Archives for October 2008

Who Says Pop And Politics Can't Mix?

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Fraser McAlpine | 16:56 UK time, Friday, 31 October 2008

I doubt anyone is going to mind this clip being borrowed from The X-Factor, seeing as it is their song, and therefore to even mention it is effectively giving them free publicity even though they are on a rival nework to the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ and...hang on! Do you think that was part of the plan?

Here we see, as I'm sure you know (or will come to realise after Sunday), the 12 finalists on the X Factor performing a version of 'Hero' by Mariah Carey, to benefit British troops who have been wounded. As a result of this (the second bit, not the first), there is literally nothing funny to be said about this song whatsoever.

*dramatic pause*

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Katy Perry - 'Hot 'n' Cold'

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Fraser McAlpine | 09:35 UK time, Friday, 31 October 2008

Katy PerryTime to break ranks here, I think. When 'I Kissed A Girl' came out, the official ChartBlog position (not that we really have an official position on anything much) was that you can go a long way by chasing that Titillation Dollar, that faux-mosexuality sold as female solidarity is just plain attention-seeking, and that the pop fans of Britain deserved less cynical treatment from its stars.

Now, first of all, obviously there's a massive irony in any snarkyblog claiming to be flying the flag for a reduction in world cynicism. And secondly, we weren't wrong about 'I Kissed A Girl'. But I'm not so sure about this one.

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Miley Cyrus Counts Up To Four...

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Fraser McAlpine | 16:40 UK time, Thursday, 30 October 2008

Miley CyrusWhen indie bands do shambolic things, it's easy to assume that no-one in their devil-may-care, freewheeling organisation is bothered enough about perfection to try and correct them. That would be a little bit like trying, and trying is officially lame. Pete Doherty's un-tuned and unlovely guitar, for example, is never going to sound good, because that would imply that he works at what he does, rather than just letting inspiration run through him like a thick milkshake through a straw. The jig would be up, and he'd be scuppered.

However, when a Disney-affiliated pop star tries to count her band in at the beginning to the video for her new song - while the drummer keeps time with his sticks, I might add - and FAILS. You have to assume that it's been done on purpose, or it would not be there.

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Leona Lewis - 'Forgive Me'

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Fraser McAlpine | 09:46 UK time, Thursday, 30 October 2008

Leona LewisI don't believe in guilty pleasures; you like what you like and if what you like is supposedly embarrassing, then two fingers up at embarrassment. That's the theory, anyway; of course eventually if you have any sort of map at all of what you claim is 'good' and what you claim is 'bad' then eventually there'll be the occasional moment when you think "I really shouldn't like this. Really."

I can't even specify exactly WHY I shouldn't like this, maybe it's because it was written and produced by Akon and has his staple lock-slamming sound effect at the start or maybe it's the fact its so relentlessly bouncy and American and it screams "I've broken in the US you know!"

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How To Destroy...Fall Out Boy

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Fraser McAlpine | 17:42 UK time, Wednesday, 29 October 2008

How To Destroy Fall Out Boy

NOTE: It has taken me many months to uncover the secret of Fall Out Boy's fallibility. At first I thought it would be simply a question of putting a paper bag over Pete Wentz's face, thus dramatically reducing the band's average level of hotness by a huge margin. However, this blow would not actually destroy the band, unless I was to also put a bung in Patrick Stump's mouth, and tie up Andy and Joe's hands...which is a lot of effort to go to, and they could always just untie each other.

Thankfully a simpler and more elegant solution presented itself, in the form of an enormous Jumbo Jet coming down upon our tiny foursome like a great big metal dragon full of businessmen and luggage.

'Infinity On High'? Damn straight.

How To Destroy Other People...

Christina Aguilera - 'Keeps Gettin' Better'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:09 UK time, Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Christina AguileraOnce upon a time, Christina would have named this song after the most provocative line in the chorus. You know the one. It's sweary. Music shops and download sites all over the world would have been blessed with endless variations on the three-word mantra "Christina Aguilera: Superb****" (only without the asterisks) and she'd have sealed the deal with a picture of such amazing filth that any issues of Nuts magazine left within eyeshot of even the tiniest screen-grab of it would burst into flame.

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Lemar's Attacks!

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Fraser McAlpine | 16:52 UK time, Tuesday, 28 October 2008

LemarOh sure, to judge from appearances, Lemar seems to be a laid back, relaxed kind of chap. Slow to anger, quick to forgive, all that stuff... But is that REALLY what he is like, or does that calm exterior mask a gut-full of festering passions and bleak moods? And if so, what are the situations which are guaranteed to bring him to the boil?

It's OK, I'm not really asking you. I asked him instead. Look!

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Enter Shikari - 'We Can Breathe In Space, They Just Don't Want Us To Escape'

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Fraser McAlpine | 09:48 UK time, Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Enter ShikariBands always work best when they appear to be a gang. They don't even really have to get on as people, just as long as everyone can see that they've got each other's collective back. It works best if they went to school together, or were otherwise introduced by circumstances which are not related to getting a group together. This is more 'real' than being put together live on a TV talent show, for example, and it means that fans can imagine what it would've been like if they had gone to that school at that time...maybe you could have joined the gang too (OMG! LOL! etc).

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Beat The Credit Crunch With Teamwork

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Fraser McAlpine | 17:55 UK time, Monday, 27 October 2008

Brown Bloc Dubz

The Credit Crunch is, sadly, not a new kind of breakfast cereal, in which corn or rice is puffed into the shape of an Egg card (or any other brand) and then coated in honey and roasted nuts, for your milky-morning pleasure. I think you would probably see a lot less about it in the news if it was.

