Selling the Story

What can other creatives and storytellers learn from the worlds of Advertising and Marketing when approaching climate storytelling? What’s the role of aspiration and how we define it? And, how are audiences more than consumers?

Watch 'Climate Creatives 2023: Selling the Story'

Hosted by:

Gaby Hornsby

Gaby Hornsby

Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ TV Lead for Sustainability


  • John Marshall

    John Marshall

    Founder and CEO of Potential Energy Coalition
  • Jon Alexander

    Jon Alexander

    Author, Co-Founder of the New Citizenship Project
  • Lisa Merrick-Lawless

    Lisa Merrick-Lawless

    Co-Founder of Purpose Disruptors
  • Sunita Ramani

    Sunita Ramani

    Account Manager at Greenhouse Communications

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