Running order: add your contributors

Keeping track of who was in your programme is crucial to any production. How do you do this in Proteus?

Although you put some details of contributors into your content item title, for rights, payment and archive purposes, the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ needs to know exactly who was in each item and what they did.

In this video we show you how to enter this information accurately.

Find out more about running orders in our quick guide.


So now you've got the skeleton of your programme in place. We'll start with contributors. Although you put some details of contributors into your content item title, for rights payment and archive purposes we need to know exactly who was in each item and what they did. So to the right hand side of each content item, you'll see an icon that looks like a little writing pad. And if you click on this item, you'll see the last tab says contributors. If you click on this tab, you see little add box on the left hand side.

So in the Red Wine Diet, my contributor is Caroline Keegan. I've had to add her as a new person as she's not in the contributor database. Click on Create Person. So remember to give her keywords so that we can easily identify her if anybody uses her again in future programmes. And she's appeared in the box at the bottom there and she's the only contributor in this item, so I can just click on use selection and give some detail about her role.

If you're not quite sure how to describe her role in your piece, it wouldn't do to select this one contributor and there's not enough detail there. So here I'm going to put interviewee. As I know she doesn't require any further payment, I can confidently tick this box here, all rights.

Don't worry about character played or duration of contribution, that's not relevant here. You might want to put details of character played for dramas, though. So if I click on done, you'll see that she's appeared within the item under item contributors and if you click on the cast list on the right hand side, you'll see she's also been included there.

I'll now add Bradley Cooper and Liz Hurley to my luxury bootcamp feature, plus I'm going to add the name of the reporter Adrian Childs and two other interviews featured - resort manager Shaaban Shah and the head chef Carly Elton. I've not been specific here about where Shaaban or Andy work. I've given them general keywords in case they move jobs in the future. So I've searched for all of them before giving them any roles. And now they're all in place under your current selection on the screen here.

What I'm going to do is I'm going to click Use Selection, and then I'm going to give a bit more detail as to what they did. So now you'll be able to see all of that cast under the feature from Abu Dhabi Diamond Retreats Bar, all the item contributors are there with what they did. Handily, when I come to add Bradley Cooper to my archive Hangover clip, I can find him directly in cast list. So I can just drag him over into the film clip and it just asks about his role. His role here will be acting and the rights agreement type will be Equity. Under notes, I can give any detail of how many uses we're allowed and who hold the rights and who cleared the clip.

Occasionally, you might get to use a film clip under fair dealing, and it's worth noting that if the film clip is covered under the fair dealing exception clause, write 'Fair Dealing - no fee due only if clip is re-used in the same context' in the notes field and then tick the all rights box. This saves somebody just seeing this film clip, thinking oh, it was cleared once and just re- 1 using it in a completely different context when we ought to have paid.

So my final item, Davina McCall, has two roles. She's a reporter, but is also dancing in the piece. So I'm going to put her in, attribute her role as reporter and then offer her an additional role and I'll show you how to do that. So I'll click on the notepad icon here. Contributors and add and find have been cool. Click on the box next to her and then use selection. When it comes to roles, her first role is as a reporter. I can click on all rights there because she doesn't require any further payment. And then to add an additional role, there's a tab here in the top right hand side, additional role for this person. If I click that, under miscellaneous you can see were offered the option of dancer. So I'll type in dancer and all right once again and then we're done. You can see at the bottom there she appears twice, once as a reporter and once as a dancer.

If for some reason you want to delete a contributor, you just hold a cursor over the name and you'll see a little red circle appear and clicking this will delete the entry. So that's contributors all done. Only music left now.

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