We are living through troubled times, financially speaking, and one common message which keeps appearing in all of the media coverage of this Credit Crunch thing is that we're going to have to find ways to economise, to make do with one thing when we would normally want two, with extra syrup.

Why, then, should the Charts be any different? Isn't it an extravagent nonsense to have 40 different songs in our Top 40 when we could feasibly make do with less fewer? Should we not be trying to find ways to get the same musical goodness out of our singles chart, but with half the effort?

Think about it, a chart with a dramatically reduced carbon footprint, a chart which does not cost the Earth to maintain, a chart which cuts down on waste, and recycles ideas wherever possible (I know! Who could CONCEIVE of such a thing?).

This, dear ChartBloggerers, is where we take that dream, and make it a reality...

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Scouting For Girls - 'I Wish I Was James Bond'

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Fraser McAlpine | 13:10 UK time, Monday, 27 October 2008

Scouting For GirlsIt's probably bad manners to begin a review with a technical, muso-type question, but there's something that needs clearing up. In the verses to this song, is Roy Stride singing a major key melody over the minor key bits, and a minor key melody over the major key bits? Is this something we're allowing these days? It certainly doesn't sound like the kind of thing we should encourage, sounding as it does like a dog's breakfast of clashing notes. And not good clashing notes either.

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The Chart Show (Plus DVD Extras) - 26/10/08

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Fraser McAlpine | 20:59 UK time, Sunday, 26 October 2008

Scott MillsThere has been a shocking change in the Chart Show this week. And I'm not talking about the No.1 slot. Unless by 'No.1 slot' you think I mean the plum job of presenting the nation's favourite chart rundown, and becoming part of a tradition which has been in place since before your parents were even conceived.

In which case I AM talking about the No.1 slot, because Fearne and Reggie are officially Not Here This Week. And Scott Mills is.

Listen, here he is talking to Kimberley from Girls Aloud about a nice thing which happened to them today.

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Adele - 'Make You Feel My Love'

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Fraser McAlpine | 09:48 UK time, Sunday, 26 October 2008

AdeleIs it wrong of me to want to hold Adele responsible for the fact that we've got lots of kooky white girls singing soul with affected voices on The X Factor this year? I mean, it's no more her fault than it is the fault of The Beatles that Oasis exist, but still, I find myself looking for someone to blame, and my brain always jumps to Adele. So I would like to take this opportunity, first and foremost, to say: sorry Adele. I know it's not your fault really, and I shall endeavour to blame Simon Cowell in future, as I do for most things.

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Dido - 'Don't Believe In Love'

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Fraser McAlpine | 09:56 UK time, Saturday, 25 October 2008

DidoWhoa! You're never going to believe this, tender listeners, but Dido - the lady with a half-full pillow for a voice and the lung-capacity of a tiny little mousie - has gone ROCK. Srsly! She's been caning the B4MV and the A7X, she's been seen doing the circle pit at Trivium gigs. She's been working out the riff to 'Enter Sandman' with her teeth, and now, in her latest video, can be seen wearing a schoolboy's outfit just like him out of The 'DC, and playing a guitar solo of Dragonforce-level complexity. And all the while winking and leering at some ladies in burlesque outfits and squealing like a tom cat in a vat of rapidly-cooling bikini wax.


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Is VV Brown Brilliant Or Rubbish Or What?

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Fraser McAlpine | 18:57 UK time, Friday, 24 October 2008

Take a look at this video a second. It's called 'Crying Blood' and it's by a new singer called VV Brown, and I have no idea what to make of it. It is clearly a song which demands a certain amount of attention, and one which will probably remain in the brains of anyone who hears it for years to come. It's upbeat, lively, fun, colourful and could be used as an antidote for anyone who is suffering from prolongued exposure to the icy wastes of Snow Patrol.

Whether this is wholly a good thing or not is another issue entirely.

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The View - '5 Rebbecca's'

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Fraser McAlpine | 09:42 UK time, Friday, 24 October 2008

The ViewThis, everybody, is Spinal Tap. This is the moment at which we all realise that The View were, after all, a sociology postgraduate's research for a thesis in which they attempted to study the affectation of 'credibility' within British popular music and the factors which are conditional to this. Except they've done their research now, are sitting on a doctorate and with research grants being cut back in the economic recession, they're just taking the mickey.

Firstly, let me clarify that the spelling and grammar of the title of the song are EXACTLY as The View spelt it. That's right, everyone, they can't even spell their own song title, THEY'RE THAT ROCK. Seriously, didn't even go to school! Spelling's for swots! Swots with DEGREES!

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Poor Adele...

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Fraser McAlpine | 17:50 UK time, Thursday, 23 October 2008

Our review of Adele's latest song 'Make You Feel My Love' is still in production, but look what Steve found when he went to YouTube to try and grab the video. You'd think her record company would be a bit more supportive, wouldn't you?

Adele on YouTube

Dearie dearie me...

PS: As requested, here's the link to the ...

Robin Thicke - 'Magic'

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Fraser McAlpine | 09:12 UK time, Thursday, 23 October 2008

Robin ThickeSometimes life is too amazing for words, y'know? Jamiroquai got into endless amounts of trouble with music critics, for being so heavily influenced by Stevie Wonder that he might as well have had corn-rows and massive shades, but no-one cared. They just kept buying his crazy records and enjoying his choice of headgear.

