Robert the Bruce's Scottish army had been beaten by the English at the Battle of Methven in 1306. One year later, his forces faced the same English general at Loudoun. This time, Bruce would be victorious.

Find out about the Battle of Loudoun Hill, 1307

How did Robert the Bruce win the battle?

This battle was very important for Robert the Bruce. He was a new king who needed to prove himself. In 1306 he had been beaten in a surprise attack at Methven, near Perth, by English forces controlled by the Earl of Pembroke.

In 1307, Bruce caught up with the Earl and his English army in Ayrshire. Bruce had learned from his defeat at Methven and this time he was prepared.

What is 'guerrilla warfare'?

Guerrilla warfare is where a smaller army fights a bigger army. The small army needs to be clever and well-prepared to stand any chance of winning. It must use surprise attacks rather than meeting head-to-head on a battlefield.

This is what Bruce did to beat the larger English army at Loudoun. Bruce chose the land he would fight them on very carefully and laid traps for the English knights on horseback.

Battle: Key moments

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 6, Illustration showing English cavalry advances at the Battle of Loudoun Hill, 1307, Bruce positioned his army at the top of a hill. It had boggy ground on either side that the English knights couldn't go around. They would have to charge straight at them.

Bruce's plan

Click on the interactive guide of the battlefield to learn more about how Robert the Bruce used the land at Loudoun Hill to his advantage:

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