
Can a computer think for itself?

We can use computers and other digital devices to do lots of different things. We can send messages, go shopping, watch a video or play a game.

Many of the machines and devices we use every day have a computer inside them. They are called digital devices.

Although a computer can do lots of clever things, it can't think for itself like we can. We have to give it a list of rules and instructions so that it knows what to do.

We call a list of instructions an algorithm.

The list of instructions we give to a computer is called a computer program. It is a special type of algorithm that a computer can understand.

The program tells your computer or digital device what to do.

Computers have a memory where they store all the programs that we give them.

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What is code?

Computers can't understand everyday words like we can. We have to write the computer program using a computer language, or code.

Code can be written using:

  • symbols
  • words
  • numbers

Sometimes writing a computer program is called coding.

It is important that the program has no mistakes and all the instructions are in the right order.

Here are some computer programs written using different types of code.

Written code in a series of blocks
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Code written with words
Code written in symbols for a computer game
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Code using symbols
Illustration showing code written using words and numbers
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Code using words and numbers
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An illustrated character watching her parent programming 540

Who writes the programs?

The computers and digital devices we use every day have a set of programs to make them work.

These programs are made by people called computer programmers. Sometimes they are called coders.

An illustrated character watching her parent programming 540

We can learn to write our own computer programs. There are coding languages that are easy for beginners to use.

We can write a program to make a mouse move around the screen, or play a squeak sound when we click it.

What will you make happen with your computer program?

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Watch: What is coding?

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Here are the meanings of some important words:

Computer – A device that can follow instructions stored in its memory.
Digital device – A machine that has a computer inside.
Code – A language that a computer can understand.
Computer programmer – Someone whose job it is to write computer programs.
Program – A list of instructions a computer can understand.
Memory – The place in a computer where information is stored.

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