Now here's Robin Thicke, and he seems to be doing the exact same thing with Jamiroquai. It's like a photocopy of a printout of a scan of an original photo, and you know what? It doesn't matter at all. This type of thing happens all the time in music and anyway, funky disco music is fantastic.

But it does allow me to make a joke about Hatman (whose alter-ego is millionaire playboy Jay Kay) and his new sidekick, Robin, the Boy Wonder.

What? I never said I was mature...

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'Stace - The Vinyl Frontier

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Fraser McAlpine | 18:15 UK time, Wednesday, 22 October 2008


Anastacia - she might be a lot older than she used to pretend to be, she may have been away from pop for so long that you've be forgiven for assuming she had given it up for Lent, and she might have decided to issue an album called 'Heavy Rotation', which sounds more like an elephant on a Merry-Go-Round than an exciting album full of wonderful music...BUT you can't deny that she has a powerful set of lungs.

Especially not in an interview situation, where she could easily kill you with one bellow from her leathery windpipe. Luckily, she seemed to be charmed by my talk of the olden days, and rather than stun my with her banshee wail, we ended up talking about the past like the pair of old gippers we so clearly are.

You youngsters don't even know you're BORN, I tell you...

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Girls Aloud - 'The Promise'

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Fraser McAlpine | 09:37 UK time, Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Girls AloudWait wait wait...did I just see what I think I saw? Did Cheryl Cole just pick up a piece of popcorn from the floor of her car - flicked in her direction by a handsome man - and eat it? And is she doing this to a backdrop of another amazing song by Girls Aloud? Well!

What kind of message is this sending to our nation's children? Are we teaching them to grub around under the seats at the cinema, looking for dusty treats? Is this the secret of Cheryl's slim physique? Should Heat magazine prepare a new front cover? This will never do. Something must be done. Steps must be taken...

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How To Destroy...Hannah Montana

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Fraser McAlpine | 17:01 UK time, Tuesday, 21 October 2008

How To Destroy Miley Cyrus

NOTE: In retrospect, spraying one of Disney's biggest stars with chemicals is probably not a brilliantly wise thing to suggest. It smacks of germ warfare, and ultimately terrorism. And this is something the good people of America are particularly touchy about.

So can I just say that this is not something I would like to see happen. It is merely a suggested solution to a situation which will almost definitely never happen. I mean, what possible reason could anyone have to destroy Miley Cyrus? She'd have to be secretly planning to convert the entire US of A into a communist state using her musical talents as a rhythmic form of brain-washing.

And she'd have to be wanting to do this in order to force everyone to jump up and down at the same time, in order to create a tsunami big enough to wash all signs of life from western Europe. If all of these things were to happen, MAYBE it would be OK to spray her with something. But for now, just leave it, OK?

How To Destroy Other People...

Guess Who's Back..?

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Fraser McAlpine | 14:51 UK time, Tuesday, 21 October 2008

EminemActually, this picture should be a pretty good clue. Zane Lowe recently travelled all the way to abroad (such dedication!) in order to meet with Marshall Mathers and discuss stuff about things. Some of the things include his first recording session with Dr Dre, his plans for the future, and why he thinks hip hop has gone down the toilet since he stopped releasing records.

It's a really nice long interview (40 whole minutes), and it's available from Radio 1 Online as a special podcast, right here...

What? I can be pleasant...

Razorlight - 'Wire To Wire'

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Fraser McAlpine | 09:00 UK time, Tuesday, 21 October 2008

RazorlightWe are all reasonable people, aren't we? Slow to anger, quick to forgive, all that stuff, that's how we roll. And it's not nice to automatically dismiss the hard work musicians put into creating their latest hot waxings, unless you're just trying to make a name for yourself as some sort of written-down version of Simon Cowell. But there are limits to what we, as a music-loving nation, should be expected to put up with, and the slow transformation of Razorlight into Meat Loaf is so far across that line that the sign reading 'Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here' is now a mere speck on the horizon behind us.

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Fun With Press Releases No. 19

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Fraser McAlpine | 17:27 UK time, Monday, 20 October 2008

Press releases

Pussycat Dolls - 'Doll Domination'

"Says Nicole; '...we're really coming ferocious with the music this time out.'"

And last time out you were really coming, what, timid? Easily provoked? New to the English language?

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Fall Out Boy - 'I Don't Care'

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Fraser McAlpine | 12:01 UK time, Monday, 20 October 2008

Fall Out BoyFall Out Boy do like to write about Fall Out Boy, don't they? Songs about Pete Wentz, as a lyricist, being like an arms dealer doling out word-weapons, songs about Pete Wentz having a God Complex, cocked and ready to pull, and now this, a song about the band attempting to shush the critics by doing a little preening dance in front of them, and claiming not to mind what they say. A dance which is set to the riff from 'Spirit In The Sky' no less.

Are Fall Out Boy perhaps a little defensive at the moment? Has some of the criticism from hardcore punkers or proper rockin' metalheads about their new pop star status perhaps gone a little deep? Are they joking about people calling them sellouts because they find it funny, or because they want to show that they are in on the joke, even though they worry that they ARE sellouts?

In short, do they claim not to care what people think (as long as it's about them) because they DON'T care what people think (as long as it's about them) or because they DO care what they think (as long as it's about them) but they don't want to SHOW that they care what people think (aso long as it's about them) in case that makes the people that think nasty things attack them even more?

And did I really start that sentence with the words "in short"? Madness...

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Chart Report - 19/10/08

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Fraser McAlpine | 21:01 UK time, Sunday, 19 October 2008

Roll up! Roll up! It's time for Top 5 High 5!

