Acclaimed documentarian Mark Cousins moves into fiction with this intriguing musical film, perhaps best described as a city symphony. Stockholm My Love follows the footsteps of Alva Achebe (Neneh Cherry), a Swedish architect fascinated by the way buildings influence lives, but haunted by a tragic event in her past.
One year ago, Alva was involved in a car accident, and ever since, her trauma has held her hostage in her daily life. On the anniversary of this shocking event she’s at breaking point and can’t face the day ahead, so tries to get lost in the historic city of Stockholm. But her wanderings only draw her back towards her past, and the site of her tragedy. There she starts to take her first hesitant steps towards recovery.
Neneh Cherry
Mark Cousins
Anita Oxburgh, Mary Bell, Adam Dawtrey
Mark Cousins, Anita Oxburgh
Executive Producers:
Lizette Jonjic, Lisa Widen, Nichola Martin, Mark Thomas
Credits summary:
Creative Scotland, Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Films and Film Capital Stockholm via Filmregion Stockholm-Malardalen present in association with Swedish Television a MIGMA and BOFA production supported by the Swedish Film Institute film commissioner Baker Karim
Running time:
88 mins
16 June 2017