80s electropoprock is a very nowadays sort of sound to make, it would be a shame for her to lose momentum over safety concerns - although, to be fair, the Kings Of Leon got away with it, and they weren't even TRYING to be enigmatic.

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Dizzee Rascal - 'Bonkers'

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Fraser McAlpine | 12:51 UK time, Monday, 11 May 2009

Dizzee RascalHave you ever had the experience where, at the moment you first find out about a song which is yet to be released, you KNOW you are going to love it, just from the title? And in fact, rather than rushing to hear it at the first opportunity, you're happy to wait, because it's alway nice to have something to look forward to. That's what happened to me with this very song.

It wasn't exactly a shot in the dark, of course. Ever since Dizzee released 'Sirens' it's been obvious that his natural home is the top end of the singles chart - never mind the critical pats on the head and Mercury Prize nominations, never mind that other Dizzee tunes had been bigger hits, and he didn't really hit paydirt until 'Dance Wiv Me' - something happened after he made that video where he's chased by fox-hunters, which changed his status from 'top talent and spokeybloke for UK hip hop' to 'yikes! we've got ourselves a proper pop star here'.

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Deadmau5 & Kaskade - 'I Remember'

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Fraser McAlpine | 12:11 UK time, Sunday, 10 May 2009

Deadmau5As tempting as it sometimes is to dismiss trancey dance-type music as a shortcut to mindless euphoria, a state of dancefloor-only total excitement, which is scientifically designed to be reached via the simplest of possible means - hi Basshunter! - there's a growing body of musical evidence which proves that other emotions can be found within its glassy crevices.

Take exhibit A here. A straight-from-the-bottom-of-the-freezer shard of spooky mournfulness which would only be suitable to play as a triumphant party tune if it was Casper the Friendly Ghost's birthday and he'd invited the unfriendly ghosts along in an effort to be, y'know...friendly.

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When Harrassed Met Harry...

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Fraser McAlpine | 12:08 UK time, Saturday, 9 May 2009

Harry McFly vs ChartBlog

Perfection, as I'm sure we're all aware, is over-rated. Oh sure, it's nice when things are flawless, but it's hard to get passionate about something which needs no encouragement, right? It's better to feel involved. So, prepare your best cock-a-hooping holler for this ChartBlog interview with Harry out of McFly. It is to perfection what custard is to ice-sculpture.

Here's what happened. Earlier this week, ChartBlog's Hazel Robinson went to meet Harry shortly before his band played what she describes as "one of the loudest gigs I've ever been to", for a brief chat. Unfortunately, due to panic over a late bus, and an unfortunate reaction to Harry's extreme physical beauty, she found it quite hard to concentrate on the job in hand. Don't snigger, you'd be exactly the same. I know I would!

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Alesha Dixon - 'Let's Get Excited'

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Fraser McAlpine | 12:06 UK time, Friday, 8 May 2009

Alesha DixonNever underestimate the value of charisma. It's the single biggest factor in determining whether someone is going to be famous, infamous, or not famous at all. It doesn't matter if you're likeable, or enigmatic, or funny or clever or wacky or sexy or...anything at all. If you've got the charisma to back it up, people will want to watch you do what you do, and then talk about it afterwards.

Look, here's a perfect case in point. Jarvis Cocker - of Pulp fame, kids - .

The key things to note are these:

1: He's doing nothing he wouldn't have done onstage in front of a 'proper' audience.

2: The kids love him. The grown-ups love him. You love him. I love him.

That's charisma!

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Asher Roth - 'I Love College'

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Fraser McAlpine | 12:58 UK time, Thursday, 7 May 2009

Asher RothRule number one in the music game is this: Know Your Market. For example, if you're going to produce a song and you definitely want it to be bought by a lot of women over 25, it'll need to be either very sensitive and mournful, easy on the ear and sung by a hottie with bright eyes, or a barnstorming disco classic which demands that all the girls get together and celebrate collective womanhood. The pretty things will be putty in your hands, muah-hahahHAHAHA!*

And if you want 13-15 year-old boys to buy your song, and quote the best bits, and have it as a ringtone, and generally obsess over it for weeks on end, you'll need to fill it with more dirty one-liners than a muddy South Park DVD - without any of their biting satire, obv.