Top Five High Five

All you need to do is answer 'High 5!' if you approve of this week's Top 5, and 'Denied!' if you don't.

And here is that Top 5 once again in talkywordingform, in case you don't recognise any of these people...

1: Pink - 'So What'
2: Geraldine - 'The Winner's Song'
3: Leon Jackson - 'Don't Call This Love'
4: Kings Of Leon - 'Sex On Fire'
5:The Saturdays - 'Up'

Here's the Top 40 in full...

Bloc Party - 'Talons'

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Fraser McAlpine | 09:42 UK time, Sunday, 19 October 2008

Bloc PartyMuch has been made of Bloc Party's changes to their sound over their three albums. 'The Prayer' was supposed to be them going pop, then 'Flux' was supposed to be them going dance, then 'Mercury' was supposedly them just going mad. Synthesisers! In indie! THE WORLD MIGHT AS WELL END NOW, HISTORY IS AT A JUNCTION!

This apparently devilishly confusing stylistic mobility has left many a reviewer standing confused by the appearance of this second single from 'Intimacy'*. The NME itself, bastion of indie knowledge (hem hem) could only manage to say that and further afield reviews range from the "urgh it's got a dance beat I hate it what are they doing go back to being proper indie" to dribbling admiration for the 'Party's second reinvention.

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Los Campesinos! Review Jack White And Alicia Keys's Bond Theme

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:41 UK time, Saturday, 18 October 2008

Los Campesinos, Jack White, Alicia Keys and the 007 Logo

Jack White is a man who excites strange passions in people. His work in the White Stripes has caused loads of rocksnobs to come over all unnecessarily snooty about The Blues and Integrity and all sorts of other very REAL things which aren't massively related to people twanging metal strands across a big plank of wood, but then kind of are too.

There again, he's done a Coca-Cola commercial and has been known to dress like a member of A1, which tends to undermine The Blues argument a bit.

So, how to make head or tail of the fact that he has now joined forces with pop star Alicia Keys and recorded the theme song to the new James Bond movie Quantum Of Solace (translation: How Much Reassurance)? Well, we'll need someone who likes their pop, but who also has a lot of love for the homegrown indie way of doing things, so they can see both sides of the situation clearly.

The person we need is clearly Gareth from out of Los Campesinos!

And that is why I made him review it for me. That, and the fact that I could not be bothered, obv...

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New Ideas For X-Factor Theme Weeks

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Fraser McAlpine | 18:07 UK time, Friday, 17 October 2008

The X-FactorIf you believe all the hoo-hah around the final weeks of the X-Factor, you'd think the winner had performed some Herculean task above and beyond that of just turning up once a week to sing a song in a television studio. You'd think that he or she had found a cure for the common cold, while enticing hidden pixies from their homes using the power of song, and lifting their own bodyweight in treacle, balanced on a spike.

It's all in the sentiment of the winner's song, as Peter Kay will be the first to tell you. There's stuff about miracles, stuff about long journeys, stuff about coming through hardship with your head held high and stuff about waiting a long time for the sun to come out.

And yet, all they have really done is sing some nice songs, and win a popularity contest.

Wouldn't it be a lot better if there was some element of risk to the show? Wouldn't it be better if the contestants had to rise to a challenge each week, a bit like the ones in The Apprentice do, but with less rubbish talked about passion and commitment?

In short, wouldn't it be better if the themed weeks on the X-Factor were ramped up a bit, to make everything a lot more challenging for the contestants and entertaining for us?

Yes, yes it would. And here is how it should happen...

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Promface Mansion

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Fraser McAlpine | 14:53 UK time, Friday, 17 October 2008

Electric PromsIf the delights of Switch Live have left you Under 18s gagging for more teenage gig action, well do not fear. It's Electric Proms time again, and this year, a whole night has been put aside for those of you who are not eligable to vote yet.

Saturday the 25th October is the day, Liverpool's Barfly is the venue, and the acts performing are Kitty, Daisy and Lewis*, Thomas Tantrum** and Esser***. Tickets are available for 14-18 year olds only, and this is because they scream louder than older people, which makes for a better concert experience for all concerned.

There's a proper medical explanation for this, but I can't remember what it is.

We spoil you sometimes, we really do.

And if you're too old, don't fret, you can probably go to some of the other Electric Proms events. Find out more at www.bbc.co.uk/electricproms

* Friends of ChartBlog, young rockin' siblings with '50s obsession, quiffs.
**Good band who play nice music.
***Man who made video of himself being sick. But good at music.

Keane - 'Lovers Are Losing'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:47 UK time, Friday, 17 October 2008

KeaneShamefully, we're going to need to play catch-up a bit with Keane and their new material, seeing as 'Spiralling' sort of happened without anyone's permission and blew the doubters to one side for a while there.

So, let's start at the very beginning. Hello! I am ChartBlog. I tend to talk about music as if it is a fine wine to be savoured, or a rich dessert which melts in your mouth, or sometimes as if it is a really stinky old cheese. Keane are a band who have, until recently, always been the kind of mild, soft cheese which is perfectly fine, an agreeable lunchbox treat, but nothing to brag to Gordon Ramsey about.

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Up Up And Away With The Saturdays...

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Fraser McAlpine | 17:37 UK time, Thursday, 16 October 2008

The Saturdays - Rochelle arrowed

Stop the clocks, people, I have found a new favourite thing to spend my working life doing, and it is interviewing the Saturdays!

