Computational thinking

  • Introduction to computational thinking

    Before computers can be used to solve a problem, the problem itself and the ways in which it could be resolved must be understood. Computational thinking techniques help with these tasks.

  • Decomposition

    Before computers can solve a problem, the problem and the ways in which it can be resolved must be understood. Decomposition helps by breaking down complex problems into more manageable parts.

  • Pattern recognition

    Once we have decomposed a complex problem, it helps to examine the small problems for similarities or ‘patterns’. These patterns can help us to solve complex problems more efficiently.

  • Abstraction

    Once we have recognised patterns in our problems, we use abstraction to gather the general characteristics and to filter out of the details we do not need in order to solve our problem.

  • Algorithms

    An algorithm is a plan, a set of step-by-step instructions to resolve a problem. In an algorithm, each instruction is identified and the order in which they should be carried out is planned.

  • Evaluating solutions

    Before solutions can be programmed, it is important to make sure that it properly satisfies the problem, and that it does so efficiently. This is done through evaluation.


  • Designing an algorithm

    Before designing an algorithm it is important to first understand what the problem is. Algorithms can be designed using pseudocode or a flowchart, and the standard notations of each should be known.

  • Searching

    Searching for data can be very difficult. Searching algorithms, such as serial search and binary search, make the process of searching for data much easier.

  • Sorting

    Putting data into order can be difficult and time consuming. Sorting algorithms, such as bubble sort and bucket sort can help with this.

  • Sequencing

    When designing algorithms, it is important to make sure that all the steps are presented in the correct order. This is known as sequencing, and can be displayed in pseudocode or flowcharts.

  • Selection

    When designing algorithms, there are many steps where decisions must be made. This decision is known as selection, and can be displayed in pseudocode or flowcharts.

  • Iteration

    When designing algorithms, there may be some steps that need repeating. This is known as iteration, and can be displayed in pseudocode or flowcharts.

  • Logical reasoning

    There is almost always more than one solution to a problem. Logical reasoning is used to predict the outcomes of the algorithms that are designed to solve a problem, to help select the best solution.


  • Introduction to programming

    Programming is writing computer code to create a program, in order to solve a problem. Programs consist of a series of instructions to tell a computer exactly what to do and how to do it.

  • Programming basics

    Programming is writing computer code to create a program, in order to solve a problem. To program a computer, you need to know how programs are constructed.

  • Selection in programming

    When designing programs, there are often points where a decision must be made. This decision is known as selection, and is implemented in programming using IF statements.

  • Iteration in programming

    When designing programs, there may be some instructions that need repeating. This is known as iteration, and is implemented in programming using FOR and WHILE statements.

  • Boolean logic

    When designing programs, there are often points where a condition needs to be tested in order to make a decision. Conditions are formed using Boolean logic.

  • Arrays and lists

    When writing programs, it is useful to use arrays and lists as they simplify programs by storing related data under one name.

  • Procedures and functions

    When writing programs, we should avoid long, repetitive code. Procedures and functions help to keep our programs simple and short.

  • Writing error-free code

    When writing programs, code should be as legible and error free as possible. Debugging helps keep code free of errors and documenting helps keep code clear enough to read.

Data representation

  • Binary

    Computers use binary to process data. There are simple techniques to convert between binary and denary and to add two binary numbers together.

  • Representing text, images and sound

    Learn how text, images and sound are converted into binary so they can be processed by a computer and how images and sound are compressed to create smaller files.

Hardware and software

  • Digital devices

    Computers exist in many digital devices that we use on a day-to-day basis. Digital devices may be input, output or storage devices. On a basic level, they all operate through the use of logic gates.

  • Software

    Software is the programs that are run on computer hardware. There are two different types of software: systems software and applications software.

  • The CPU and the fetch-execute cycle

    Learn about what the central processing unit is, its three main components, the factors that influence the CPU’s speed, and the fetch-execute cycle.

  • Introduction to networks

    The two main types of network are wide area networks and local area networks. Learn what these are, and the benefits and problems of using them.

Internet communication

  • Internet and communication

    As a society we need to communicate and share. The internet allows us to communicate and share information in a matter of seconds.

  • Search engines

    The internet contains billions of pages of information. You use search engines to help you filter through the pages to find the information you need.

Safety and responsibility

  • Online safety

    The internet is a fantastic tool and resource. By taking simple precautions, online dangers can largely be avoided and we can stay safe while online.

  • Bias and reliability

    We use the internet to find information. However, finding information that is reliable and free of bias is as important as finding the information itself.

  • The law and ethics

    Computer-related laws exist to protect users. By being aware of the laws we can stay safe whilst online.
