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Matthew Postgate

Chief Technology and Product Officer

Blog posts in total 4


  1. Update on ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ red button text changes

    Update on ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ red button text changes

    Matthew Postgate gives up an update on the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ red button text changes.

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  2. Upcoming changes to ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ interactive services on TV

    Upcoming changes to ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ interactive services on TV

    Next year, we're making changes to our interactive services on TV, find out about what we're doing.

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  3. Delivering a vibrant future for UK radio

    Delivering a vibrant future for UK radio

    Last week Tony Hall talked about an ’agile, creative, bold’ future for the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ, including its online services, β€˜made available and relevant to everyone’. Today the radio industry meets in central London for the Drive to Digital conference looking at the future of radio.

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  4. Engineering a more flexible and efficient ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ for the future

    ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Chief Technology Officer Matthew Postgate discusses his strategy for ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Engineering.

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