Who else, in an promotional situation for their band, one in which their very thoughts were being recorded for broadcast to the entire world (ChartBlog division) would claim to have no idea what hang-gliding is? Who else would conduct interviews in the middle of what sounds like a full-on party situation, and then spend their time shushing their bandmates? Who else makes paper aeroplanes and draws Tom Cruise on them, to make them look like Top Gun?

Granted, probably Tenacious D do, but Rochelle from the Saturdays is prettier, and seems to have a dirtier mind, as you will hear...

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The Last Shadow Puppets - 'My Mistakes Were Made For You'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:30 UK time, Thursday, 16 October 2008

Last Shadow PuppetsYesterday, the Pigeon Detectives got four stars for a song which probably didn't deserve it, because it sounded like the band were really trying to break their own mould and y'know, improve. Today, the Last Shadow Puppets are going to lose one star for trying to do roughly the same thing even though their song probably deserves more. And rather than get into a row about inconsistency across ChartBlog star ratings (mirror-kissing? Moi?), it's probably a good idea to try and explain what is going on.

Although, a row about inconsistency might be fun. Maybe we could do that instead...or as well as...or instead...nah, maybe not...

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How To Destroy...Ne-Yo

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Fraser McAlpine | 17:33 UK time, Wednesday, 15 October 2008

How To Destroy Ne-Yo

NOTE: In this latest thrilling installment of the celebrated 'How To Destroy' series, we see a man who is famous for wearing a lot of hats being squeezed by an enormous hand. Naturally if this were to happen in real life, there may well be a pasty, liquid result, but it's unlikely to be toothpaste.

So please, even if you are in possession of a giant hand, and Ne-Yo is right there in front of you, don't squeeze him unless you absolutely have to. You'll be the one who has to clear up the mess afterwards, and do you really want that? Really really?

How To Destroy Other People...

The Pigeon Detectives - 'Say It Like You Mean It'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:53 UK time, Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Pigeon DetectivesWouldn't you love to have been in the room when whichever fever-sodden Pigeon Detective came in with the idea for this song? Just to see the panic in his bandmates' eyes as the penny dropped that they're going to have to learn how to play a song with a distinct verse and chorus, made of musical ideas which are different from one another, and not just change the melody over the same four chords.

They must have collapsed, appalled at the demands being made on their collective musical memory. They must have wept bitter tears, and begged to be allowed to return to their comforting, repetitious old ways. They must have been terrified.

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One Night Only Name That 'Toon...

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Fraser McAlpine | 17:06 UK time, Tuesday, 14 October 2008

One Night Only - George and Mark arrowedAre you sitting comfortably, boys and girls? Then I'll begin.

Once upon a time there were five handsome minstrels who liked to ruffle up their hair and sing songs to win the hearts of fair maidens. They were astonishingly good at it, too, as they were both youthful and very fair of face. They were also surprisingly tall. As a performing troupe, the minstrels called themselves One Night Only, and their names were known throughout the land.

One day, two of these minstrels - named George and Mark - found themselves in a messy backstage dressing room, deep in the land of Cornwall. There, a grumpy old troll waved a microphone under their noses and forced them to speak about things, without enqiring first as to what kind of things the two minstrels would like to discuss. They wanted to break away, but some trollish magic held them in its grip, and they could do nothing but obey.

And then they woke up and it was all a dream. The End. Here's the interview.

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Celine Dion - 'My Love'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:32 UK time, Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Celine DionThere are some artists for which the whole process of a review seems a little bit unnecessary. Cliff Richard, for example: he's been in this business a long time, and it's unlikely that there's anyone out there who hasn't made their mind up about him one way or the other by now. The same applies to Celine Dion - we all know what we're likely to get from her, and it's something most of us have a pre-determined opinion on, to the extent where individual singles make absolutely no difference.

(Caveat: My friend insists that she once rapped on a song, but I'm not sure if I believe him.)

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The Chart Show (Plus DVD Extras) - 12/10/08

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Fraser McAlpine | 14:15 UK time, Monday, 13 October 2008

Fearne & ReggieIt may seem inconceivable to those of us who were THERE, MAAN, but there were other things going on in the world yesterday than Switch Live. No, really, I've got evidence...

Like these two interviews Reggie did, one with Amelle Sugababe and one with the Kaiser Chiefs while Fearne was mucking about with George Sampson. The Kaisers were actually in the studio with him, which would be an amazing coup on any other day. Sadly now it is merely very exciting indeed.

Anyway, have you ever wondered who would win in a fight between the three Sugababes? That's right, Keisha. But is that what Amelle said when Reggie asked her about it? Is it REALLY??

And is it appropriate for Reg to be stirring up such violent thoughts while a small child is pottering in the background? No, it is not...

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ChartBlog Goes To Switch Live Part 3

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Fraser McAlpine | 17:58 UK time, Sunday, 12 October 2008

Here's the final installment of the ChartBlog gossip snufflefest, and there have been some major developments since last we spoke. For example, McFly fans, I have lived one of your greatest wishes and lived to tell the tale.

But before we get into that, here's some of the other stuff which has happened today...

Dappy from N-Dubz couldn't resist going in to the auditorium to catch a bit of Basshunter and have a bit of a dance. Trouble is, even without his tradmark frayed-sock hat, he's quite recognisable, and it wasn't long before people were going over to hug him. Before long a small crowd had formed, and then a larger crowd... With a cry of "Get him outta there!" a large bouncer had to wade in and rescue Dappy from death by fan smotheration. What a way to go though!

