Identity, lifestyle and culture

Local, national, international and global

  • My house

    Can you describe your house, rooms, surroundings, furniture and equipment?

  • My area

    Can you describe the facilities, advantages, disadvantages and problems in a variety of areas?

  • Helping others & social issues

    Helping others is something that we should do every day. Discover different ways of describing helpful actions using a variety of tenses and core vocabulary.

  • The environment

    Can you discuss environmental factors and recycling?

  • Health and lifestyle

    Can you talk about how to keep safe and healthy?

  • The body, feelings and illnesses

    Can you name body parts, describe how you feel and explain everyday illnesses?

  • The weather

    Can you recognise a range of weather related scenarios?

  • Counties and countries

    Can you recognise and use the names of counties, countries and nationalities?

  • Travel, tourism and accomodation

    Can you talk about your holiday experiences - near or far?

  • Directions and transportation

    Familiarise yourself with different modes of transport and learn how to give clear directions.

  • Food and drink

    Whether you're at home, in a restaurant or at the shops, learn how to discuss a variety of food and drinks.

  • The Gaeltacht

    A Gaeltacht is an area where the local people mostly speak in Irish, students visit these areas to improve their language skills.

School life, studies and work


  • Past tense

    Learn how to put verbs into the past tense.

  • Present tense

    The present tense describes an event which is currently taking place or a state that currently exists.

  • Future tense

    Learn how to put verbs into the future tense.

  • Prepositions

    A preposition is a word that tells you where or when something is in relation to something else. Examples of prepositions include words like after, before, on, under, inside and outside.

  • Verbal nouns

    A verbal noun is a noun that is derived from a verb, usually by adding the suffix 'ing' in English.

  • Question forms

    The ability to ask questions is useful for your oral exam where you will ask and answer questions.