
Trees and flowers are plants

All plants are alive, just like animals. We can find plants in almost all parts of our planet.

Some plants are in gardens, some plants are in the wild.

Watch: Finding plants outside

Have a look at the different plants we can find outside.

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Garden plants

Many plants are planted in gardens and parks to look or smell nice. These are often plants like tulips and sunflowers.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 2, , Tulips can be planted in a flower bed.
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Wild plants

Wild plants are not planted by humans. Plants that we don't want in our gardens are called weeds.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 4, , Bluebells grow in woods and shady areas.
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Test your knowledge of wild and garden plants with the activities below.

Activity 1: Identifying plants outside

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Activity 2: Quiz

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Activity 3: Odd one out

Which flower is the odd one out? Explain your answer to a friend.

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