Miley Cyrus was on her way out of the venue in a people carrier, but was stopped by a small army of fans. Displaying impeccable manners, she stopped the car and got out to sign autographs and press the flesh.

George Sampson offered to do a special move for Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Switch, namely a backflip up a brick wall. This was considered by his 'people' to be an extraordinarily bad idea, even though he claimed to have done it before. There's never a crash helmet around when you need one, is there?

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ChartBlog Goes To Switch Live Part 2

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Fraser McAlpine | 15:09 UK time, Sunday, 12 October 2008

OK, so now the concert itself has got underway, and the stars are beginning to emerge from their dressing rooms and comingle. This is the witching hour, the time at which unique gossip spores are released into the atmosphere, to be picked up by trained experts such as myself, for careful analysis.

Here are some of my conclusions to date...

George Sampson is a (young) man of extremes. On the one hand he is a TV talent contest winner, and possibly the one act above all others that the Switch Live crowd wanted to see (if the banners and screams are anything to go by). But is he starry about it? He is not. George has been milling about backstage quite happily, talking to anyone, including Basshunter, which just seems a bit...wrong, somehow.

Fearne Cotton told me that every time she has mentioned George's name on stage, she has immediately been deafened by the screams. I know what she means and I am OUTSIDE.

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ChartBlog Goes To Switch Live Part 1

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Fraser McAlpine | 13:20 UK time, Sunday, 12 October 2008

If there is a better, more exciting sound than 4,000 voices screaming along to 'Ruby' by the Kaiser Chiefs, just because it's a song they know and they're really, really pleased to be where they are, even though the event itself hasn't really started yet, I've not heard it.

Greetings, ChartBloggerer! You join me in the main auditorium of London's Hammersmith Apollo, at the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ's Switch Live event. I've been here since 10am, but most of the people in the audience have been here for FAR longer than that. Some have even camped out overnight, so that they could be sure of getting right to the front when the bands came on.

Which definitely gave this whole thing the air of a siege, only a siege in which the invading army are going to do nothing more than deafen you and jump up and down if there is a TV camera nearby. That's my favourite kind of siege. And they've got banners and home-made T-shirts too, which is extra-cute.

Anyway they're safe and in the warm now, so you can hardly blame them for getting over-excited.

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ChartBlog Goes To Switch Live

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Fraser McAlpine | 18:41 UK time, Saturday, 11 October 2008

Switch Live - Click here to find out moreJust a quick note to say that I will be spending the entirity of tomorrow at the Switch Live event in London. Which means it's time for some more investigative ChartBlog backstage gossip, like Radio 1's Big Weekend and the Brits and stuff.

Fall Out Boy are going to be there. And McFly, and Basshunter (my old nemesis!), and Miley Cyrus and N-Dubz and...tell you what, you go and look at the Switch Live website, get yourselves familiar with the lineup, and come back tomorrow for The Gossip Apocalypse (or Gosspocalypse), OK?

It's going to be ACE!

Wiley - 'Summertime'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:19 UK time, Saturday, 11 October 2008

WileyI think I'm going to start a campaign for popstars to release season-sensitive songs at the correct time. It seems all the summer-y songs just designed for lying with your window open trying to find some air and stop sweating for five seconds spend their time building up a reaction over the appropriate period and then actually see a release at the point when frosts start happening.

Wiley, here, has managed to release this about two months too late for actual seasonality, unless you believe (and really, who wouldn't?) but maybe it's more suitable for reminiscing about the summer than being an actual hit then. It does, after all, sample 'Aerodynamic' by Daft Punk, which is one of the most wintry sounding songs ever, in my opinion, with its tolling bell at the start and excited bubbling it sounds incredibly Christmassy. Look:

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Bak 2 Skule Wiv Kayzer Cheefs

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Fraser McAlpine | 17:58 UK time, Friday, 10 October 2008

Kaiser Chiefs - Nick Arrowed

Alright class, settle down. Yes, Bramlett, that means you. Now, instead of your normal lesson, we are going to sit and listen to this conversation between two men...

...YES, young master Wardle, the thought of two men talking is VERY funny, isn't it?

As I was saying, we are going to sit and listen to this conversation between Nick Hodgson, the drummer from the Kaiser Chiefs...you'll like this, Eddison, it's about a man who likes to hit things...and the Radio 1 ChartBlog.

It is a most edifying conversation, covering such themes as school-day-misdemeanours, why professional footballers are not academics, and what to do if you happen to meet the drummer from Iron Maiden in Weston Super Mare, and it...I WILL NOT TELL YOU AGAIN, BROWNHILL, PUT! IT! AWAAY!

Right, notebooks out, class. I am pressing play...now.

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Leon Jackson - 'Don't Call This Love'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:07 UK time, Friday, 10 October 2008

Leon JacksonOh so THAT'S how the marketing strategy works! The X-Factor winner doesn't put out his second single (or debut album) until the next series of the show has started. This is presumably to ensure that people aren't so distracted by Britain's Got Talent or Any Dream Will Do or Last Chair Standing (celebrity musical chairs, it's only a matter of time before they actually do do this) that they forget to re-invest in their champion from last year.

It's like the seasons, long winter nights = X Factor. Long summer days = Not X Factor, and that's why the follow-up singles come out when they do. This time last year, as the leaves were falling from the trees, Shayne Ward and Leona Lewis both had massive chart hits, ending a period of silence. They probably would have had those hits anyway, particularly Leona with 'Bleeding Love', but it doesn't make the timing any less interesting...

