• The Cold War

    • Reasons for the emergence of the Cold War

      The USA and the Soviet Union’s opposing political and economic beliefs caused the Cold War. NATO and the Warsaw Pact were established. Both competed in the arms and the space race.

    • Flashpoints – Hungary, Berlin, Cuba

      In the 1950s and early 1960s, relations between the USA and the Soviet Union deteriorated. A series of incidents brought the two to the brink of war.

    • The Vietnam War

      The USA became involved in Vietnam because it feared the spread of communism. The USA were unable to defeat the Vietcong, and met with growing opposition to the war at home.

    • Changing relations between the superpowers

      In the 60s and 70s, the USA and the Soviet Union tried to improve relations. Their efforts to cooperate along with Gorbachev’s modernisation of the Soviet Union finally led to the end of the Cold War. Read through this National 4 study guide to learn about all the changing relations between the superpowers and Glasnost and Perestroika.