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Annie - 'Anthonio'

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Fraser McAlpine | 11:49 UK time, Wednesday, 6 May 2009

AnnieIf nothing else, you've got to admire Annie's persistence. Aside from a Top 30 hit back in 2004 with the catchy playground chant 'Chewing Gum', she has yet to reach the massive pop audience her music so clearly deserves. Oh sure, pop bloggers love her, but in the real world her immaculate confections struggle to make headway in the charts. Originally this was attributed to her being signed to a relatively minor label, but her deal with Island didn't work out much better - last year's brilliant 'I Know Ur Girlfriend Hates Me' only limped in at No.54, leading to Annie's departure from the label and joining the relatively lo-fi surroundings of Richard X's Pleasure Master label.

It's like some crazy philosophical conundrum, isn't it? If a pop star makes an obvious pop record and no-one is there to hear it, does she really exist?

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The Prodigy - 'Warrior's Dance'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:37 UK time, Tuesday, 5 May 2009

ProdigyToday, gentle ChartBloggerers, you find me resting twitchily on the horns of a dilemma (which I believe is some kind of moose). I have wedged into my brainspace a piece of music by the Prodigy, and it's fiery, upbeat and wild. These are always good things to have in a tune, and therefore I am happy. However, it is also made up of bits of other songs, in a kind of sound mosaic, and some of the songs it is made from are songs which have already been released by the Prodigy, and that's not as good. The familiar bits tug at my memory, distracting me from getting my party on, and this is making me sad.

The question is, does the ferocity of the end result justify the obvious self-plagiarism? Surely I can get the same thrills from digging out their old stuff. And does sticking a sample from a suitably old school rave classic by someone else help the situation or hinder it?

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How ChartBlog Made The Maccabees What They Are Today

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Fraser McAlpine | 13:04 UK time, Sunday, 3 May 2009

The Maccabees

I know what you're thinking, you're thinking "blimey! Madame Tussauds' children are a regular drip off the old candle", right?

Wrong! This is the Maccabees, and their second album is has this amazingly shiny photograph for a cover, as designed by .

They are also one of those bands who break the rules about how many people do musical things at the same time. Most bands have one or two guitarists, the Maccabees have three. So, armed with a list of questions about how they manage to keep out of each other's way without resorting to a clip round the ear with a whammy bar, I gave the band's singer Orlando a ring.

Stay tuned for an amazing revelation right at the end. It turns out your humble ChartBlog has changed the very nature of the band itself. Not in a way which is actually, y'know, TRUE, but the lie is very tempting to believe if you're me. Which I am.

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Tommy Sparks - 'She's Got Me Dancing'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:04 UK time, Saturday, 2 May 2009

Tommy SparksAh, the joys of simple, well-made pop music. Never too clever, never too stupid. Never self-pitying, over-sensitive or weedy, never worried about longevity or the future. And the best songs are rooted in the one glorious second where the world finally, after years of heartache and painful rubbish nonsense, makes total sense, for the first time ever.

It's the moment where the heavy scales of harsh reality tumble from your eyes, and the concrete yoke of stress slips from your shoulders. Pop is always thrusting its sexy, giggly, frivolous self at grumpy old rocksnobs before whizzing off into the night in search of bigger mirrorballs, brighter spotlights and louder nightclubs...because it deserves to let its hair down, dammit.

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Maximo Park - 'The Kids Are Sick Again'

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Fraser McAlpine | 08:59 UK time, Friday, 1 May 2009

Maximo ParkI really like Maximo Park. 'Apply Some Pressure' suited my frazzled state at the time of its release and 'Books From Boxes' probably makes my top ten songs ever, just for the line "night falls and towns become circuit boards." I was quite excited about them making a new album, in the way you tend to be when a band you really like releases a new album.

There's an obvious 'BUT' coming here and well, yes I was looking forward to them releasing a new album, but it appears to have been released by the Kaiser Chiefs instead.

Let me explain.

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