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Namey Whinehouse

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Fraser McAlpine | 17:29 UK time, Thursday, 9 October 2008

A ChartBlog Special ReportI could always cope with the fact that people were releasing songs which have names in, but not MY name, rather well. In fact, as an issue, it has never really been a problem. I've an unusual Christian name, it's not one which is easily sung, and besides, there's the connection with the comedy show on TV, even though they're not spelled the same.

You basically don't want a song with my name in it, unless you want people to think it is about a prissy psychologist from Seattle, and you want people to sing it wrong, ALL the time.

So I've always assumed that everyone felt the same way about the relationship between their own name and the music they listen to, 'Happy Birthday' aside, obv.

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The Ting Tings - 'Be The One'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:00 UK time, Thursday, 9 October 2008

The Ting TingsPop stars, you know you've really arrived in popular culture when mainstream comedians start spoofing your videos and re-writing your song with comical lyrics. We've all seen it, they attempt to mock your public image by baldly stating what it is, who you are, and why you aren't as cool as you think you are. The joke (such as it is) can only work if everyone watching has some idea of what the original song is, how it goes, and who sings it. Therefore, no matter how cruel the final skit may be, and how bad, it's always a massive compliment to even be considered.

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You Me At Six vs Big F

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Fraser McAlpine | 17:11 UK time, Wednesday, 8 October 2008

You Me At Six - Josh arrowed

No matter what they may claim to the contrary, every music writer would very much like to make friends with the people they write about. And not just the kind of friends who high five from time to time and never really get to share intimate secrets about their inner world, either.

Music writers spend all their time imagining the inner worlds of people who make music, and then writing about these imaginings as if they are real. So who could be better qualified to map these crazy dimensions, once the barriers are down and trust has been established? That's right, a qualified psychiatrist. But music writers would very much like to have a go too, that's why they're music writers and not lorry drivers.

So, an interview with Josh, the lead singer with newbie rockers You Me At Six, in which we agree that he can call me Big F, and that we are now blood brothers, that's got to be like a dream come true, right?

Well...kinda. I mean, I'm not expecting a birthday card, let's put it that way.

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The Kooks - 'Sway'

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Fraser McAlpine | 09:37 UK time, Wednesday, 8 October 2008

The KooksOh brilliant! I love this song! We all love this song, don't we? Yes we do! Come on, sing it with me!

"Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to yeeewwww..."

Hmm...I can't help but notice that Luke Kooks has entirely failed to learn the words properly. Or the tune. And the chorus is entirely missing. What gives, curly?

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Snow Patrol - 'Take Back The City'

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Fraser McAlpine | 09:47 UK time, Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Snow PatrolIt must be quite daunting being Gary Lightbody. Imagine the pressure involved in having to get your band together in a studio, ready to record some new material, all the while knowing that one of your songs - 'Chasing Cars', obv - is considered by some people to be the best musical thing which has ever happened (out of a list of 500 other musical things which are also considered to be very good too). What are you supposed to do with that kind of thought?

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How To Destroy...The Ting Tings

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Fraser McAlpine | 16:47 UK time, Monday, 6 October 2008

How To Destroy The Ting TIngs

NOTE: This isn't really so much a guide which shows you how you can destroy the Ting Tings - assuming, of course, that you really have to and are not just doing it out of spite - as it is a guide to showing how the Ting Tings may eventually destroy each other if Katie keeps leaning into the camera and obscuring a frustrated Jules.

Now, the things we need to take into account are that Katie is the singer in the band, she's the flamboyant dresser, and Jules is the one with the perma-shades, so even if he does develop a homicidal rage about his public image, it's partly his own fault.

Also, this sorry tableau is not a nice thing to speculate upon. I'm sure Jules is perfectly happy with his lot, and that Katie is not as much of a camera hog as the bulk of Ting Tings promotional shots would have us believe. I am also sure that they are great mates really and don't begrudge each other a thing. Although you have to admit, a kick like that would definitely be the end of the band, right?

Ah well, at least I got their names right.

How To Destroy Other People...

M.I.A. - 'Paper Planes'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:01 UK time, Monday, 6 October 2008

MIAI did debate briefly doing this review in a "cuh, why did it take until being featured on the Pineapple Express soundtrack for this amazing song to achieve mainstream success, eh?" style, but then I realised it would've been a bit disingenuous of me, since I was quite a latecomer to M.I.A. myself and only truly realised the amazingness of 'Boyz' when I heard it in a nightclub last year and then it was played in an episode of 'Heroes' a few weeks later, so absolutely no rocksnobby behaviour from me in this review, I promise.

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Chart Report - 05/10/08

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Fraser McAlpine | 22:24 UK time, Sunday, 5 October 2008

Poor old Top 5 High 5 sometimes gets related to the back of the Chart Show report, so just for a change, here it is at the top!

Now, come and play our game...

Top 5 High 5

All you need to do is answer 'High 5!' if you approve of this week's Top 5, and 'Denied!' if you don't.

And here is that Top 5 once again in talkywordingform, in case you don't recognise any of these people...

1: Pink - 'So What'
2: Kings Of Leon - 'Sex On Fire'
3: Oasis - 'The Shock Of The Lightning'
4: Sugababes - 'Girls'
5: Boyzone - 'Love You Anyway'

Here's the Top 40 in full...

The Saturdays - 'Up'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:05 UK time, Sunday, 5 October 2008

SaturdaysPopular music! WHY do you insist on throwing conundrums my way? Conundrums which are complicated enough to give Stephen Hawking a headache? All I have ever asked of you is that you give me a few cheap thrills now and again and keep the happy chemicals in my brain sloshing about. I just want your playful tickle in my ears and a steady supply of fish and hoops for my endolphins to enjoy. But oh no, that's not enough for you, you have to throw in a few curve balls to see if we're all paying attention, to see if anyone has just been PRETENDING to love you and what you do, and if they have, to weed them out and throw them away.

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Cage The Elephant - 'In One Ear'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:12 UK time, Saturday, 4 October 2008

Cage The ElephantI'm not entirely sure what to make of this band, really I'm not. When I first heard this song I thought "why is some British band making such American-sounding music?" and then I thought about the problem and realised the question is actually "why does an American band making American-sounding music sound so much like they're British?"

There's something slightly Arctic Monkeys about this lot, in the guitar parts, although the most instant comparison that comes to mind is a snottier, younger Wolfmother (Cubdaughter, anyone?). It's weirdly fashionably unfashionable, with that Kasabian-esque strut but then some kid rapping shambolically over the top, which sounds jarring and weird.

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Why Is DJ Ironik So Very Very Nice..?

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Fraser McAlpine | 16:40 UK time, Friday, 3 October 2008

DJ Ironik

Rappers, rough, tough blighters who will steal your valuables, cuss out your boo and get their bouncers to punch your bowels out through your bum as soon as look at you, right?

Well, maybe some of them (not you, Mr Cent, sir...). But not this one.

DJ Ironik is the frighteningly young man whose biggest hit to date is a gesture of love and support to his sister ('Stay With Me'), and whose main fear in life is the sight of his mother heading his way with a bottle of washing-up liquid.

He's also a model citizen; polite, well-spoken and prepared to indulge a grown-up pop blogger's ridiculous questions for far longer than is strictly necessary.

Listen, proof!

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Foals - 'Olympic Airwaves'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:44 UK time, Friday, 3 October 2008

FoalsAw...aren't they cute when they're sleepy? This is a band whose entire output until now has been all about hyper-caffienated jitter-indie, with scalded-tongue yelps over the top. Everything they have released to date has come from a place of massive intensity and energy, played with maximum fire and delivered with total abandon.

However, if this song is anything to go by, the boys in the band seem to have developed a tolerance to coffee and sugar, the late nights are starting to catch up with them and their energy reserves are starting to run low. What else could explain the muffled, 5am eeriness which has swamped their sound?

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Doll Domination

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Fraser McAlpine | 15:13 UK time, Thursday, 2 October 2008

Katy Perry DollSee this? It's a lovely doll of the popular singing star Sophie Ellis Bextor. What's that? It's not her? Oh, OK. So it's a suspiciously pink Alesha Dixon. No...hang on, Katie Holmes? Angelina Jolie?

Actually, none of the above is true. This is a brand new doll which has just been created in the 'likeness' of Katy Perry. Seriously, KATY PERRY.

Now, the launch of a new pop doll is always a big event (big from a doll's perspective, anyway), especially a doll which allows the children in your house to re-enact the basic scenario to such Perry hits as 'I Kissed A Girl', with the help from some suitably adventurous Barbies. But there's an issue which does need to be cleared up, before we can rush off to the toy shop, pocket money in hand.

And that issue is this: Why do these dolls never ever quite manage to look anything like the people they are supposed to?

Come with me now, I feel a quiz coming on...

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Tilly & The Wall - 'Beat Control'

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Fraser McAlpine | 10:33 UK time, Thursday, 2 October 2008

Tilly & The Wall2008 is going to go down in musical history as the year in which pop music got what can only be described as a makeunder. Records which, due to their lack of superpolished pop production would not get within sniffing distance of the Top 10 in any other year, suddenly found themselves duking it out with Timbaland and Madonna, and winning.

All anyone seems to care about at the moment is whether songs have got killer tunes in them or not. This is why a left-field folk concern like Noah & The Whale can have a chart smash with a song that is largely performed on a ukulele, and which boasts the normally weedy unique selling point of a special guest appearance by another folk singer.

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Shane Lynch: "We're Still Following The Carbon Footprint Of Take That..."

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Fraser McAlpine | 17:48 UK time, Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Boyzone - Shane Arrowed

The really nice thing about this interview with Shane Lynch from Boyzone is that he is clearly a world away from the brittle, chippy young fella I crossed swords with all those years ago at Top of the Pops.

(I explained the whole thing here, if you missed it)

I dunno if it's the hard-won realisation that the jet-set lifestyle of a pop star isn't something you can rely on, or the fact that he's incredibly pleased that people still care about his band years after they split up, but this was a really nice conversation with someone who clearly gets where his band are in the wider scheme of things - for good and bad - and is at peace with it all.

All he needs to do is have a word with whoever writes their press releases and he'll be sorted...

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N-Dubz - 'Ouch'

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Fraser McAlpine | 09:44 UK time, Wednesday, 1 October 2008

N-DubzThere are lots of different reasons for why some songs work. Sometimes the lyrics have to take a back seat to the soaring melody and general air of loveliness, sometimes, even thought the tune isn't all that, it's all about the words, sometimes it's all about the singing. You very rarely get a perfect lyric matched to a perfect melody and perfect delivery, and even if you did, it wouldn't win everyone over. This is just one of the reasons why music is a bazillion per cent more complicated (and fun) than sport.

I mention all this because N-Dubz have made a record which goes to the extremes of failure and success, and demands that you, the listener, make a decision about which bits are most important to you. If it's the bits which are good, you're laughing. If not, run away!

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